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Quotes: Love, Sex

Quotes: Love, Sex

"The Only People For Me Are The Mad Ones, The Ones Who Are Mad To Live, Mad To Talk, Mad To Be Saved, Desirous Of Everything At The Same Time My dear, Yesterday, I shambled after as I’ve been doing all my life after people who interest me. Because? The ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!” …And so I shambled after. Falsely yours,Jean-Louis “Jack” Kerouac Quote | Decadent Lifestyle - Part 6 George Best scores in half time - Michael Parkinson: "What was the nearest amount of time, before or after a game, that you ever had sex, George?"- George Best: "Er... It was in half time, I think." The road toward freedom "I am interested in anything about revolt, disorder, chaos—especially activity that seems to have no meaning. Being unpleasant "There's nothing else as pleasant as being unpleasant when there's nothing else to do, and there's usually nothing else to do Bob knows - Bob Dylan: I do know what my songs are about.- Interviewer: And what’s that?

Cell Size and Scale Some cells are visible to the unaided eye The smallest objects that the unaided human eye can see are about 0.1 mm long. That means that under the right conditions, you might be able to see an ameoba proteus, a human egg, and a paramecium without using magnification. A magnifying glass can help you to see them more clearly, but they will still look tiny. Smaller cells are easily visible under a light microscope. To see anything smaller than 500 nm, you will need an electron microscope. Adenine The label on the nucleotide is not quite accurate. How can an X chromosome be nearly as big as the head of the sperm cell? No, this isn't a mistake. The X chromosome is shown here in a condensed state, as it would appear in a cell that's going through mitosis. A chromosome is made up of genetic material (one long piece of DNA) wrapped around structural support proteins (histones). Carbon The size of the carbon atom is based on its van der Waals radius.
