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Mobilne gry miejskie, aplikacje mobilne iPhone i iPad - City Games Creator Votez pour la La Carte du Monde des Musiques interactive Retenu parmi les projets du dispositif La France s'engage, La Carte du Monde des Musiques interactive est un beau projet porté par Zebrock. Beau et fragile, notre monde bruisse de mille sonorités qui nous racontent de fabuleuses histoires musicales: elles se font l'écho d'une des plus belles activités des hommes, la musique, qui nous invite à vivre dans un monde en paix, un monde préservé. Accessible par tous, partout, la Carte du Monde des Musiques interactive permettra de découvrir les musiques du monde entier, inscrites dans leurs contextes historique, géographique, culturel, social et technologique. Conçue par Zebrock et réalisée par François Bensignor, journaliste parmi les plus spécialisés et par Anaïs Bellot, talentueuse jeune graphiste installée en Arles, la Carte du Monde des Musiques est aujourd'hui un magnifique poster-planisphère. Soumise au vote des internautes sur le site www.lafrancesengage, le projet n'attend que votre clic pour aboutir.

Théâtre sans animaux walkingtools Great Black Music - Les musiques noires dans le monde Games for people who don't play games - The Space Games can be scary – they can feel impenetrable, and like they’re all about shooting things and using controllers that look incomprehensible. It’s OK to feel that, but also, there are people making games that don’t feel like that. There’s a difference between CATS and a small piece of contemporary theatre, or independent film and Hollywood, and in the same way there’s a part of the medium ‘games’ that are producing beautiful, artistic experiences. This is a list of ten games for people in the arts who wouldn’t put their hand up when asked "do you play games?" It is art, and it’s shifting the aesthetics of our world. 🗻 Mountain 🗻 from David OReilly on Vimeo.Available for Mac PC Linux + iOSDavid O'Reilly$1 or more You don’t really ‘play’ Mountain, it’s more like the equivalent of a beautiful digital desk toy. Kentucky Route ZeroAvailable for PC, Mac and LinuxCardboard Computer$25 or £18 for all five acts (two are yet to be released) Not all of the new movements in games are digital.

History in Motion home The Best Way to Make Arcade Games - Construct 3 Create Your Games Arcade games are the bread and butter of online gaming. It's never been easier to create your own arcade games with Construct. Brimming with features designed to make it a breeze, and brimming with technology to make your games run as smooth as butter. There Is No Game Played millions of times, this is an amazing example of an insanely popular arcade game! Play now in the Arcade We can't show you too many screenshots, as it'll spoil the fun! Some stylish pixel art and highly contrasting level designs give There Is No Game a memorable look and feel.
