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Big Five (psychologie) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Big Five. En psychologie, les Big Five sont cinq traits centraux de la personnalité empiriquement mis en évidence par Goldberg (1990). Ils constituent non une théorie mais un repère pour la description et l'étude théorique de la personnalité[1]. Il est parfois question du « modèle OCEAN » suivant les différentes dimensions du modèle[1]. Les Big Five ne classent pas les personnes en cinq catégories mais les évaluent cinq fois différemment : chacun d'entre elles est plus ou moins extraverti (E) ; et cela, sans préjuger si elles sont agréables ou non (A) ; et indépendamment de ces aspects relationnels, chacun d'entre elles est d'humeur plus ou moins égale (inverse du neuroticisme, N) ; et tout cela, sans préjuger de l'ouverture à la nouveauté, aux possibilités (O) ; et sans que tout ceci leur dise si elles sont consciencieuses ou non (C), qui est encore un autre aspect d'elles-mêmes[1].

biopsychology The Problem of Perception First published Tue Mar 8, 2005; substantive revision Fri Feb 4, 2011 Sense-perception—the awareness or apprehension of things by sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste—has long been a preoccupation of philosophers. One pervasive and traditional problem, sometimes called “the problem of perception”, is created by the phenomena of perceptual illusion and hallucination: if these kinds of error are possible, how can perception be what it intuitively seems to be, a direct and immediate access to reality? The present entry is about how these possibilities of error challenge the intelligibility of the phenomenon of perception, and how the major theories of perception in the last century are best understood as responses to this challenge. 1. 1.1 Introduction This entry will focus on a single, central problem of perception: how to reconcile some apparently obvious truths about our experience of the world with the possibility of certain kinds of perceptual error. 1.2 The Argument from Illusion 2.

Main index | Psychology Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia Games Movies TV Wikis My Account Start a Wiki Advertisement Assessment | Biopsychology | Comparative | Cognitive | Developmental | Language | Individual differences | Personality | Philosophy | Social |Methods | Statistics | Clinical | Educational | Industrial | Professional items | World psychology | Psychology:Debates · Journals · Psychologists This is the main index of this site. There are additional, more specialist, indexes for each of the main areas of psychology. An alphabetical list of all pages on the site is available here: Articles related to psychology (excluding psychologists - see list of psychologists) include: Edit 16 Personality Factors

ParadigmOfComplexity The last few decades have seen the emergence of a growing body of literature devoted to a critique of the so-called “old” or “Cartesian-Newtonian” paradigm which, in the wake of the prodigious successes of modern natural science, came to dominate the full range of authoritative intellectual discourse and its associated worldviews. Often coupled with a materialistic, and indeed atomistic, metaphysics, this paradigm has been guided by the methodological principle of reductionism. The critics of reductionism have tended to promote various forms of holism, a term which, perhaps more than any other, has served as the rallying cry for those who see themselves as creators of a “new paradigm.” At the forefront of such a challenge, and in many ways the herald of the new paradigm, is the relatively new movement of transpersonal psychology. In taking seriously such experiences, transpersonal theory has been compelled to transcend the disciplinary boundaries of mainstream psychology. C.

Experimental Eye Research The primary goal of Experimental Eye Research is to publish original research papers on all aspects of experimental biology of the eye and ocular tissues that seek to define the mechanisms of normal function and/or disease. Studies of ocular tissues that encompass the disciplines of cell biology, developmental... Read more The primary goal of Experimental Eye Research is to publish original research papers on all aspects of experimental biology of the eye and ocular tissues that seek to define the mechanisms of normal function and/or disease. Studies of ocular tissues that encompass the disciplines of cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, molecular biology, physiology, biochemistry, biophysics, immunology or microbiology are most welcomed. Most manuscripts published are original articles describing new research findings. The Journal also publishes review articles, short communications, letters-to-the-editor, and methods papers. Hide full Aims & Scope

Brain research shows psychopathic criminals do not lack empathy, but fail to use it automatically Criminal psychopathy can be both repulsive and fascinating, as illustrated by the vast number of books and movies inspired by this topic. Offenders diagnosed with psychopathy pose a significant threat to society, because they are more likely to harm other individuals and to do so again after being released. A brain imaging study in the Netherlands shows individuals with psychopathy have reduced empathy while witnessing the pains of others. When asked to empathize, however, they can activate their empathy. This could explain why psychopathic individuals can be callous and socially cunning at the same time. Why are psychopathic individuals more likely to hurt others? The Dutch judicial system, however, seems to be an exception. Next, the participants watched the same clips again. "In the third and final part, we performed similar hand interactions with the participants themselves, while they were lying in the scanner, having their brain activity measured", adds Meffert.

