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The White House

The White House
Opening the Doors to the White House President Obama is committed to making this the most open and participatory administration in history. Learn How You Can Participate White House Petitions A new way to petition the Obama Administration to take action on a range of important issues. Visit We the People White House Social Media Explore all the ways you can engage with the White House online and see our most recent updates.Visit the Hub Support for Our Heroes Joining Forces is dedicated to connecting our servicemen and women, veterans and military spouses with the resources they need to find jobs at home. Learn More Let's Move! America's movement to raise a healthier generation of kids. Let's Move Together Related:

EXCLUSIVE: caught freezing vaccine choice petition to prevent signatures from reaching 100,000 threshold (NaturalNews) A petition calling for the prohibition of laws requiring mandatory vaccines has been throttled by the White House, buried from public view and finally frozen for over 36 hours to prevent the petition from achieving 100,000 signatures, Natural News can now reveal. The petition, which was rapidly headed toward the 100,000 signatures needed to trigger a response from the White House, was frozen mid-day Friday and has remained stuck at 56,791 signatures for over 36 hours. The petition is titled "PROHIBIT ANY LAWS MANDATING THE FORCE AND REQUIREMENT OF VACCINATIONS OF ANY KIND." It can be found at this link. The petition reads: No human being should be FORCED to be vaccinated against their will and/or personal/religious beliefs. The petition still allows people to sign it, and it still sends a confirmation email that claims your signature counts. But in reality, your signature doesn't count at all, and the signatures number on the petition page stays frozen: Dr.

Opinions from the U.S. Supreme Court What's New The Chief Justice’s 2013 Year-End Report. A new exhibition, Capturing Justice: Judicial Portraits by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, has been installed on the ground floor. The Court has adopted a revised version of the Rules of the Court to take effect July 1, 2013. Members of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the U. S. should inform the Court immediately of any address, name or other status changes by forwarding a letter that includes counsel’s name and date-of-birth to: Clerk, Supreme Court of the U. Healthy News and Information by PAUL FASSA “Sprouted” garlic — old garlic bulbs with bright green shoots sprouting from their cloves —is commonly thought to be past its prime and routinely gets tossed into the garbage bin without a second thought. While some old sprouted foods can actually be dangerous because they release toxic chemicals which can harm the body, that’s not the case with sprouted garlic – on the contrary. In fact, a study funded by Korea’s Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology, which was recently published in the ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that sprouted garlic has even more antioxidant activity than its younger, fresher brethren. According to Dr. • Effective against drug-resistant bacteria • Reduces risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke • Helps normalize your cholesterol and blood pressure • Protects against cancer, including brain, lung, and prostate cancer • Reduces risk of osteoarthritis Image: flickr/ccharmon Share: Comments comments

Journal of the U.S. Supreme Court What's New The Chief Justice’s 2013 Year-End Report. A new exhibition, Capturing Justice: Judicial Portraits by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, has been installed on the ground floor. The Court has adopted a revised version of the Rules of the Court to take effect July 1, 2013. Members of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the U. Clerk, Supreme Court of the U.

If Only GMO Farmers Would Adopt This Man’s Plan for Going Organic (And Boosting Profits Too) The explosion of organic food sales has left many people with one important question: where exactly is all this new food coming from, anyway? Short of deceiving customers, it seems that GMO farmers are going to have a lot of extra product laying around in the coming years if consumers continue to shun their crops. [Read: How the UN Says Organic Farming Can Feed the World] A lot of companies are in fact sourcing organic ingredients from overseas, but eventually, more U.S. farmers are going to be forced to make the switch. Permaculture expert Nicholas Burtner of the YouTube channel School of Permaculture (check them out here) presents his plan for how GMO farmers can make the change in the video below (and how local people can help, too), please watch and share!

