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Best Practices For Effective Design Of "About me"-Pages

Best Practices For Effective Design Of "About me"-Pages
Advertisement The “about me”-page is one of the most overlooked pages in development and one of the highest ranked pages on many websites. In a world that’s becoming increasingly connected through the Web, it’s important that you engage your audience in a personal and friendly way, otherwise you risk just being another faceless web designer among a sea of websites. We had to go through hundreds of sites to come up with the following list. It seems most designers and developers run out of steam by the time they got around to developing their about pages. Most designers we came across simply threw up a few hastily written words about themselves instead of treating the page as an important asset. We present 60 beautiful and effective about pages that engage users and neatly present their designers. Unique “About”-Pages A great way to distinguish yourself from the crowd is to have a truly unique about page. Dustin Curtis1 has taken a truly unique approach to the about page. Big Photograph

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Kostenlos-Software Gimp: So funktioniert der Gratis-Bildbearbeiter - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt Im Grunde ist Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program) ein Software-Dino: Schon seit 1995 wird an seiner Entwicklung gearbeitet. Gimp bietet seit langem - genau wie teure kommerzielle Programme - nachrüstbare Funktionen per Plug-in-System, flexible Werkzeuge, Zoom und Verschieben in Echtzeit, simultane Bearbeitung mehrerer Bilder, Unterstützung zahlreicher Dateiformate und 8 bis 24 bit Farbtiefe pro Bild. Dennoch blieb Gimp lange ein Nischenprodukt für code- und tastaturkürzelsichere Linux-Anwender - zu sperrig gestaltet sich die Bedienung für bequeme Windows-User, die sich an die Photoshop-Systematik gewöhnt hatten. Doch gerade bei den jüngsten Versionen setzten die Gimp-Entwickler auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit und verbesserte Arbeitsabläufe. Seit Version 2.0 (2004) kennt Gimp eine einfache CMYK-Umsetzung für die Druckvorstufe, seit 2.2 Vorschaufunktionen und seit 2.4 ein leistungsfähiges Rückgängig-Protokoll. Auf Version 2.8 wartet die Web-Gemeinde derzeit; sie soll (endlich!?)

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Video: An Easy, Flat Fly-Front Zipper Video Length: 5:18 Produced by: Gary Junken with Sandra Betzina If a pair of homemade slacks look homemade, it's probably because of the way the zipper was inserted. In her book Power Sewing Step-by-Step, Sandra gives detailed instructions for converting any zipper opening to a fly front, and in this video she demonstrates the procedure. In preparation, ensure the that existing extension is 1-3/8 in. wide and 8 in. long. UserName Check - Check Brand/Trademark Availiability on Popular Social Networks, Domains and Trademarks Enter your personal username or business name in the "enter name here" box above and click Search. Please note Social Media usernames and accounts cannot contain spaces, symbols, or anything other than letters and numbers. Don't be one of those companies that get stuck with a different username on every Social Network - Make your Social Branding consistent, and let us Secure your Brand on up to 300 Social Networks today! Next Step: Did you think we only searched a dozen domain extensions? Next Step: KnowEm offers a complete and exhaustive search of the USPTO Trademark Database. Create a Free Profile Now that you've checked a few sites to see where your profiles are available, why not create a profile on KnowEm to keep track of them all? Have KnowEm Create Your Profiles $84.95 Personal Essential Complete Signup of all profile info: photos, bio, URL and description on the top 25 most essential and popular social media websites. Compare our Pricing Plans for these packages.

10 Ways to Deal With Upset Customers Using Social Media How are you responding to upset customers? No matter what you sell or what industry you’re in, you’re going to experience negative word of mouth. You know, those customers who are expressing their complaints on social media. It just happens. Things break, problems come up and employees have bad days. Remember: Negative word of mouth is an opportunity. A great response strategy can convert angry and upset customers into loyal, raving fans. So get out there and embrace the negativity. #1: You Can’t Respond to Conversations You Don’t See Great response starts with great listening. Set up Google Alerts for your brand and industry keywords.Keep a close eye on your Facebook page.Listen on Twitter.Depending on the type of business you have, read reviews on sites such as Yelp, TripAdvisor and Zagat.Make a list of any forums or communities where your customers congregate and regularly check in on them. Whether you’re paying attention or not, the conversations are happening. Avoid these situations: See!
