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Landmarks Class Blogmeister

Landmarks Class Blogmeister

Private Label - K-12 Education Why choose Wikispaces Campus? Easy to set up It all starts with a no-obligation, full-featured, 30-day trial. Right away, you can set up integration with many popular systems, including Blackboard, Google Apps, Moodle, and Sakai. You can even enable multiple authentication options to essentially automate user management. Easy to use With the push of a button, you can start creating new wikis. Easy to manage As site activity picks up, you can return to your administrative dashboard to manage all your wikis and users, and to update your site-wide settings., Oracle Education Foundation, Projects | Competition | Library

Getting Over Student Learning Styles Theory December 6, 2012 By: Larry D. Spence, PhD in Learning Styles There is a landfill of studies—more than 3,000 articles and 600 books. If you Google “learning styles” you will get 9.7 million hits in 0.16 seconds. The periodic critiques of the research make the same points. 1) We don’t know what learning styles are. But I did find some jewels buried in the landfill. We haven’t figured out how to deal with this diversity in learning. To paraphrase artificial intelligence pioneer Marvin Minsky, there is no such thing as a typical student because each brain contains many different kinds and combinations of resources. For example: Some students do well by starting with abstractions and working down to the concrete details. Is there a way to cope with this bewildering array of learning options? Muska Mosston once differentiated teaching types by who made the learning decisions—teacher or student. A bit surprised, I ended up leaving the landfill hopeful. Recent Trackbacks Education | Annotary

The Teaching Professor Newsletter Timely, practical advice for today’s college faculty In 1987 The Teaching Professor was founded with a simple goal in mind: create a newsletter that helps college faculty improve their teaching, share best practices, and stay current on the latest pedagogical challenges and trends. Since that time The Teaching Professor has become a trusted source for tens of thousands of educators who are committed to creating a better learning environment. Each issue delivers thought-provoking and actionable advice on a wealth of critical topics, including: Student-centered learningOvercoming student apathyEnergizing and re-inspiring yourself in mid-careerIntegrating new technologyResponding to course evaluations and feedbackDealing with difficult studentsGetting students to read what’s assignedMentoring new and adjunct facultyImproving the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning The Teaching Professor | Sample Issue by FacultyFocus “It is valued by our faculty.” “The Teaching Professor is great!

Applying the Seven Principles for Good Practice to the Online Classroom Almost 25 years have passed since Chickering and Gamson offered seven principles for good instructional practices in undergraduate education. While the state of undergraduate education has evolved to some degree over that time, I think the seven principles still have a place in today’s collegiate classroom. Originally written to communicate best practices for face-to-face instruction, the principles translate well to the online classroom and can help to provide guidance for those of us designing courses to be taught online. 1. Encourage contact between students and faculty. Students need to know how to contact their online instructors and should be encouraged to communicate with us when needed. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Remembering Bloomin' Apps This page gathers all of the Bloomin' Apps projects in one place.Each image has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Android, Google and online tools and applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.I have created a page to allow you to share your favorite online tool, iOS, or Android app with others. Cogs of the Cognitive Processes I began to think about the triangular shape of Bloom's Taxonomy and realized I thought of it a bit differently.Since the cognitive processes are meant to be used when necessary, and any learner goes in and out of the each level as they acquire new content and turn it into knowledge, I created a different type of image that showcased my thoughts about Bloom's more meaningfully.Here is my visual which showcases the interlocking nature of the cognitive processes or, simply, the "Cogs of the Cognitive Processes". IPAD APPS TO SUPPORT BLOOM'S REVISED TAXONOMYassembled by Kathy Schrock​ Bloom's and SAMR: My thoughts

Theory and Practice of Onlilne Learning Second Edition Awarded the Charles A. Wedemeyer Award by the University Continuing Education Association. The Charles A. Wedemeyer Award recognizes publications of merit that make significant contributions to research in the field of distance education. Athabasca University Press is pleased to announce the publication of the 2nd edition of the Theory and Practice of Online Learning at edited by Terry Anderson. This 2nd edition and its individual chapters continue to be freely available online under a Creative Commons license. The second edition is now available through AU Press. The second edition features updates on all chapters from the first edition and the addition of 4 new chapters (on Mobile Learning, Social Software, Distance Education Philosophy and Financial Decision Making). close window

The original learning model The Wikiversity learning model This page explores the Wikiversity learning (or "e-learning") model, a general approach to learning at Wikiversity. You are also invited to join the reading and discussion group about this model. The Wikiversity model[edit] The goal of some Wikiversity participants is to create a vast collection of learning materials to be downloaded and used in physical schools and for self-study. For other participants the goal is to evaluate and provide feedback for students and teachers on how various educational resources fulfill their needs. At Wikiversity educational resources are called "learning resources" and are roughly divided into learning projects and learning materials. Learning projects[edit] Wikiversity attracts participation by developing exciting learning projects for people to engage in their interests. Lessons learned[edit] Wikipedia allows anyone to create articles for rapid development of an encyclopedia. The student experience[edit] Learning models[edit]

National College for Teaching and Leadership A Printable Guide to Social Media [#Infographic] Cram a dozen educators into a conference room and ask them to name the most popular social media tools used by students, and it’s a safe bet everybody at the table could rattle off the top two: Facebook and Twitter. But those are far from the only online applications making inroads in schools. As administrators warm to engaging students through social media, the list of potential resources at their disposal grows longer by the day. Facebook and Twitter are the obvious choices. But there are other options — Tumblr, the online blog tool, for instance; YouTube, which doesn’t always get the social credit it deserves; and Google+, the less popular but still-growing social network launched by the search engine giant as an alternative to Facebook, to name three. Of course, if naming the latest social media tools seems tough, learning how to use them all is harder still. Is there a social media application not listed here that you’d like to learn more about?

Inquiry Activities for Schools | PATHWAY: The Pathway to Inquiry Based Science Teaching The school constitutes the “epicentre” of formal comprehensive education. Most processes and educational models start there and revolve around the work carried out within its walls. Naturally, the same applies for activities involving the IBSE model, generally acknowledged as one of the most effective teaching approaches;2 the students start their acquaintance with inquiry-based learning at school, with the help of their teachers. Therefore, schoolbased work on the IBSE constitutes the cornerstone upon which any further activities can be built.