Recreation Pedal-powered Raht Racer cycle can travel as fast as a car If you love biking to work, but wish you could get there a bit faster, then the Raht Racer is just the cycle for you. This hybrid vehicle amplifies pedal power to enable cyclists to travel at car speeds while still getting a workout, and it has a roof to keep you dry in wet weather. The Raht Racer’s hybrid flywheel generator multiplies the pedal power of the driver so that the vehicle can hit a top speed of 100 miles per hour! The three-wheeled Raht Racer features a composite body with room for everything the daily commuter needs, such as a laptop, a bag and lunch. The Raht Racer is the perfect vehicle for people who want to bike to work but who live too far away from the office. Related: Derringer Cycles: Hybrid Bikes Modeled After 1920’s Racers “Safer than a motorcycle, or bicycle on a busy street, the Raht has an integrated roll cage, reinforced carbon fiber body and automotive safety features like headlights, tail lights, seat belts & air bag,” says the vehicle’s website.

Documentary Film Projects What’s the Real Cause of Heart Attacks? By Thomas S. Cowan, MD In a previous article in this journal ("What Causes Heart Attacks," Fall 2007), I presented the case that the spectrum of heart disease, which includes angina, unstable angina, and myocardial infarction (heart attack), is better understood from the perspective of events happening in the myocardium (heart) as opposed to events happening in the coronary arteries (the arteries that supply the heart).As we all know, the conventional view holds that the central event of heart disease occurs in the arteries, with the buildup of blockage called plaque.In this follow-up article I will go into more detail about the conventional theory and why it is largely misleading; then I will describe the precise and well documented events that do lead to MIs (myocardial infarctions or heart attacks). Rebuttal of Conventional Theory Meet the Unstable Plaque The Etiology of Myocardial Ischemia Heart Rate Variability How Heart Attacks Occur Nourishing the Parasympathetic Nervous System Dr.

Projects Se desmonta el bluf: Hacienda podría devolver 150.000 euros a Monedero tras su declaración adicional El Sindicato de Técnicos de Hacienda (Gestha) no descarta que Hacienda termine devolviendo hasta 150.000 euros al número tres de 'Podemos', Juan Carlos Monedero, tras la declaración complementaria que éste ha presentado por los 425.000 euros que cobró en 2013 por supuestos trabajos para Gobiernos latinoamericanos. Así lo señaló en declaraciones el secretario general de Gestha, José María Mollinedo, quien explicó que esta posible devolución a Monedero “no es automática” y sólo podría producirse una vez concluya la investigación fiscal abierta y se analice el contrato. El requisito principal para que se concrete la devolución es que se comprobase que los trabajos que este dirigente de 'Podemos' dice haber realizado para Gobiernos latinoamericanos se hubiesen llevado a cabo durante un período de más de dos años y se cumpliese con los requisitos establecidos en estos casos. "Alternativa prudente"

The Year Off I decided to make an effort of self improvement throught this year, and learning new things, as well as improving my linguistic skills is a great way. An academic education should be achieved through a real university or college, however, sometimes we wish to broaden our knowledge without obligating much time and money. For that matter I bunched up a few great links of great websites around the web which provide a free education services. And no, there is no catch in these links, no free trial program. The founders of the next projects want higher education to be availavle for free around the web. Some websites contain real academic courses whereas others provide highschool level content, as will be stated. edX Founded by MIT, edX is a comprehensive source of academic knowledge from the whole spectrum of diciplines. Saylor provides much academic courses as well as assistance with enrolling into college. Coursera

Why Tesla's battery for your home should terrify utilities Earlier this week, during a disappointing Tesla earnings call, Elon Musk mentioned in passing that he’d be producing a stationary battery for powering the home in the next few months. It sounded like a throwaway side project from someone who’s never seen a side project he doesn’t like. But it’s a very smart move, and one that’s more central to Musk’s ambitions than it might seem. To understand why, it helps to look not at Tesla, but at SolarCity, a company chaired by Musk and run by his cousin Lyndon Rive. When you have a lot of solar, you need a lot of batteries Fueled by financing systems like SolarCity’s, government subsidies, and a rapid drop in the price of photovoltaics, solar has been growing fast. That’s part of the reason that California, with one of the most aggressive renewable energy mandates in the country, recently declared the most aggressive energy storage mandate as well, with a goal of 1.3 gigawatts of storage by 2020. Forecast storage market from GTM Research.

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