¿Crees que los museos son aburridos? Estos seguro que te dejan boquiabierto Existen dos tipos de personas en el mundo: aquellas que siempre que van de viaje visitan algún museo, o no tienen reparo en hacerlo, y aquellas otras que no pisarían uno ni a cambio de un cheque en blanco. Y es que mucha gente tiene una idea equivocada de estos centros: los cree lleno de antigüedades, turistas japoneses con cámaras de fotos y cuadros que no cabrían en su casa. En absoluto. Dentro de un museo hay mucho más, sobre todo si vas a uno de esos que, en lugar de atesorar obras de arte al uso, guardan en su interior verdaderas e insólitas piezas pensadas para sorprender a sus visitantes. También puede que no sepan que visitar estos lugares es sumamente beneficioso para nuestra salud, como apuntan algunos estudios. Sea de un modo un otro, lo cierto es que parecen ser mayoría los viajeros que sí que visitan los museos que encuentran a su paso. Museo de las piedras con parecidos razonables Sí, como lo lees. El museo de las tapas de inodoro (tranquilos, huele bien) El museo lunar

Switching between habitual and goal-directed actions—a 'two in one' system in our brain To unravel the circuit that underlies this capacity, the capacity to "break habits," was the goal of the study, carried out by Christina Gremel and Rui Costa, at NIAAA, National Institutes of Health, USA and the Champalimaud Foundation, in Portugal published in Nature Communications. "Pressing the button of the lift at your work place, or apartment building is an automatic action – a habit. You don't even really look at the different buttons; your hand is almost reaching out and pressing on its own. But what happens when you use the lift in a new place? To unravel the circuit that underlies this capacity, the capacity to "break habits", was the goal of this study, carried out by Christina Gremel and Rui Costa, at NIAAA, National Institutes of Health, USA and the Champalimaud Foundation, in Portugal, that is published today (Date) in Nature Communications. "We developed a task where mice would shift between making the same action in a goal-directed or habitual manner.

Modern Art Movement Timeline This French painting movement began when avant-garde artists including Cézanne, Renoir, and Manet scandalized the art world after being refused admission to the official art salon. Turning away from the stress on clarity of form and realistic rendering, the French Impressionists had an interest in how visual perception was based in fleeting optical impressions. They sought new ways to capture light and movement, atmosphere, and weather. movement-impressionism.htm Symbolism emerged in France led by artists that looked to add more personal meaning to their work. Considered part of Post-Impressionism, Symbolist artists, writers, and musicians emphasized mystical, romantic, and expressive themes as a means of escaping contemporary moralism, rationalism, and materialism. movement-symbolism.htm Emerging in Paris, Les Nabis was a cult-like group of Symbolist artists that wanted to reveal reality through the arts. movement-les-nabis.htm Maurice Denis movement-post-impressionism.htm André Derain

Study identifies brain circuits involved in learning and decision making (Medical Xpress)—Research from the National Institutes of Health has identified neural circuits in mice that are involved in the ability to learn and alter behaviors. The findings help to explain the brain processes that govern choice and the ability to adapt behavior based on the end results. Researchers think this might provide insight into patterns of compulsive behavior such as alcoholism and other addictions. "Much remains to be understood about exactly how the brain strikes the balance between learning a behavioral response that is consistently rewarded, versus retaining the flexibility to switch to a new, better response," said Kenneth R. The study, published online in Nature Neuroscience, indicates that specific circuits in the forebrain play a critical role in choice and adaptive learning. Like other addictions, alcoholism is a disease in which voluntary control of behavior progressively diminishes and unwanted actions eventually become compulsive.

London Review of Books · 21 September 2017 Brain circuits link obsessive-compulsive behavior and obesity What started as an experiment to probe brain circuits involved in compulsive behavior has revealed a surprising connection with obesity. The University of Iowa-led researchers bred mice missing a gene known to cause obesity, and suspected to also be involved in compulsive behavior, with a genetic mouse model of compulsive grooming. The unexpected result was offspring that were neither compulsive groomers nor obese. The study, published the week of June 10 in the online early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), suggests that the brain circuits that control obsessive-compulsive behavior are intertwined with circuits that control food intake and body weight. The findings have implications for treating compulsive behavior, which is associated with many forms of psychiatric disease, including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Tourette syndrome, and eating disorders. Pieper is interested in compulsive behavior.
