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Firefox Developer Edition

Firefox Developer Edition
Related:  Mozilla FirefoxProgrammation

NPAPI Plugins in Firefox Mozilla has been steadily improving the Web platform to support features that were once only available via NPAPI plugins. Streaming video, advanced graphics, and gaming features have all become native Web APIs in the past few years. Mozilla continues to prioritize features that will make it possible for sites to switch away from plugins. Mozilla intends to remove support for most NPAPI plugins in Firefox by the end of 2016. Because Adobe Flash is still a common part of the Web experience for most users, we will continue to support Flash within Firefox as an exception to the general plugin policy. As part of our plugin strategy, Mozilla and Unity are proud to jointly announce a close collaboration and an aligned roadmap that will enable Unity-based content to be experienced directly in the browser without plugins. Websites and publishers which currently use plugins such as Silverlight or Java should accelerate their transition to Web technologies.

Présentation et mise en place de vagrant Présentation de l'intérêt de l'utilisation de machines virtuelles, de la mise en place avec virtualbox et l'automatisation avec vagrant. Vagrant est un outil permettant de simplifier et d'automatiser la gestion de machines virtuelles. Qu'est ce que la virtualisation ? C'est très bien mais qu'est ce qu'une machine virtuelle ? Le principe d'une machine virtuelle est de récréer un environnement indépendant, qu'il soit logiciel ou matériel, en utilisant les ressources d'un environnement hôte. Je peux par exemple demander à ma machine avec 2 processeurs et 4 go de RAM d'en émuler une avec 1 processeur et 1GO de RAM. Dans les faits il existe 3 niveaux d'émulation: L'émulation complète, d'un ordinateur complet, dans ce cas on peut émuler une architecture différente du host. Pourquoi utiliser des machines virtuelles ? Maintenant vous vous demandez sans doute pourquoi utiliser la virtualisation, et est ce qu'elle est adaptée à votre cas ? Installation de virtualbox Installation de vagrant vagrant -v exit

Android Market cracked on Google Play, Host, run, and code Python in the cloud: PythonAnywhere Deploying Firefox in an enterprise environment This page is an attempt to document the process of managing Mozilla Firefox on Windows and Mac OS X computers in the enterprise setting, from start to finish. Please e-mail with questions. Choose a Firefox variant Rapid Release (RR) Mozilla publishes a new version with incremented main version number, new features, and bug fixes every six weeks (and, as needed, additional security releases in between). On the day a major version is released, in most cases (see below for an exception) Mozilla stops providing bug fixes for the previous one. For the planned dates for upcoming releases, see the column 'release date' in the Future branch dates table in the Mozilla wiki. Extended Support Release (ESR) Every seventh major version of Firefox is declared an Extended Support Release. The major ESR releases so far have been versions 10, 17, 24, 31, and 38. Installation Configuration Find the Firefox program directory where the Firefox executable is located. Packaging Extensions

TIOBE Software: Tiobe Index TIOBE Index for January 2016 January Headline: Java is TIOBE's Programming Language of 2015! Java has won the TIOBE Index programming language award of the year. This is because Java has the largest increase in popularity in one year time (+5.94%). Java leaves runner ups Visual Basic.NET (+1.51%) and Python (+1.24%) far behind. Java's rise goes hand in hand with Objective-C's decline (-5.88%). So what is the outlook for 2016? The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. TIOBE Programming Community IndexSource: Java Python Visual Basic .NET JavaScript Assembly language Ruby Other programming languages The complete top 50 of programming languages is listed below. The Next 50 Programming Languages Very Long Term History

Free Android apps & games download | Enterprise/Firefox/ExtendedSupport:Proposal This is an archive of the process by which the ESR channel & builds were created, it's not kept up to date with more information, for that go HERE. Update 2014-02-11 The original plan for ESR was to do 3 extended support releases and then potentially EOL that branch and its associated resources. However as we've gotten more streamlined about supporting the ESR releases alongside mainline Firefox it's become fairly trivial to keep this branch running and with the mailing list becoming community-driven, even more so. As such there is no plan at this time to end ESR releases, the next ESR version will be 31 and each subsequent one will be 7 version numbers higher. At some point down the road we might need to reclaim the resources ESR uses, perhaps turn over the build generation to community, or other issues with backporting security fixes might become blockers that result in this branch being to rest. For now, we'll continue the cadence and structure that has worked for the past 2+ years.

Mojibake Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Cette page contient des caractères spéciaux ou non latins. Si certains caractères de cet article s’affichent mal (carrés vides, points d’interrogation…), consultez la page d’aide Unicode. Mojibake est un emprunt lexical du japonais qui signifie que les caractères affichés à l'écran d'un logiciel informatique ne s'affichent pas correctement, à cause d'un problème de codage. En langage courant et face à élément illisible le français dira « je vois des hiéroglyphes ». Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] Les problèmes d'encodage de caractères sont apparus dès que des encodages EBCDIC et ASCII sont apparus dans les années 1960. La mise en réseau de divers matériels électroniques utilisant des conventions différentes pour le codage des caractères a accentué le problème. Toutefois, avec l'émergence d'Unicode, et celle d'indicateurs d'encodage, le problème pourrait se réduire à un problème d'interopérabilité. Étymologie[modifier | modifier le code]
