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Ajouter un onglet “Bienvenue” pour sa page Facebook facilement Bonjour, Vous allez découvrir dans ce tutoriel la méthode la plus facile permettant de créer un onglet “Bienvenue !” pour votre page Facebook, en utilisant l’application Static Iframe Tab. En fait, cette application ne permet pas seulement de créer un simple onglet afin d’attirer plus de fans, mais cette méthode peut être un vrai moteur qui génère des revenus, cela en cachant une offre qui n’est valable que pour les fans de votre page Facebook, ou en mettant en place un formulaire d’abonnement à une liste, pour ensuite leur envoyer un produit et le vendre… En d’autre mots, la Static Iframe Tab permet de créer deux pages en une seule page, une page pour les déjà fans, et une autre pour ceux qui ne sont pas encore fans de votre page Facebook ! Allons-y ! Comment utiliser l’app “Static Iframe Tab” pour créer un onglet de Bienvenue : Pour commencer, tapez “Static Iframe Tab” dans la barre de recherche Facebook… Cliquez sur le premier résultat… Cliquez sur “Autoriser“… pour insérer une image…

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Monitoramento de marcas no Facebook: Seleção de ferramentas | .com/teúúdo Sabe aquela frase: “Não basta ser pai, tem que participar”? Então, digamos que uma empresa nas redes sociais viva o mesmo dilema. Não basta postar conteúdo, interagir e divulgar seus produtos, tem que saber o que estão falando sobre a marca. Como nem todas as empresas são uma Gatorade da vida, que tem um centro de monitoramento de marca semelhante a uma sala da NASA, hoje você vai conhecer algumas ferramentas gratuitas para monitorar sua marca no Facebook. [youtube= Pau para toda obra Vamos começar com os buscadores sociais. Buscadores sociais 48ers : No 48ers é possível segmentar as buscas de acordo com a rede social desejada. Socialmention : Não permite a segmentação de resultados por rede social, porém permite a divisão das buscas de acordo com categorias, como: blogs, comentários, eventos, vídeo, áudio, etc. SocialSearching : Aqui a conversa é curta e grossa: ou busca no Twitter ou no Facebook. Direto na fonte Quase um divã Ferramentas de desempenho

Facebook: A fistful of dollars IT ALL began as a lark. Mark Zuckerberg posted pictures of his fellow Harvard students online to let viewers comment on who was hot and who was not. Eight years later, Facebook is one of the hottest companies in the world. On February 1st the social network announced plans for an initial public offering (IPO) that could value it at between $75 billion and $100 billion (see article). This is extraordinary. Not necessarily. As more people join Facebook, its appeal grows. With a little help from my friends A $100 billion price tag would hardly be cheap, but other tech giants are worth more: Google's market capitalisation is $190 billion, Microsoft's $250 billion and Apple's $425 billion. First, Facebook knows a staggering amount about its users. Second, Facebook is the most powerful platform for social marketing. Finally, Facebook is becoming the world's de facto online passport. That is the case for Facebullishness. Google has made the jump from popularity to profitability.

WhosTalkin? Facebook soutient-il Nicolas Sarkozy en campagne ? Le président-candidat aurait bénéficié d'un traitement de faveur de la part du réseau social, révélant des liens troubles entre les deux équipes. Nicolas Sarkozy a-t-il bénéficié d'un traitement de faveur de la part de Facebook pour sa campagne numérique ? La question est entière. Selon les révélations de "L'Express" et du "Canard enchaîné", le réseau social collabore avec les équipes du président-candidat depuis octobre 2011 pour élaborer un profil parfait grâce aux dernières nouveautés baptisées "Timeline". Dévoilée vendredi 10 février, cette nouvelle page Facebook est toute à la gloire de Nicolas Sarkozy avec des centaines de photos d'évènements marquants, pour en occulter d'autres comme la campagne d'Edouard Balladur de 1995 ou son ex-femme Cécilia. Officiellement, le développement de cette page incombe à l'équipe web de Nicolas Sarkozy, dirigée par le jeune conseiller Nicolas Princen. Selon l'Elysée, Nicolas Sarkozy n'a reçu aucun traitement de faveur de la part de Facebook. - preventing an online identity crisis - since 2006 40+ Apps & Tools To Customize Your Facebook Pages Facebook now has over 800 million active users around the world. If it were a country, it would be the third largest in the world (right behind China and India), and more than twice the size of the United States. So it’s pretty much vital for anyone trying to promote a product, service, event, or cause to create a Facebook page. While other social networks (Google+ among them) are making gains, Facebook is still the largest and most popular out there, and that’s unlikely to change in the immediate future (and besides, Google+ doesn’t even allow brand pages yet). One of the biggest mistakes brands make when creating Facebook pages is to just use the default tabs and default content. They post nothing but self-promotional updates and have no realy ways of interacting with their fans. The answer to this common problem is to make use of all the custom content applications and tabs available for Facebook pages. More related posts: Customizable Tabs First Impression Welcome Tab TabMaker ShortStack

NTX Research : Authentication Facebook’s IPO will create over 1,000 millionaires Facebook is planning an initial public offering (IPO) for next year, meaning the company will go public in Q1 2012, Q2 2012, or even later, depending on which rumor and sources you want to believe. Assuming the social networking giant raises the expected $10 billion or so, giving it a valuation of around $100 billion (give or take a few pennies), it will create more than 1,000 new millionaires. Reuters interviewed a few Facebook employees to find out what they were planning to do with their riches. One answer was to pay $200,000 (of an expected $50 million payout) to travel to space. Another was to embark on an expedition to excavate lost Mayan ruins. Zuckerberg has frequently stated, both publicly and privately, that he is against the idea of rushing the company into an IPO. Some whispers say he wants to wait until next September or later in order to keep employees focused on product developments.
