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(GRUCHOCIAK emilie) Experience the Haiti earthquake as a survivor, aid worker, or journalist

(GRUCHOCIAK emilie) Experience the Haiti earthquake as a survivor, aid worker, or journalist
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Programme alimentaire US Pascaline What Is a Volcano? : Twig Volcanoes are our most explosive landforms. Able to eject molten rock, and clouds of thick ash, high into the atmosphere... With devastating consequences. Volcanoes mostly occur along destructive and constructive plate boundaries, where plates are pushed together or dragged apart. Destructive or constructive boundaries Cracks or weaknesses allow magma to rise up from below the Earth's crust. Pressure builds up, which then releases suddenly, causing the magma to explode – a volcanic eruption. Magma that reaches the Earth's surface is called lava. Lava This molten lava eventually cools to form new rock. After more eruptions over time, the mound of rock builds up, forming a cone-shaped volcano. Volcanoes all have the same key structure... A collection of magma underneath the volcano forms a hot, bubbling furnace, called the magma chamber. Magma Chamber The main vent allows this magma to escape. Main Vent And secondary vents... are smaller outlets the magma can travel through. Secondary Vents Crater

Lucie exploration fonds marins/ énergies renouvelables Jeu sérieux Seatcher - Jeux sérieux - Innover avec le numérique - DANE Nice Détails Mis à jour : 23 avril 2013 Démonstrateur Seatcher : Serious Games pour les sciences expérimentales Seatcher permettra de faciliter l’appropriation des connaissances des élèves de collège et de lycée par une approche ludique du monde marin et subaquatique. Ce simulateur ludique utilisera les technologies des jeux vidéo 3D et les interfaces (type wii mote ou kinect pour gratter le fond et faire un prélèvement) pour l’enseignement : · De l’environnement sous-marin dans un but de sensibilisation et de préservation (développement durable): découverte de l’environnement sous-marin ; faune, flore et géologie ; · Des sciences et techniques du monde marin et sous-marin : navires, sous-marins, robots : appréhender par la commande d’un mobile sous-marin des notions de physiques : sur l’eau, la matière, la mécanique, l’énergie avec une application en sciences physiques en technologique et dans les enseignements technologiques et professionnels ; Principes de fonctionnement Scénarios

Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization audio et texte en anglais sur le tabac (laura et philippe) Tobacco by Claire Powell and Dave Collett What’s in a cigarette? What’s in a puff? Tobacco smoke contains about 4,000 chemicals. Some of which are harmful, others deadly. Tar Tar, a mixture of chemicals such as formaldehyde, arsenic and cyanide, can cause serious lung diseases. Nicotine Many people are unaware that nicotine is more addictive than heroine. Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas formed when a cigarette is lit. From seed to smoke What do tomatoes and tobacco have in common? Seeds and fertiliser are often provided by British American Tobacco. Harvest In most countries harvesting is done by hand. Curing There are four main methods. Air-cured tobacco is hung in unheated, ventilated barns until the tobacco dries and the tobacco leaf becomes a light to medium brown colour. Flue-cured tobacco is made when heat is introduced into a barn through pipes from a furnace outside. Sun-cured tobacco leaves are hung out on racks and exposed to the sun’s rays. Processing Manufacturing

The Mystery Casebook - Cryptids, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabra, Sea Monsters, Aliens, UFO News, Mysterious Places, Photos, Video Serious games - * ça bouge en svt ! * (GRUCHOCIAK Emilie) A chaque période de vacances , je rajouterai ici de nouveaux jeux pour vous détendre tout en apprenant. Jeu pour apprendre à faire les bons choix en matière de consommation d'énergie (14-18 ans) : 2020 Energy ! Jeu pour mieux connaître le virus de la grippe: Killer-flu ! Jeu pour comprendre les maladies infectieuses: Brise-buffet ! Jeu pour comprendre le fonctionnement de nos muscles : Voyage au centre du muscle! Jeu pour apprendre les gestes qui sauvent : Staying alive! Site avec plusieurs jeux sur les sciences : Science en jeu! Jeu pour connaître les effets nefastes des drogues : Xpérimentations! Jeu pour apprendre à cultiver le blé tout en respectant la biodiversité : Les Harmonyculteurs! Jeu pour découvrir l'exceptionnelle richesse d'un patrimoine naturel qu'il faut continuer à préserver: Brigade nature! Jeu pour mieux connaître le Gorille et pour apprendre à le protéger puisqu'il est en voie de disparition: GorillaGorilla!

Nessie on the Net! The Ultimate Loch Ness Monster Live Cam, Scotland 1ère ES/L : Food Preservation Methods: Canning, Freezing, and Drying (Nico&Camille) You can preserve foods inexpensively by using canning, freezing, or drying techniques. Modern-day food preservation methods, such as water-bath canning, help you can and preserve with ease. After you understand the basic procedures for a food preservation method, you'll just need to concentrate on preparing your recipe. About canning food Canning is the process of applying heat to food that’s sealed in a jar in order to destroy any microorganisms that can cause food spoilage. Although you may hear of many canning methods, only two are approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Water-bath canning: This method, sometimes referred to as hot water canning, uses a large kettle of boiling water. Don’t confuse a pressure canner with a pressure cooker, which is used to cook food quickly. Older canning methods are unreliable and, for that reason, aren’t used or recommended today for home-canning. About freezing food Here are three things to help you avoid freezer burn:

The Jersey Devil The Jersey Devil, the supposed mythical creature of the New Jersey Pinelands, has haunted New Jersey and the surrounding areas for the past 260 years. This entity has been seen by over 2,000 witnesses over this period. It has terrorized towns and caused factories and schools to close down, yet many people believe that the Jersey Devil is a legend, a mythical beast, that originated from the folklore of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Others disagree with this point of view. The following text will show there is evidence to support the existence of an animal or supernatural bring known as the Jersey Devil. There are many different versions of the birth of the Jersey Devil. Another story placed the birth in Estelville, NJ. Burlington, NJ, also claims to be the birthplace of the Jersey Devil. There are many other versions of the legend. The first thing that ties the legends together is the name "Leeds". From the pre 1909 era, few documented records of sightings still exist. on them. Jack E.

Endurance exercise 'interferes with heart rhythm' Pascaline Athletes beware - endurance training may make it more likely that you will need a pacemaker, scientists believe. A British Heart Foundation team found exercise in mice triggers molecular changes in the part of the heart that generates its natural beating rhythm. This may explain why elite athletes have low resting heart rates and more risk of heart rhythm disturbances, they told Nature Communications. However, the benefits of exercising still outweigh any risks, experts say. Super-fit Endurance athletes are generally very fit. Yet, paradoxically, they are more likely to have heart rhythm disturbances, known as arrhythmias, especially as they get older - although the risk is still small. Experts have suspected that this is because long-term training for extreme endurance events such as marathons and triathlons slows the heartbeat down. Cyclists Sir Chris Hoy and Miguel Indurain reportedly had resting heart rates of 30 and 28 beats per minute. How to exercise
