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WTF Visualizations

IEEE VIS 2013 Visualización De Datos | visual thinking El ‘Big data‘ y su visualización se han puesto de moda. En la Sociedad de la Información cada vez contamos cada vez con más datos que hay que capturar, almacenar, analizar y visualizar para discernir lo importante de lo accesorio, y obtener de todos ellos un mejor conocimiento en un área específica. En torno a esta idea han surgido nuevas ideas de negocio, como puede ser la minería de datos (‘data mining’), y, asociada a ella, otras para analizar la información y reforzar las conclusiones obtenidas mediante la visualización de esos datos. Un ejemplo claro de esta tendencia lo encontramos en el siguiente vídeo del BBVA Innovation Center. Una visualización de datos, realizada junto con el MIT, en la que se puede apreciar, minuto a minuto, lo qué ocurrió en España durante la pasada Semana Santa 2011. Los datos de partida son las transacciones de tarjeta que BBVA registró en cuatro tipos de comercio: alimentación, moda, estaciones de servicio y bares/restaurantes. Ver texto completo »

TNS Digital Life | Internet Statistics & Social Media Usage | Online Behavior & Trends Servicios diseño de la información - Elkano Data Visualización de datos Gestionar, analizar y visualizar el Big Data es uno de los grandes retos de la era digital, causando lo que se ha denominado como "Paradoja Digital": demasiada información y pocas conclusiones. Quizás tu empresa necesita una herramienta de análisis que permita descubrir patrones fácilmente a partir de una Base de Datos? Motion graphics Conceptos, ideas y datos en movimiento. Infografías Las infografías son formatos innovadores que llevan ya tiempo dando grandes resultados a la hora de comunicar cualquier tipo de mensaje, son un "must" que no puede faltar en tu estrategia de contenidos. Editorial, web e Imagen Corporativa En ElkanoData nos encantan los clásicos, por eso nos gusta actualizarlos.

40 must-see videos about data visualization and infographics Our selection of keynotes, TED Talks and interviews by some of the top names in the field (The Joy of Stats, by Hans Rolling, one of the must-see videos) After the success of our collection of data visualization presentations a few weeks ago, we decided to push even further our research of multimedia resources and take the risk of selecting some videos. And we say risk, because the abundance of data visualization videos on the Internet is simply mind-blowing. Just think about it: How many events are there about information visualization? That means that a lot of good stuff was left behind, so apologies for that – but feel free to leave your recommendations in the comments section. [Update: We are receiving some great suggestions of other videos worth watching, so we'll keep growing this list. Journalism in the Age of Data The famous video by Geoff McGhee. The Data Journalism Handbook Shan Carter | Geoff McGhee | Edward Segel at Data Vis Meetup Another classic. Jer Thorp: Make data more human

2013 Winners We’ve been through hell and high water to bring you the best and brightest of the data viz world in 2013 for the Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards. Many hours of cogitation, digestion and deliberation have been spent and now here they are, all of our glorious winners on one uber-long scrolling page. Congratulations to all our winners. Now sit back and marvel! Data Visualization Gold Nobels, no degreesGiorgia Lupi, Simone Quadri, Gabriele Rossi, Davide Ciuffi, Federica Fragapane, Francesco Majno Giorgia Lupi, Simone Quadri, Gabriele Rossi, Davide Ciuffi, Federica Fragapane, Francesco Majno This visualization explores the story of Nobel prizes through years.Visualized for each laureate are prize category, year the prize was awarded, and age of the recipient at the time, as well as principal academic affiliations and hometown. Silver How to win an OscarChristian Tate Christian Tate Bronze emoto InstallationMoritz Stefaner, Drew Hemment, Studio NAND

DIGITAL MEDIA @ NCL » Projects Best of the visualisation web… June 2013 At the end of each month I pull together a collection of links to some of the most relevant, interesting or thought-provoking web content I’ve come across during the previous month. Here’s the latest collection from June 2013. Visualisations/Infographics Includes static and interactive visualisation examples, infographics and galleries/collections of relevant imagery. Scientific American | 'Too Many Children Go Unvaccinated' A rise in unvaccinated children poses a public health threat | Gallery of the 'meteorites' challenge winners and entrants New York Times | Damien Hirst's Spot prices, showing the works he has sold and their price ranges by year Guardian US | 'The Guardian journalist behind the NSA surveillance stories has been characterised by many news outlets and organisations in recent weeks, but we wanted to find out what his readers had to say about him' Excel Charts | Excel dashboard: Using Excel for catchment area analysis Articles Subject News
