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Breaking habits of perception-a skill that changes everything « Metta Refuge

Breaking habits of perception-a skill that changes everything « Metta Refuge
Here is another great teaching from Thanissaro Bhikkhu. While looking for some buddhadharma about dealing with guilt about the past, I came across this paragraph, from the end of his article, “Habits of Perception.” It was so helpful, I stopped my search to read the whole article, which I share below. A frequent image in meditation instructions is that all you have to do is turn on a light and the darkness goes away. Thanissaro Bhikkhu What have you got here in the present moment? Some of the baggage you’re bringing into the present moment consists of issues you’ve picked up in the course of the day: things this person said, that person did, things you yourself said or did. But the issues also go deeper than that. So the Buddha sets out maps, he sets out instructions, for how to cut through those feedback loops and to understand how your perceptions shape things in a way that brings suffering. As the Buddha said, the problem all comes down to ignorance. And that’s liberating. Like this:

Top 10 Things That Determine Happiness photo: meddygarnet Happiness is, by nature, a subjective quality with a definition like a moving target. There is scant evidence — qualitative or quantitative — to lend convincing support to those life variables most critical in determining individual happiness, which is likely why past researchers committed to the scientific method rarely tried to tackle the subject. This is changing. While we’re not entirely convinced of this marriage between science and subjectivity, we can still offer up a top 10 of things that determine human happiness, as supported by this growing body of research. No.10 – Having a short memory Are you one to hold grudges? No.9 – Exacting fairness According to a recently published study in the prestigious journal Nature, people derive more happiness from scenarios and situations that result in a perceived fairness for everyone involved, even when this fairness goes against self-interest or comes at some personal cost. No.8 – Having lots of friendships No.2 – Good genes

The 21 Day Challenge Everyone Should Take I'm on day 14 of a 21-day challenge that I semi-invented and so far I have to admit the results have been nothing short of amazing. Now, when I say that I semi-invented it, that is purely because I took the idea from the excellent book 'Psycho Cybernetics' and put it in a format that everyone can follow, myself included. I'm not exaggerating when I say this challenge can literally help with any aspect of your life that you would like to improve. Understanding the Self Image In the mid 20th Century, Maxwell Maltz who was a plastic surgeon, wrote a book called Psycho Cybernetics that has now sold millions of copies and been updated for modern times. Maltz found that when certain people had surgery to improve their appearance – for example someone having their nose made smaller – they would literally change instantly and suddenly become confident and enthusiastic about life. Our self image is crucial and determines how we act in life and often what we feel we deserve. The 21 Day Challenge

Inspirational blogging – what to write about? “What should I write about on my blog?” and “How do I find great blog post ideas?” are two things every blogger struggles with at some point or another after making a blog. You cannot afford to sit and wait for inspiration to strike. Keep a blog post ideas doc The worst thing that can happen to an idea is to let it slip through your fingers like sand. Be well-organized and keep an ideas document. Keep the document synced between your devices to look it up or use it for on-the-spot note-taking when something new comes to your mind. Google Docs and Simplenote are two of my favorite tools for keeping an ideas doc. Is it time for you to create a new piece of content? Starting from scratch without a reserve supply of ideas, you will get stuck and create a rushed, inadequate job. When it’s time to work on a new post, you simply open your ideas document as a reference. Blog post ideas generator Try something different. Success/failure stories. Identify ideas that work for competitors Just write.

101 Conversation Starters People Love Below are 101 types of conversation starters to use on your first date, at a party, in business, with guys or girls, or on family and friends. The 101 great conversation openers are simple and effective. Do not be fooled. The most important point to remember when using any conversation starter is they aim to start the conversation. Conversation openers are not intended to make people laugh or get people to like you. What Makes a Great Conversation Starter? Watch this video for an amazing exercise you can do with me to create over 30 conversation starters that work for you The best conversation starters are situation-specific. ‘Ice-breakers’ break the ice; they don’t heat up the planet and make mother nature flourish. While generic openers and stock material can be used in many situations, use proven formulas like opinion openers to construct your own ice-breakers for situations you find yourself in throughout the week. Here’s an exercise to help you develop excellent openers. Phew!

The Dalai Lama’s 18 Rules For Living May 6, 2011 | 42 Comments » | Topics: Life, List At the start of the new millennium the Dalai Lama apparently issued eighteen rules for living. Since word travels slowly in the digital age these have only just reached me. Here they are. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. via OwenKelly Hot Stories From Around The Web Other Awesome Stories

Creative Writing Prompts, Creative Writing Ideas, Creative Writing Exercises, … — Helping Writers and Poets Get Some Writing Done 60 Small Ways to Improve Your Life in the Next 100 Days Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life. At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently, for a period of 100 days. Below you’ll find 60 small ways to improve all areas of your life in the next 100 days. Home 1. Day 1: Declutter MagazinesDay 2: Declutter DVD’sDay 3: Declutter booksDay 4: Declutter kitchen appliances 2. If you take it out, put it back.If you open it, close it.If you throw it down, pick it up.If you take it off, hang it up. 3. A burnt light bulb that needs to be changed.A button that’s missing on your favorite shirt.The fact that every time you open your top kitchen cabinet all of the plastic food containers fall out. Happiness 4. 5. 6. How many times do you beat yourself up during the day? 7. Learning/Personal Development 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

10 Wise Choices to Skyrocket Your Happiness “The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.” – Thich Nhat Hanh Who doesn’t want to be happy? Just take a look at any moment of your life, any choice you make. Isn’t your intention to be happy? By happiness, I don’t necessarily mean the pollyanna, silly-smile-on-your-face kind. Somehow true happiness eludes us, and here’s why. Happiness is absolutely within your reach. 1. Don’t blame others, turn yourself into a victim, or wait for someone to come and save you. 2. Be willing, open, courageous, and humble. 3. Nothing kills happiness more quickly than old hurts, resentments, and grudges. 4. The cause of unhappiness is the playing out of conditioned habits that don’t serve you. 5. We unknowingly build our lives around distorted beliefs and expectations. 6. Happiness is found here, in the eternal now – not in the past or future. 7. Life becomes heavy and burdensome when we are ruled by difficult emotions. 8. 9. 10. Are you happy?

Journal Writing Ideas - Journal Prompts Memory Improvement Techniques - Improve Your Memory with - StumbleUpon © VeerPRZEMYSLAW PRZYBYLSKI Use these techniques to improve your memory. The tools in this section help you to improve your memory. They help you both to remember facts accurately and to remember the structure of information. The tools are split into two sections. Firstly you'll learn the memory techniques themselves. As with other mind tools, the more practice you give yourself with these techniques, the more effectively you will use them. Mnemonics 'Mnemonic' is another word for memory tool. The idea behind using mnemonics is to encode difficult-to-remember information in a way that is much easier to remember. Our brains evolved to code and interpret complex stimuli such as images, colors, structures, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, positions, emotions and language. Unfortunately, a lot of the information we have to remember in modern life is presented differently – as words printed on a page. Using Your Whole Mind to Remember Use positive, pleasant images.
