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The Middle Ages in 3 1/2 minutes

The Middle Ages in 3 1/2 minutes
Related:  C8: Technology/ learn to learn/ new discoveries

Internet History Sourcebooks 1. This project is both very large and fairly old in Internet terms. At the time it was instigated (1996), it was not clear that web sites [and the documents made available there] would often turn out to be transient. As a result there is a process called "link rot" - which means that a "broken link" is a result of someone having taken down a web page. In some cases some websites have simply reorganized sub-directories without creating forwarding links. 2. 3. The Internet Medieval Sourcebook is organized as three main index pages, with a number of supplementary documents. INTRODUCTION: MEDIEVAL SOURCES ON THE INTERNET Historians teaching medieval history surveys almost always want to combine a textbook, a sourcebook, and additional readings. GOAL: The goal here then has been to construct an Internet Medieval Sourcebook from available public domain and copy-permitted texts. DOCUMENT SIZE: The size of documents for teaching purposes is an issue. By pointing students to this web site.

geografiarte - SOCIAL SCIENCES 2ºESO This website is a place for teachers, students and parents to communicate and share important information about the subject of Social Sciences. I hope you enjoy it and use it frequently! LINKS: I leave you some interactive games & other links to help you study!!:See it's easy to learn the countries & capitals!!! Even a 5 year-old kid can do it!!! Don't be Justin Bieber, please ;)Interactive map game to review the map of SpainInteractive map game to review the European countries 1Interactive map game to review the European countries 2Interactive map game to review the European capital cities 1Interactive map game to review the European capital cities 2Interactive map game to review the countries of North AmericaInteractive map game to review the countries of South AmericaInteractive map game to review the capitals of North AmericaInteractive map game to review the capitals of South America VIDEOS: as follows you can watch a video about Gutenberg's movable types printing press:

Ten Medieval Inventions that Changed the World Ten Inventions from the Middle Ages that have had lasting importance, even to the present-day. A medieval clock in Prague 1. Timekeeping devices have emerged since the ancient world, but it was not until the Middle Ages that the technology was invented that allowed for mechanical clocks to accurately keep track of time. 2. While printing technology had been developed in 11th century China, it was the 15th century German Johannes Gutenberg and his printing press that started a new era of the mass production of books. 3. Gunpowder was invented in China sometime between the 9th and 11th centuries, and it did not take long it to be used in weapons. 4. While mills were in used from antiquity, it would be in the Early Middle Ages that they became very popular. 5. It did not take long after the drink of coffee emerged in 15th century Arabia that coffee houses became popular in Arabic and Ottoman lands. 6. 7. 8. 9. The first known version of paper money dates back to 7th century China. 10.

Inventions in the Middle Ages Types of Middle Ages InventionsThe Middle Ages inventions were numerous and major developments were made in the areas of: Middle Ages Weaponry - Different Armor and weapons were invented by the war like nations of Medieval EuropeSiege Weapon Inventions - The Inventions were brought from the crusades and developed to suit Medieval siege warfareNautical Inventions - A huge number of nautical inventions were made enabling the Age of ExplorationFarming Inventions - Increased Medieval food productionClocks and Timekeeping inventionsThe Printing Press - probably the most important of the Middle Ages inventions List of Inventions in the Middle AgesThe list of inventions in the Middle Ages reflect the growing scientific and technical advances of the Medieval era. List of Inventions in the Middle Ages Names of Medieval Inventions - Description of Medieval Inventions Gunpowder - Gunpowder led to the invention of the cannon Silk - Silk changed the clothing in the Middle Ages

Stichting Gebroeders van Limburg Tientallen onderzoekers hebben zich tevergeefs het hoofd gebroken over de vraag waarom er een plattegrond van Rome is opgenomen in de Très Riches Heures en wel precies voor het begin van het lijdensverhaal. De publicist Bert Reesinck kwam onlangs met de oplossing: vanaf de vierde eeuw, toen het christendom in het Romeinse Rijk de staatsgodsdienst werd, nam het aantal christenen enorm toe en verrezen overal in Rome kerken. De paus, bisschop van Rome, wilde het contact met zijn gelovigen behouden. Deze 'plattegrond van Rome' is verre van accuraat. Links onder het maagdelijke sneeuwveldje zien we de Thermen van Diocletianus. Deze geïdealiseerde schildering van de Eeuwige Stad had weinig van doen met de werkelijkheid.

Por qué las ideas religiosas saudíes han sido el terreno más fértil para el terrorismo yihadista William McCants encontró una forma perfecta para definir a Arabia Saudí y su papel para fomentar las corrientes más reaccionarias del islam en todo el planeta de cuyas fuentes han bebido muchos autores de atentados terroristas. "Los saudíes son tanto los pirómanos como los bomberos. Promueven una forma muy tóxica del islam y traza una línea estricta entre un pequeño grupo de auténticos creyentes y todos los demás, musulmanes y no musulmanes", dijo el experto en islamismo radical y autor del libro The ISIS Apocalypse. De entre todas las ideas de los yihadistas, esa es una de las más comunes y de las más dañinas, como pueden corroborar las mayores víctimas de sus atentados, todos ellos en países musulmanes de Oriente Medio. McCants afirma que los saudíes son también "bomberos" en la lucha contra ISIS y Al Qaeda. Los países occidentales creen que necesitan la colaboración de los servicios de inteligencia de Arabia Saudí para derrotar a los yihadistas. No es sólo una cuestión de dinero.

