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What is Mystery Skype? (Skype)

What is Mystery Skype? (Skype)
Mystery Skype is an education game, invented by teachers, played by two classrooms on Skype. The aim of the game is to guess the location of the other classroom by asking each other questions. It has totally transformed the way students learn about the world in my school. Not only does it engage students, but it excites teachers to teach a topic that has long been a short sharp look through an atlas and a glossed over part of the curriculum. It is also an excellent way to integrate technology into your classroom programme and Google Maps is the perfect tool for the job! Before we dig deeper, here is a video showing Mystery Skype in Action: The best part is that it is suitable for all ages and can span whatever curriculum areas you would like. Here are 7 easy to follow steps to get your class / school hooked into learning about the world: Go to and sign in with your Skype name, Facebook or Twitter. Once you have connected and organised a time to Skype. Related:  Digital Ideas

Tools for (Formative Assessment) When teachers know their students well, they can build strong connections that lead to better learning. Knowing students’ interests, strengths, and weaknesses help teachers tailor learning experiences for their students. Formative assessment involves the teacher collecting information about what students know, don’t know, and want to learn. There is a very wide variety of digital formative assessment tools that can be used for free (often charging for extra features). One of the biggest advantages to using these kinds of tools is that they give every student in a class a voice. Ideas for iPad Movie Projects (Stop Motion) The Popularity of Stop Motion Effects Stop motion movies date back to the early 20th century, but they have seen a resurgence of late with popular releases like Wallace and Gromit, Chicken Run, Coraline and Frankenweenie topping box offices around the world. So, how do they do that? The premise is simple. You take a series of still photographs, each one just slightly different from the last, and you play them back to back to simulate a motion picture video. All it really takes is patience, creativity and the right equipment. Planning How to Make a Stop Motion Video All movies need a story. Some people like to script out what they will do for each scene, while others like to create storyboards that give a more visual idea of what will happen at each stage of your movie. Choosing Materials & Backgrounds for Your Movie Backgrounds can be fabricated out of cardboard, poster paper, or fabric, depending on your needs. The Right Equipment to Make a Stop Motion Movie The Best Stop Motion Video Apps

6 Fun ESL Games For Your Shyest Students To learn English, you have to speak in English. But not every student is comfortable blurting out unfamiliar phrases, taking risks or making mistakes. You want everyone to be involved, so how can you reach out the shyer, quieter students? Getting shy students to talk can happen with ESL games. Within the first 10 minutes of class, you know which student is going to be the class clown, which student is going to answer every question, and which student is going to try to become invisible. 6 Fun ESL Games for Your Shyest Students 1. Build confidence by starting with a comprehension game. “Find a person who is wearing glasses.” Everyone runs to grab the hand of a person wearing glasses. Whoever is left without a hand to hold stands in the middle. Is wearing red.Has words on his/her shirt.Can curl his/her tongue.Can touch the floor without bending knees. The teacher can have a prepared list of finds or can ask the students to make up their own. 2. Divide your class up into groups of five or six.

12 Top Tips for Teaching on Skype - Lindsay Does Languages Teaching on Skype has quickly become a big part of my business. It’s a valuable part too – I can go from one lesson to another without the risk that’s always there with “real life” lessons of getting stuck in traffic. This means I can teach more. Instead of one lesson 3-4 then 4.15-5.15 then 5.45-6.45, I can work from 3 straight through to 6! Giving me an extra 45 minutes to catch up on some work, teach someone else, or even finish earlier! Woop! With the likes of italki becoming bigger and more essential language learning resources by the day, teaching online is big business. Firstly, if you’re already ready to get started, you need the 3 Month to Skype Tutor Checklist. Click below to download it now and get started right away! 1. It doesn’t matter if your laptop is old or your headset is your gaming one. As your business grows, so will your list of equipment you use to run it. 2. 3. My absolute essential for “real life” teaching is a whiteboard. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. “But hey!

Introduce the RAN Graphic Organizer (Padlet) We are starting a new Inquiry Unit on Animals and we are in the "Immersion phase" of the inquiry circle. Which means, I am inviting curiosity, teaching background knowledge, and inviting students to wonder about different animals. One of the things that I want my students to include in their Inquiry learning is what their animals habitat is. I also wanted to introduce them to a new graphic organizer called the RAN strategy, which stands for Reading and Analyzing Nonfiction. A RAN chart is a lot like a KWL chart. However, the students start with prior knowledge then after reading or watching something about the topic they move their sticky to a new column based on if their information was right or if it was a misconception. I took a screen shot of part of a RAN chart and used it as the background to the padlet wall. We then watched the following habitat video and I had students fill in the the New Learning column.

Zaption - Interact & Learn with Video Lessons Games & Activities - Minnesota Urban Debate League | Augsburg College Here are some resources to help with your debate team: Speech Responsibilities Exercise Spar Debates Exercise Public Speaking Games They Said, We Say, We Win This graphic organizer helps students recognize how to create clash with their opponents arguments and think about why the judge should prefer their arguments. Impact Analysis This graphic organizer helps students think about the probability, timeframe, and magnitude of their impacts well before the round. Claim, Warrant, Data This graphic organizer helps students understand the argument made by each card Frayer Model This is a generic graphic organizer for learning new vocabulary. Debate Games/Drills This is a laundry list of a variety different games and drills you can do with students in practice.

Blended Learning Visually Explained for Teachers July 10, 2016 Here is a short visual we created for teachers explaining the core notions behind the concept of Blended Learning. We have also included a collection of what we believe are some essential web tools for classrooms that adopt a blended learning model of instruction. You can share, print and use the visual the way you want as long as you credit us as the source. What is blended learning: It is an instructional methodology, a teaching and learning approach that combines face-to-face classroom methods with computer mediated activities to deliver instruction. Blended learning models: According to Dreambox, Blended learning has 6 main models: 1- Face-to-face driver This is ideal for individualized learning and is performed on a case by case basis 2- Rotation Involves a regular flipping between traditional Classroom teaching and online learning 3- Flex Instruction is done primarily online and is supplemented by on-site personal support

Teaching and Assessing Reading Comprehension (Explain Everything) This past year, I really focused on explicitly teaching comprehension strategies to my students. I taught how to reread a text, annotate a text, leaving tracks of thinking while reading, questioning techniques and most importantly, instilling in my students that reading is thinking. We used Padlet walls to show our thinking, we drew pictures and wrote information digitally as I read aloud, we used today’s meet to make our thinking visible. Using these different strategies kept my students engaged and allowed their thinking to be seen by their peers and myself. Near the end of this past year we began an inquiry on Africa. I use to search for specific topics and then match my students reading levels to the text. While I was searching for different books on Africa, I noticed that the books could be downloaded in a PDF. You could also use this same format to have your students show non fiction text features like the example below:
