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Technology and Programming related cheat sheets, quick reference guides

Technology and Programming related cheat sheets, quick reference guides
To start exploring the available cheat sheets, click a tag in the tag box above, or check out the recently added listings below. Want to know when a cheat sheet is added in any area you are working in? Search for the tags you want, separating them with "OR" and subscribe to the feed on the results page. Any new listings for those tags will show up in the feed. Textmate Cheat Sheet If you're looking for a comprehensive cheat sheet for TextMate (the popular Mac text editor) that is not language specific, then check out this one from

Mega Collection Of Cheatsheets for Designers And Developers Cheatsheets and various quick reference guides are available for almost any type of software and language these days. Unfortunately they’re not always easy to find when you actually need them. This is why I decided to take some time to gather up as many as possible and share them with you here! Russian Keyboard Online - Use this online Russian keyboard to type Russian characters on computers which do not have a keyboard for typing the Cyrillic alphabet. You can type any Russian character - both small and capital letters. Additionally, you can edit what you write by placing the mouse pointer inside the text area and using it as you normally do to type and edit texts. We hope that this little online Russian keyboard will help you write texts in Russian when you are away from your own Russian computer - for example in an Internet cafe in a foreign country. You can send us an email message in Russian to say if you found this Russian keyboard useful.

Пишите свое имя в разных стилях и на разных языках Ищите, как написать свое имя в разных стилях? Вот несколько инструментов, которые помогут вам сделать это очень легко! 1. Виртуальная Русская Клавиатура кириллицы &#039;Нет транслиту, латинице&#039; - Russian Keyboard Online, On-screen, Virtual Russian Keyboard &quot;No translit&quot; <P><HR SIZE="12" NOSHADE><H3><CENTER><span> Ошибка! В Вашем браузере <span>отключён JavaScript</span>!<BR> Страница работать не будет... :( </span></CENTER></H3><P><HR SIZE="12" NOSHADE><P> Примечаниe.

Домовник Главная Вопросы Статьи Профи Архив Контакты Карты Войти или Зарегистрироваться Добавитьобъявление Всего объявлений: 3052 из них 128 за последние 24 часа Включить Мультилистинг Что это такое? Поиск объявлений Media Keyboard 2 Media Player Adds Keyboard Support to Popular Media Players - Keyboard Shortcuts - Lifehacker i used to use a hotkey app called HoeKey for giving global hotkeys to apps that don't support them. it has to be configured manually, but as long as you can find the right winapi messages for the commands you're after, you can add global hotkey support to all kinds of stuff. works great with itunes, for example. just google "hoekey itunes" for the commands, and read the manual to make sense of them. the benefit of using a hotkey app is that you can map whatever keys you want to the functions. Hotkey Master is another good one for this, though it's not free ($5). but it's much better at mapping multimedia keys which can be quite difficult with HoeKey, and it has a GUI that makes it easier to use. it's what i use now. i have profiles set up for iTunes, Foobar, and MediaMonkey that i can switch between, depending on what player i'm using (iTunes for my wife, Foobar for eye candy, MediaMonkey for everyday use) 1/23/09 10:26pm

Twitter StreamGraphs A StreamGraph is shown for the latest 1000 tweets which contain the search word. The default search query is 'data visualization' but a new one can be typed into the text box at the top of the application. You can also enter a Twitter ID preceded by the '@' symbol to see the latest tweets from that user. A parameter to the URL can be used to specify the initial search word. For example, use to see the latest tweets about coffee. Translit RU/EN - Russian Transliteration and Spell Checker

Учебник по TeX - Арифметические операции / (uni)quation (uni)quation alpha Arithmetical operations A casual math expression that contains basic arithmetical operations has the same view in TeX language as in a casual text. For example: (x+y)a - (x+y)b = (x+y)(a-b) This example illustrates that addition, subtraction and equality use the following symbols: '+', '-' and '='. '(' and ')' are used for the parentheses. Комплекс Tabata: облегченная версия Все мы хотим быть красивыми, стройными, сильными, здоровыми и при этом тратить на все это минимум времени. Я уже не говорю о том, что у многих работа длится от зари и до зари и в основном за компьютером. Некоторые и вовсе перешли на ночной образ жизни. Поэтому комплексы Tabata — наше спасение. Тем более, что они достаточно разнообразны и каждый может выбрать тот, который ему под силу.
