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Particles.js - A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles

Particles.js - A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles
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IE NetRenderer - Internet Explorer Compatibility Check - 15 Stunning Particle Effect Animation Tutorials & Examples HTML5, WebGL and Javascript have changed the way animation used to be. Past few years, we can only achieve extraordinary web animation by using Flash and Java Applet. Now it’s possible to create insane effects and crazy animations with scripting and render it on the browser. A particle system is a technique used to simulate a variety of special visual effects like sparks, dust, smoke, fire, explosions, rain, stars, falling snow, glowing trails, and many others. Particle effects are easy Learn how to use this simple yet powerful technique to build your own stunning visuals. Physics for the lazy Add some basic physics to create a particle-based water fountain. HTML5 Canvas Particles Web Matrix The main concept here is that there are some particles on the canvas which start attracting other when they come close to each other. HTML5 Canvas Particle Animation Holy moly, that looks amazing. Make a particle system in HTML5 canvas Make an explosive firework display Making 100,000 Stars Liquid Particles

Text Art and Unicode (A Personal History) I've long been fascinated by the overlap between text and image in the world of digital computing. My first programming experience was using BASIC on the TI-99/4A. On that system, graphics were text. If you wanted to draw a spaceship, you would pick a text character and redefine its appearance using the CALL CHAR command. This meant you had to carefully choose which characters to redraw, or you'd be in for a surprise when you printed text to the screen and it was full of ╝tr⚼nge ╝tu◲◲. (See chapter 5 of the first programming book I ever read, Beginner's BASIC.) When I moved on to DOS and Windows, I played around with batch files and the box-drawing characters. Dingbats were both text and obviously-not-text at the same time. Then came Unicode, a Rosetta stone for electronic text. Unicode was revolutionary for text art. Unicode also brought with it an exciting new type of character, combining diacritical marks. Combining diacritics can be used by themselves but they're not intended to.

Using Slack To Monitor Your App How I am using Particles.js to build an Impressive Hero Unit Hey guys, it’s been a while since I wrote here. I’ve been very busy with a premium WordPress Framework which I am building from ground up for about last 10 months. I got distracted multiple times during this period of time but and once I thought to just discontinue it, but that’s the story for another day. Hero Units So, if you don’t already know what are hero units then here is a simple definition Normally the top most block of a website containing a heading with some description and one or two call to action buttons is what we call a hero unit. So, I’m about to complete the framework I was working over for so long and nowadays most my time is being spent at the front-end. Particles.js saved the day. A divFew lines of CSS codeand obviously the particles.js library I went ahead and built a demo of what I am working on, at CodePen. See the Pen ParticlesJS based Hero Unit See the Pen ParticlesJS based Hero Unit by Ahmad Awais (@ahmadawais) on CodePen.

HTML Email Spacer.GIF Font Map · An AI Experiment by IDEO Forensically, free online photo forensics tools - Forensically is a set of free tools for digital image forensics. It includes clone detection, error level analysis, meta data extraction and more. It is made by Jonas Wagner. You can read a bit more about it in this blog post. You should thing of for forensically like a magnifying glass. It helps you to see things that are otherwise hidden. Also absence of evidence is still not evidence of absence. ;) Tutorial Video The Tools Magnifier The magnifier allows you to see small hidden details in an image. MagnificationAlso known as the zoom factor. EnhancementThere are three different enhancements available at the moment. Clone Detection The clone detector highlights copied regions within an image. Minimal SimilarityDetermines how similar the cloned pixels need to be to the original. Minimal DetailBlocks with less detail than this are not considered when searching for clones. Minimal Cluster SizeDetermines how many clones of a similar region need to be found in order for them to show up as results.

Colormind - the smart color palette generator 2D fluid dynamics It β delay fps Fluid dynamics. Cold and heavy fluid is blue and hot fluid is red. This script makes 2 It iterations every time step to calculate pressure. The Navier-Stokes equations for the fluid velocity u and the equation for temperature T of the fluid are: ∂t u = -(u·∇) u - (1/ρ)∇p + ν∇2u + f , ∇·u = 0 , ∂t T = -(u·∇)T + D∇2T + S .where ν is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, ρ ≡ 1 is its density, p is pressure, S is the thermal source, f = (0, -βT) is the force term, β is buoyancy. This application is simple and funny (not sure if it is accurate and efficient). But I think that 3D ink droplet dynamics simulation is more suitable for WebCL :) Yang Chenglin sent me kindly this remark "I think when you advect something on staggered grid, different velocities should be used for different values. It is a good explanation of the droplet asymmetry! One more JS based Oliver's simple fluid dynamics simulator.

Embed CanIUse Tables Into Your Website with This Tool Every developer should know about CanIUse. It’s an amazing resource that catalogs all the latest HTML, CSS, and JavaScript specs as they’re adopted by the W3C. It also explains which browsers currently support these features to help you decide if they’re worth using. Recommended Reading: How to Check Browser Compatibility via Command Lines Well, now you can embed data straight from the CanIUse website with this unofficial embed tool. It’s completely free and works really well. All CSS3 attributes, selectors, and statements are supported. Everything is pulled straight from the CanIUse website, so it’s robust and incredibly accurate. The only thing you need to get started is this script that you can download locally or add to your site from that CDN link. I’ve seen these CanIUse tables added to dozens of web design & development blogs around the web. I mostly appreciate this embed tool for the detailed value and quality craftsmanship.

CIRCULUS.SVG — The SVG Circular Menu Generator So you've picked your menu style and downloaded an all-new SVG menu. What then? Here is everything you need to know to customize your menu and embed it in your page. Dissecting The Code The code generated by the above generator is straightforward and—if you are familiar with SVG—fairly simple to customize. Before we get into adding your own icons, let's first get a quick overview of how the generated code is structured. Okay that looks like a lot. The style element contains the default styles. Adding Your Icons As mentioned in the previous section, all you need to do is copy your icon's content into the <symbol>s and, if you want, add or change any class names and IDs. After adding your icons, you reference each one in the <use> elements inside the items. Most icons usually come in square sizes, so the viewBox and use dimensions are square as well by default. If your icon is a square, you can keep or change the codeviewBox value. And the code for the above example is: Styling The Menu

Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc About "Can I use" provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers. The site was built and is maintained by Alexis Deveria, with occasional updates provided by the web development community. The design used as of 2014 was largely created by Lennart Schoors. May I use your data in my presentation/article/site, etc? Yes, the support data on this site is free to use under the CC BY 4.0 license. Is there a way to see the support data in colors other than red/green? Yes, you can enable accessible colors from this link or from the option under Settings. Do you have the data available in a raw format? Yes, the raw support data is available on GitHub and is updated regularly. Could you add feature X to the site? Adding features takes quite some time and there are many requests for additions. If you've done the research yourself already, you can also submit a feature on GitHub. Which features do you choose to add to this list?
