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The Design InspirationGo! Votre site doit-il supporter les anciens navigateurs web ? - Blog Tech Novaway Il y a quelques années, il était d'usage de télécharger manuellement la nouvelle version de votre navigateur de prédilection. Aujourd'hui, la plupart des navigateurs proposent une mise à jour automatique. Celle-ci permet de disposer des dernières avancées en termes de développement web. Cependant, il est important de garder à l’esprit que de nombreux utilisateurs disposent encore les anciennes versions de navigateurs. “En novembre 2018, l'usage d'Internet Explorer & Edge s'élevait à 7.3% du total des parts de marché des navigateurs web mondial" _W3C Global Web Stats Qu’est-ce que le support des navigateurs web ? Par "support du navigateur", on entend généralement qu’un site ou une web-app doivent pouvoir s'afficher et se comporter de façon identique peu importe le navigateur. Toutefois, il est n’est pas toujours possible d’avoir le même rendu sur les anciens navigateurs que sur les plus récents. Quels navigateurs mon site doit-il supporter ? Le support en Javascript Utilisation de Polyfill

10 Popular Trends in Newsletter Signup Forms The art of the newsletter signup form is one that you may interact with more often than you think. Email marketing is one of the best and most-used ways that brands interact with customers. And it all starts with a simple sign up. From pop ups to full-page forms, newsletter signups are everywhere. Many of us click through without consciously thinking about the design, but a well-designed form encourages that action in the first place. Some of the best-designed forms in the email signup landscape are from retailers, which are using emails to sell to customers directly. 1. Your signup form should do just one thing – ask for a user’s email address. This two-step process will give you more flexibility in the design and help create a reason to engage with users again a few days after the initial contact. 2. What’s actually going to make someone give you their email address? 3. More and more sites are displaying signup stats near or with the signup form and it’s a great idea. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Free VPN • 100% Free PPTP and OpenVPN Service Motion – Carbon Design System Carbon components have motion built in for microinteractions. However, the motion design of the overarching UI — that is, how the components interact with each other and enter and exit the page itself — is up to each product team to implement. Use this guidance to customize, combine, coordinate, and choreograph this aspect of motion in the UI. Carbon recognizes different types of moments in users’ experience and offers two styles of motion—productive motion, and expressive motion. The motion curves are designed to reflect the duality of man and machine. Productivity and expression are both essential to an interface. Productive motion creates a sense of efficiency and responsiveness, while remain subtle and out of the way. Expressive motion delivers enthusiastic, vibrant, and highly visible movement. Productive moments are labeled in blue, and expressive moments are labeled in magenta. Strictly linear movement appears unnatural to the human eye. Learn Kubernetes in Under 3 Hours: A Detailed Guide to Orchestrating Containers Introduction to Kubernetes I promise and I am not exaggerating that by the end of the article you will ask yourself “Why don’t we call it Supernetes?”. If you followed this article from the beginning we covered so much ground and so much knowledge. You might worry that this will be the hardest part, but, it is the simplest. The only reason why learning Kubernetes is daunting is because of the “everything else” and we covered that one so well. What is Kubernetes After we started our Microservices from containers we had one question, let’s elaborate it further in a Q&A format:Q: How do we scale containers? Kubernetes solves all these questions (and more!). We have a faint idea about Container Orchestration. Abstracting the underlying infrastructure Kubernetes abstracts the underlying infrastructure by providing us with a simple API to which we can send requests. What does this mean for the developer? In figure 12 we can see a couple of new things: Standardizing the Cloud Service Providers Pods

5 Big Mobile Design Trends of 2015 The mobile Internet is ramping faster than desktop Internet did, and we believe more users may connect to the Internet via mobile devices than desktop PCs within five years. Morgan Stanley – December 2009 Photo: Rosenfeld Media I remember the predictions like this back in the late 2000’s. In fact, Comscore had us passing the ‘tipping point’ early last year. So, it follows that if mobile is now the majority viewing device, ‘designing for mobile’ is now just plain ‘designing’ now. With that in mind, today we are running down five big trends that you can expect to see through mobile design in 2015. Subtle Color Palettes While it is quite likely that you will be seeing bigger and bolder colors used in web design, the exact opposite will be occurring as far as mobile apps are concerned. Simple, subtle color schemes will now take the place of bold and flashy palettes. Don’t let the talk of subtle color palettes fool you, there will be plenty of contrast to be had. Animated Elements More Scrolling

Test VDSL : Faites le test d’éligibilité au VDSL2 - OVH - OVH TELECOM Informations de votre ligne Votre ligne se situe à l'adresse Elle est raccordée sur le NRA "" qui est dégroupé par OVH. . Il y a mètres entre votre adresse et le NRA. Aucune information ne nous est communiquée sur la distance entre votre adresse et le NRA. Vous êtes éligible et pouvez commander les offres OVH, mais il nous est impossible d'estimer la synchronisation théorique de votre ligne. Avec ces informations, nous avons estimé le débit (IP) utile de votre ligne. Le débit réel dépend de l'atténuation réelle, qui elle même dépend de l'état de votre ligne, de son âge, de l'oxydation du cuivre et de la qualité des connexions. Votre NRA n'étant pas dégroupé par OVH, votre ligne dépend de l'opérateur tiers chargé de la collecte. Le dégroupage de votre NRA par OVH est planifié pour .

Maintaining Design Systems | Atomic Design by Brad Frost And they made a design system, delivered a style guide, and lived happily ever after. Right? Not quite. There’s a very real risk that a style guide will end up in the trash can right alongside all the PSDs, PDFs and those other static artifacts of the design process. Despite everyone’s best intentions, all the time and effort that went into making a thoughtful design system and style guide can go straight down the drain. How can that be? A style guide is an artifact of design process. An artifact is something you’d find on an archaeological dig or in a museum, whereas a system is a living, breathing entity. #Changing minds, once again We’ve already discussed the importance of resetting everyone’s expectations to establish a more collaborative, pattern-driven workflow. #What is it we’re making again? We think we merely design and build websites and apps. The problem with this mindset is that you can almost see that pattern library snapping off and sliding into the abyss. #Done and done Why?

WEARUI.COGo! asciimoo/wuzz: Interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection The (Sometimes Hidden) Meaning of Shapes The shapes of objects in your design may be sending a message to users that you aren’t even aware of. Whether you put an image inside a square or circle or triangle can have an impact on what people think about that image. Sometimes a shape is more than just a group of connected lines. Types of Shapes When thinking about shapes, there are three categories to consider: Geometric, organic and abstract. Geometric shapes are the basics that you learn about in elementary school. Organic shapes are those that often represent things found in nature. Abstract shapes are super-simple versions of common elements or forms. Squares and Rectangles Squares and rectangles are the default shape for most projects for a reason. On the flip side, because this shape is so common it can sometimes be seen as boring or plain. From business cards, to web pages to icons and photo frames, squares and rectangles appear in almost every design project. Squares are the least common use of this four-sided shape. Curves

WORDOID - Creative Name Generator - Domain names, company names, product names
