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Wanna Work Together? 2006 — 3:00 mins Pays tribute to the people around the world using CC licenses to build a better, more vibrant creative culture. Translations To view subtitled versions, or to contribute a translation, visit the dotSub page for this video. Italian (YouTube)Russian (YouTube)Armenian (YouTube) Assets License Wanna Work Together? Ethical Issues ALA's Position Statement on the Confidentiality of Library Records The ethical responsibilities of librarians, as well as statues in most states and the District of Columbia, protect the privacy of library users. This statement outlines the beliefs of the American Library Association on the issue of patron confidentiality. American Library Association Code of Ethics The ALA Code of Ethics are the principles that guide the work of librarians, other professionals providing information services, library trustees, and library support staffs. The principles are expressed in broad statements which provide a framework to guide ethical decision making. IFLA's World Code of Ethics by Country The International Federation of Library Association and Institutions monitors the state of intellectual freedom within the library community world-wide. Its site contains papers and lectures as well as global versions of library codes of ethics. Privacy in School Library Programs American Library Association.

Columbia Copyright Advisory Office Value of Cataloging Librarians | Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services Cataloging & Classification Section Executive Committee, 13 June 2006 The CCS Executive Committee is charged with encouraging and promoting cataloging and classification of library materials in all types of institutions. Although not explicitly stated, this support extends to the professionals who do the work. With this document, the committee hopes to provide catalogers and cataloging managers a tool for describing the critical importance of cataloging librarians. Cataloging librarianship is, at its heart, about service. Further, cataloging librarians: Lead Envision bibliographic control of collections of the world’s knowledge and implement this vision to create local, regional, and international catalogs and digital access systems. Collaborate Work with systems librarians to configure catalogs and databases to provide optimal indexing and display of bibliographic records. Create & Improve Access Develop Professionally