Comparative Adjectives When we talk about two things, we can "compare" them. We can see if they are the same or different. Perhaps they are the same in some ways and different in other ways. We can use comparative adjectives to describe the differences. We use comparative adjectives when talking about two things (not three or more things). In the example below, "bigger" is the comparative form of the adjective "big": A1 A2A1 is bigger than A2. Formation of Comparative Adjectives There are two ways to make or to "form" a comparative adjective: short adjectives: add "-er"long adjectives: use "more" With some 2-syllable adjectives, we can use "-er" OR "more": quiet → quieter/more quiet clever → cleverer/more clever narrow → narrower/more narrow simple → simpler/more simple Exception: The following adjectives have irregular forms: good → better well (healthy) → better bad → worse far → farther/further Use of Comparative Adjectives Often, the comparative adjective is followed by "than". Look at these examples: John is 1m80.

Inventions in the Middle Ages - The Finer Times From the invasion of William the Conqueror in 1066 right through to the beginning of the Tudor dynasty in 1485 a lot of wars took place during the Middle Ages, and with war comes the development of technology, weaponry, medicine and so much more. The Middle Ages account for several centuries of human innovation and inspiration, and a vast number off innovations came from this particular historical period. The Middle Ages may have been bloody, but it led to the great changes in the way wars were fought and the tools that were used to wage battle and protect troops. During this time we know that there was disruption and change to the church, and the period saw considerable changes to ruling monarchies, leadership and ownership. Pestilence and plague created a change in medicine, farming and housekeeping, and even the peasants were able to change the way that they were perceived and treated. Types of Inventions Weaponry and War Related Inventions Other important weaponry inventions include:

Zum Thema der Apokalypse • Kunsthistorisches Institut • Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften Verbannt auf die griechische Insel Patmos vor Ephesus (Apk. 1,9) verfasst der Prophet Johannes die Offenbarung. In Briefform richtet er sich an sieben christliche Gemeinden in Kleinasien (Apk. 2-3) und übermittelt ihnen die göttliche Schau, die ihm in der Verbannung zu Teil wurde. In der Hoffnung auf den Sieg Christi sollen die Gemeinden standfest und glaubenssicher sein. Diesen mittlerweile kanonischen Text, in 22 Kapitel unterteilt, findet man am Ende des Neuen Testaments. Durchdrungen von Zahlenmystik, Symbolen und Allegorien, berichtet Johannes vom Thron Gottes, wo er den Auftrag empfängt die Offenbarung zu verfassen (Apk. 4-5). In einzigartiger Weise hat diese prophetisch-visionäre Offenbarung Künstler vom Mittelalter bis in die Frühe Neuzeit zu eindrucksvollen Bildvorstellungen angeregt. Die Entstehungszeit der Apokalypse bewegt sich in der zweiten Hälfte des ersten Jahrhunderts nach Christi.

15 fun games for the Present Continuous From miming to brainstorming, from searching to racing. Great games for Present Continuous 1. Present Continuous Mimes Students mime whole Present Continuous sentences until the other students say the whole correct sentence. It is important they don’t stop until people guess to give the idea of an action in progress. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Inventions Timeline: Middle Ages Innovations Though there is a dispute as to the exact years that bookend the Middle Ages, most sources say 500 A.D. to 1450 A.D. Many history books call this time the Dark Ages as it reflected a lull in learning and literacy, but, in fact, there were plenty of inventions and highlights during this time. The time period was known for its famine, plague, feuding and warring, namely the biggest period of bloodshed was during the Crusades. The church was the overwhelming power in the West and the most educated people were the clergy. Paper Money as Currency In 1023, the first government-issued paper money was printed in China. Movable Type Printing Press Although Johannes Gutenberg is usually credited with inventing the first printing press about 400 years later, it was, in fact, Han Chinese innovator Bi Sheng (990–1051) during the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127), who gave us the world's first movable type printing press technology. Magnetic Compass Buttons for Clothing Numbering System Gunpowder Formula

Sacred Texts: Pilgrim's map to Jerusalem This is part of a map of the pilgrimage route from London to Jerusalem drawn by the 13th-century historian Matthew Paris, who was a monk at St Alban's Abbey. It is one of several manuscripts in his handwriting and with his drawings, and occurs at the beginning of his universal history of the world. Enlarged image Zoomable high-resolution image Matthew Paris’s Map of the Route to Jerusalem. St Albans, c.1250 British Library Royal MS 14 C vii, f. 5 Copyright © The British Library Board Who was Matthew Paris? Matthew Paris was a medieval monk and chronicler. Matthew Paris produced the most important historical writings of the 13th century. Why are his manuscripts important? Paris is one of the most engaging of medieval chroniclers. His writings reveal a man of strong opinions who was not afraid to speak his mind. What does this map show? This page illustrates the end of the journey, with Jerusalem surrounded by a crenellated wall labelled 'civitas Ierusalem' (Jerusalem city).

Medieval Inventions Until the end of the Middle Ages, all books were produced by hand - there was simply no alternative. The finest books were (literally) written by monks, and most large monasteries - including St Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, where writing materials have been found - had scriptoria (writing rooms). Paper was rare in England until around 1450, so books were written on scraped animal skins, called parchment or vellum, using pens made of metal or bone or quills from the feathers of a goose or swan. Manuscripts (which means 'written by hand') 'illuminated' in rich colours, like the famous Anglo-Saxon Gospels made at Lindisfarne Priory, could be very beautiful, but took years to complete; producing even ordinary books was very time consuming, and therefore very expensive. All this changed when the printing press - using movable type of individual letters which could be arranged to form words - was invented in Germany in about 1439.
