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Scientology is a body of beliefs and related practices created by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard (1911–1986), beginning in 1952 as a successor to his earlier self-help system, Dianetics.[6] Hubbard characterized Scientology as a religion, and in 1953 incorporated the Church of Scientology in Camden, New Jersey.[7][8] A large number of organizations overseeing the application of Scientology have been established,[28] the most notable of these being the Church of Scientology. Scientology sponsors a variety of social-service programs.[28][29] These include the Narconon anti-drug program, the Criminon prison rehabilitation program, the Study Tech education methodology, the Volunteer Ministers, the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises, and a set of moral guidelines expressed in a booklet called The Way to Happiness.[30] Scientology is one of the most controversial new religious movements to have arisen in the 20th century. Etymology and earlier usage History Dianetics L.

Le groupe 'Anonymous' déclare la guerre à la Scientologie - (12:30) High tech 31/01/2008 à 12h12 - mis à jour le 31/01/2008 à 12h30 | vues | réactions La vidéo de Tom Cruise met le feu au WebTout a commencé le 16 janvier. Que se passe-t-il? S'agit-il de simples hackers? On y entend "cette année, la scientologie doit disparaître. (...) Cependant, selon Gentzen, un internaute du site "Ecrans", "Anonymous n'est pas un groupe de hackers. Les scientologues ne sont pas restés les bras ballants. Est-ce une première?

Umbanda Umbanda (Portuguese pronunciation: [ũˈbɐ̃dɐ]) is a Brazilian religion that blends African religions with Catholicism, Spiritism, and considerable indigenous lore. Umbanda is related to, and has many similarities with, other Afro-Brazilian religions like Candomblé and Quimbanda, but has its own identity. Although some of its beliefs and most of its practices existed in the late 19th century in almost all Brazil, it is assumed that Umbanda originated in Rio de Janeiro and surrounding areas in the early 20th century, mainly due to the work of a psychic (medium), Zélio Fernandino de Moraes, who practiced Umbanda among the poor Afro-Brazilian population. Since then, Umbanda has spread across mainly southern Brazil and neighboring countries like Uruguay and Argentina. Umbanda has many branches, each one with a different set of beliefs and practices. Basic beliefs and practices[edit] The Umbanda creeds and practices are an eclectic mixture from three main sources: Three principal items[edit] 1.

Anonymous VS Scientologie : Ne frapper pas les clowns - Anonymous VS Scientologie : Ne frapper pas les clowns C'est sous le soleil de paris que se sont rassemblés des anonymous et des sympathisants pour deux causes, devant le siège de l'église de Scientologie. La première, demander à ce que les enfants ne puissent pas faire partis d'une secte, car cette église n'a que le statut d'association religieuse en France, et est décriée de par le monde pour ces tendances sectaires. La seconde raison et l'attaque violente subit par "Nono le clown" lors d'un "mini-rassemblement" de deux personnes devant le siège de l'association : The Vicious - Anonymous- et Nono le clown - sympathisant . Ces derniers ont alors déroulé une banderolle disant aux scientologues : "Non aux enfants dans les sectes". Anonymous VS ScientologyAnonymous manifeste devant le si?

Abraham ibn Ezra Rabbi Abraham Ben Meir Ibn Ezra (Hebrew: אברהם אבן עזרא or ראב"ע, Arabic ابن عزرا; also known as Abenezra) (1089–1164) was born at Tudela, Navarre (now in Spain[1]) in 1089,[2] and died c. 1167, apparently in Calahorra.[3] He was one of the most distinguished Jewish men of letters and writers of the Middle Ages. Ibn Ezra excelled in philosophy, astronomy/astrology, mathematics, poetry, linguistics, and exegesis; he was called The Wise, The Great and The Admirable Doctor. He was born at Tudela,[citation needed] (in the present-day province of Navarre) when the town was under the Muslim rule of the emirs of Zaragoza. Works[edit] The Book Exodus with the commentary of Abraham ibn Ezra,Naples 1488 At several of the above-named places, Ibn Ezra remained for some time and developed a rich literary activity. Of greater original value than the grammatical works of Ibn Ezra are his commentaries on most of the books of the Bible, of which, however, the Books of Chronicles have been lost. [edit]

Retour de l´opération Anti Scientologie ? Retour de l´opération Anti Scientologie ? Publié le 20-02-2012 à 01:01:22 dans le thème Anonymat Pays : International - Auteur : La rédaction Pub : Tous les antivirus gratuits pour protéger et nettoyer votre ordinateur INFO ZATAZ - Un retour à la source pour un Anonymous qui diffuse comment mettre le souk dans les serveurs de la scientologie. De cette "guerre" numérique est né les Anonymous. La scientologie est une adepte de la chasse aux sites Internet et autres données pouvant nuire à son image. Un Anonymous a diffusé ips, domaines, serveurs, hébergeurs, exploités par la Church Of Scientology, soit plusieurs centaines de cibles potentielles. Tweet Derniers contenus Piratage dans les spiritueux 07-04-2014 à 02:05 - 0 commentaire(s) La société Spec's, spécialisée dans la vente d'alcool, se fait visiter par un pirate informatique. 500.000 clients touchés. Le parlement du Nigeria piraté 07-04-2014 à 01:44 - 0 commentaire(s) Histoire Belge 07-04-2014 à 01:14 - 0 commentaire(s)

Cheondoism Cheondoism, spelled Chondoism in North Korean sources[1] (Korean Cheondogyo; hanja 天道教; hangul 천도교; literally "Religion of the Heavenly Way"), is a 20th-century Korean religious movement, based on the 19th century Donghak Confucian movement founded by Choe Je-u and codified under Son Byeong-hui.[2] Cheondoism has its origins in the peasant rebellions which arose starting in 1812 during the Joseon Dynasty. Cheondoism is essentially Confucian in origin, but incorporates elements of Korean shamanism.[3] It places emphasis on personal cultivation, this-worldly social welfare, and rejects any notion of an afterlife.[2] A splinter movement is Suwunism.[4] Beliefs[edit] "Cheondoism" translated literally means "religion of the Heavenly Way", where cheon means "Heaven", do means "Way" (written with the same character as Chinese Tao), and gyo means "religion", "teaching", "-ism". Over time, Cheondoism has also adapted elements of other Korean religious traditions including Taoism and Buddhism.[6]

Project Chanology Protesters in Guy Fawkes masks outside a Scientology center at the February 10, 2008 Project Chanology protest. The project was publicly launched in the form of a video posted to YouTube, "Message to Scientology", on January 21, 2008. The video states that Anonymous views Scientology's actions as Internet censorship, and asserts the group's intent to "expel the church from the Internet". This was followed by distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS), and soon after, black faxes, prank calls, and other measures intended to disrupt the Church of Scientology's operations. In February 2008, the focus of the protest shifted to legal methods, including nonviolent protests and an attempt to get the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the Church of Scientology's tax exempt status in the United States. Reactions from the Church of Scientology regarding the protesters' actions have varied. Background Tom Cruise video Formation Activities Internet activities Protests planned February 2008

La Teoría de Entheogen de la Religión y de la Muerte del Ego Casero La Teoría de Entheogen de la Religión y de la Muerte del Ego por Michael Hoffman 24 de Septiembre de 2006 Salvia Divinorum, edición 4 Contenido La teoría de Entheogen de la religión. 2 Orígenes del cristianismo en la iniciación de Entheogenic. 2 Estrategia sociopolítica del cristianismo canónico. 3 El estado alterado integró en cultura antigua. 3 Modernidad una cultura del Solo-Estado. 4 Libertad para la religión Higher-Order 4 Papel de la democracia para el peligro Ecstatic. 4 Iniciación como secuencia de desarrollo natural 5 El futuro de Entheogenic de la religión. 5 El estado cognoscitivo de Dissociative. 6 Reestructuración permitida por el atascamiento flojo de la asociación. 6 El partir de la representación y de las capas de Referent 7 El Control-Agente móvil como construcción mental 7 Efectos religiosos de Salvia Divinorum.. 8 El mito describe los fenómenos de Dissociative. 9 El universo del bloque y el Worldlines congelado. 10 Tiempo como a Espacio-como la dimensión. 10 La unión sagrada. 27

Francmasonería La francmasonería o masonería se define a sí misma como una institución discreta de carácter iniciático, no religiosa,[1] filantrópica, simbólica y filosófica fundada en un sentimiento de fraternidad. Tiene como objetivo la búsqueda de la verdad y fomentar el desarrollo social y moral del ser humano, además del progreso social.[nota 1] Los masones se organizan en estructuras de base denominadas logias, que a su vez pueden estar agrupadas en una organización de ámbito superior normalmente denominada "Gran Logia", "Gran Oriente" o "Gran Priorato". Aparecida en Europa entre finales del siglo XVII y principios del XVIII, la masonería moderna o "especulativa" ha sido descrita a menudo como un sistema peculiar de moral, bajo el velo de alegorías y enseñado por símbolos. Orígenes[editar] Francmasón inglés del siglo XIX La «masonería operativa»[editar] El nacimiento de la «francmasonería especulativa»[editar] Sede de la Gran Logia Unida de Inglaterra en Londres. Dos corrientes principales[editar]
