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CSS Differences in Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 Smashing Magazine

CSS Differences in Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 Smashing Magazine
Advertisement One of the most bizarre statistical facts in relation to browser use has to be the virtual widespread numbers that currently exist in the use of Internet Explorer versions 6, 7 and 8. As of this writing, Internet Explorer holds about a 65% market share combined across all their currently used browsers. In the web development community, this number is much lower, showing about a 40% share. The interesting part of those statistics is that the numbers across IE6, IE7, and IE8 are very close, preventing a single Microsoft browser from dominating browser stats — contrary to what has been the trend in the past. Due to these unfortunate statistics, it is imperative that developers do thorough testing in all currently-used Internet Explorer browsers when working on websites for clients, and on personal projects that target a broader audience. This article does not discuss: Any item that is not supported by any of the three browser versionsProprietary or vendor-specific CSS Example Bugs

Heroes never die, they just reload Free CSS Drop-Down Menu Framework - LWIS.NET Description Free CSS Drop-Down Menu Framework was first released back in June, 2008. Since then it has struck the audiences with its perfect cross browser performance and wide variety of drop-down menu transformations and themes. As the internet changes this project remains a steady advocate of purely CSS driven solutions. Modular, with themes. Not only HTML is separated from CSS, but even CSS definitions are categorized into structural and thematic types. Frequently Asked Questions Q.Why are you using CSS property visibility and not display in order to reveal and hide drop-down menus? In my tests some versions of IE7 did not handle display property correctly. Now you will be able to manipulate your drop-downs with JavaScript (use animations, etc.). Q.How do I center the menu horizontally? There is no reliable cross browser solution to center those floating menu items. Please refer to the two available demo templates illustrating horizontal menu centering - and Adobe themes. Q. A.

| , | Если вкратце, то суть такова: в России работают на результат, в Зеландии на процесс. Огромную разницу между этими двумя подходами я почувствовал на себе, устроившись в небольшую, но активно развивающуюся веб-компанию Время было кризисное, с работой не очень хорошо, поэтому сразу меня на постоянную позицию не взяли. Одно из важнейших здесь понятий — уверенность в завтрашнем дне. Как-то так получается, что с детства гражданам вбивают в головы — нет ничего хуже нестабильности. Недобросовестного Афоню очень сложно выгнать. Всех этих сложностей можно избежать, если Афоню сократить, официально удалив его должность из реестра. Закончив отступление, подчеркну, что постоянная работа — это стабильность и не больше 10% зарплатного прироста в год. В Новой Зеландии тема денег — табу. Общая практика такова, что даже в крупных компаниях вроде Телекома два человека, занимающих одну позицию, могут получать по-разному. Деньги не должны и не могут быть стимулом, как считают киви.

960 Grid System amp;mdash; What problems does Google Wavesolve? There are countless pundits and other tech gurus describing Google Wave as a disappointment, lately. Most of that seems to come from the fact that nobody seems to get what Wave is for. So they compare it to social media. Is Wave the next Twitter? Nope. Is it the next Facebook? I believe this is partly Google’s fault: they released Wave to geeks and hackers and social media folks first. At Woobius, we’ve been working at resolving the problems with email for some time. What’s the problem with email, anyway? To most geeks, the main problem with email is spam. But then again, most geeks don’t do all that much document-based collaboration, by email or otherwise. In your average corporate environment, though, this happens all the time. So what are the problems with email in a corporate environment, and what does Wave do to address them? Problem 1: Collaborating on a piece of text Google Wave resolves that by effectively integrating Etherpad’s features into the email client. Conclusion

11 iPhone apps esenciales para diseñadores Si sois diseñadores y tenéis un iPhone, muchas veces habréis pensado que aplicaciones son las mejores para diseño y desarrollo web. Para no tener que irlas buscando por App Store, aquí os mostramos una excelente recopilación de aplicaciones para iPhone sobre diseño web y desarrollo que ayudará a más de uno y le ahorrará tiempo: 1. Loupe 2. Typography Manual 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Igual que os presentamos una recopilación de referencias CSS, aquí tenéis la aplicación para iPhone. 8. 9. 10. 11. Vía | Designer-Daily

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10 Best CSS Practices to Improve Your Code It’s really easy to find yourself wondering how your CSS got to be such a mess. Sometimes it’s the result of sloppy coding from the start, sometimes it’s because of multiple hacks and changes over time. Whatever the cause, it doesn’t have to be that way. Writing clean, super-manageable CSS is simple when you start off on the right foot and make your code easier to maintain and edit later on. Here are 11 tips for speeding up the process, writing CSS that is slimmer, faster and less likely to give you a headache. 1. Just like anything else, it pays to keep yourself organized. It will help you keep the cascading part of CSS in mind and sets your style sheet up to take advantage of style inheritance. Declare your most generic items first, then the not-so-generic and so on. Use a structure that works best for you while keeping future edits and other developers in mind. Resets and overridesLinks and typeMain layoutSecondary layout structuresForm elementsMiscellaneous 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. This: 7. 8. 9.
