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Famous Writers’ Sleep Habits vs. Literary Productivity, Visualized

Famous Writers’ Sleep Habits vs. Literary Productivity, Visualized
by Maria Popova The early bird gets the Pulitzer … sort of. “In both writing and sleeping,” Stephen King observed in his excellent meditation on the art of “creative sleep” and wakeful dreaming, “we learn to be physically still at the same time we are encouraging our minds to unlock from the humdrum rational thinking of our daytime lives.” Over the years, in my endless fascination with daily routines, I found myself especially intrigued by successful writers’ sleep habits — after all, it’s been argued that “sleep is the best (and easiest) creative aphrodisiac” and science tells us that it impacts everything from our moods to our brain development to our every waking moment. I found myself wondering whether there might be a correlation between sleep habits and literary productivity. First, I handed them my notes on writers’ wake-up times, amassed over years of reading biographies, interviews, journals, and other materials. Donating = Loving Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter.

Plainte contre X (le livre) | Plainte contre X 4ème de couverture du livre : « Je m’appelle Estelle. Et j’ai grandi dans la pornographie. » Crûment, avec une sincérité déroutante, une jeune fille dit le corps, le sexe, la cruauté. Elle dit aussi comment, petite fille éprise de littérature et de théâtre, elle est devenue une actrice de films X. Karin Bernfeld est docteure en sémiologie du texte et des images. Vous pouvez laisser vos commentaires sur cette page. « Livre reçu aujourd’hui et déjà lu… Je le trouve encore plus dur et féroce qu’Alice… La, c’est intense comme une mitraillette sans échappatoire… A relire. » Eric B. « J’ai l’ai lu d’une traite. « Je viens de lire ce monologue, ouah!!!! « Quelle intensité dans ce monologue ! "je l’ai lu d’une traite, et je l’ai trouvé dur, fort, mais fascinant, un tour de force. "Ce monologue est un témoignage à découvrir et un texte fort, radical,courageux qui ne peut en aucun cas laisser indifférent." "Ton livre est l’œuvre splendide d’une guerrière blessée.

Respect Yourself and Take Back Control of Your Calendar Your time is your life. So when you surrender control of your calendar to other people, you put them in control of your destiny. Our digital world has broken down the natural boundaries on how and when people can tell you what they think you should be doing. And with shared calendars, others can literally spend your time for you—if you let them. This means, it’s essential that you maintain a vigilant and active role in protecting and allocating your time in alignment with your priorities. This may seem improbable if you’ve lived at the mercy of other people’s whims for years. 1. The best way to have more time to work on projects that matter to you, like updating your portfolio or finishing a series, is to spend less time doing everything else. If you really don’t want to do something at all, it’s unlikely your desire to do it will increase by delaying the activity. This will require saying, ‘no,’ early and often. 2. 3. 4. You can “take one for the team” every once in a while. Over to You…

Creation: Ancient Indian Origin Myths, Brought to Life in a Breathtaking Illustrated Cosmogony by Maria Popova Consummate visual storytelling about life, death, the rhythms of time, and the beginning of art. “We don’t need to credit an all-seeing God with the creation of life and matter,” Douglas Rushkoff wrote in contemplating consciousness, “to suspect that something wonderfully strange is going on in the dimension we call reality.” And we don’t have to believe in such a god to appreciate the beautiful and imaginative ways in which the origin myths of the world’s various spiritual traditions capture this wonderful strangeness — from our earliest depictions of the universe to the marvelous mythic creatures that populate our legends. In advising parents on what to tell kids about Santa Claus, Margaret Mead made the crucial distinction between “fact” and “poetic truth,” and this is precisely what origin myths offer — an invitation to celebrate these ancient masterworks of storytelling, even if we recognize that they aren’t rooted in scientific fact. Air The Unborn Fish Time

La correspondance amoureuse (et cryptée) de Marie-Antoinette ÉCHANGES PASSIONNÉS. "J’existe mon bien aimé et c’est pour vous adorer" ; "Adieu, le plus aimé des hommes" ; "Je vous aimerai jusqu’à la mort"… Ces échanges passionnés figurent parmi les lettres les plus secrètes de l’Histoire de France. Fruits d’une liaison cachée entre la reine Marie-Antoinette et le comte Axel de Fersen, elles seront mises en lignes - y compris la table de déchiffrement -, fin janvier sur le site Internet des Archives nationales. Chacun pourra ainsi avoir accès, pour la première fois, à ces brûlantes missives échangées entre la reine de France et le jeune officier suédois de juin 1791 à aout 1792, soit deux ans avant la mort de la souveraine sur l’échafaud… À condition d’aimer la cryptographie ! Des lettres cryptées selon le code "poly-alphabétique" Certaines de ces missives, décryptées, avaient déjà fait l’objet d’éditions en 1877 par les neveux et arrière-neveux du comte de comte de Fersen. MOT-CLÉ. "Rien au monde ne pourra m’empêcher de vous adorer jusqu’à la mort"

How to Master Your Creative Routine and the Pace of Productivity by Maria Popova “When you work regularly, inspiration strikes regularly.” We seem to have a strange but all too human cultural fixation on the daily routines and daily rituals of famous creators, from Vonnegut to Burroughs to Darwin — as if a glimpse of their day-to-day would somehow magically infuse ours with equal potency, or replicating it would allow us to replicate their genius in turn. And though much of this is mere cultural voyeurism, there is something to be said for the value of a well-engineered daily routine to anchor the creative process. Reflecting Thomas Edison’s oft-cited proclamation that “genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration,” after which 99U is named, the crucial importance of consistent application is a running theme. It’s time to stop blaming our surroundings and start taking responsibility. Step by step, you make your way forward. With a sentiment reminiscent of William James’s timeless words on habit, she concludes: Donating = Loving

The Daily Routines of Famous Writers By Maria Popova UPDATE: These daily routines have now been adapted into a labor-of-love visualization of writers’ sleep habits vs. literary productivity. Kurt Vonnegut’s recently published daily routine made we wonder how other beloved writers organized their days. So I pored through various old diaries and interviews — many from the fantastic Paris Review archives — and culled a handful of writing routines from some of my favorite authors. Ray Bradbury, a lifelong proponent of working with joy and an avid champion of public libraries, playfully defies the question of routines in this 2010 interview: My passions drive me to the typewriter every day of my life, and they have driven me there since I was twelve. Joan Didion creates for herself a kind of incubation period for ideas, articulated in this 1968 interview: I need an hour alone before dinner, with a drink, to go over what I’ve done that day. E. I never listen to music when I’m working. Photograph by Tom Palumbo, 1956

La trilogie Millénium complétée par un 4e opus | Livres «Nous avons décidé de laisser quelqu'un prendre la suite et de raconter ce qui se passe après», a déclaré l'éditrice Eva Gedin, dans un communiqué. L'écrivain suédois David Lagercrantz, coauteur de la biographie de la star du soccer Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Je suis Zlatan Ibrahimovic, sera en charge du nouvel ouvrage, dont la sortie est déjà prévue pour l'été 2015 dans les librairies, dix ans après la publication du premier tome. «J'ai déjà commencé à écrire et c'est terriblement amusant», a dit M. D'après les éditeurs, l'auteur poursuivra l'histoire avec les mêmes personnages - Mikael Blomkvist, un reporter chargé d'enquête et Lisbeth Salander, rebelle fougueuse ex-pirate informatique devenue détective - en s'inspirant des intrigues précédentes, tout en ajoutant une touche personnelle à ces intrigues ultra célèbres. «Je trouve cela déplaisant d'essayer de faire plus d'argent», dit-elle dans son entrevue avec le journal.

The History of Philosophy, in Superhero Comics by Maria Popova Roof-jumping with Kierkegaard, archaeological adventures with Foucault, wayfinding in the woods with William James, and more. There is something inescapably alluring about distilling the most complex ideas of philosophy into seemingly simple graphic form, from the Action Philosophers comic series to Open University’s animated thought experiments to those minimalist geometric graphics for major movements in philosophy. Now comes Supergatari History of World Philosophy — an entertaining and illuminating comic by Michael Gertelman, starring the superhero Supergatari, who breaks the space-time continuum to visit and converse with humanity’s most influential philosophers. Complement the delightful Supergatari History of World Philosophy with these animated thought experiments and what philosophy is according to some of today’s most prominent philosophers. Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Share on Tumblr

Famous Writers on the Creative Benefits of Keeping a Diary by Maria Popova Reflections on the value of recording our inner lives from Woolf, Thoreau, Sontag, Emerson, Nin, Plath, and more. “You want to write, you need to keep an honest, unpublishable journal that nobody reads, nobody but you,” Madeleine L’Engle counseled in her advice to aspiring writers. W.H. Auden once described his journal as “a discipline for [his] laziness and lack of observation.” Journaling, I believe, is a practice that teaches us better than any other the elusive art of solitude — how to be present with our own selves, bear witness to our experience, and fully inhabit our inner lives. It was also her way of learning to translate the inner into the outer, the subjective into the universal: This personal relationship to all things, which is condemned as subjective, limiting, I found to be the core of individuality, personality, and originality. The habit of writing thus for my own eye only is good practice. Is not the poet bound to write his own biography? Donating = Loving

Entretien : Joyce Carol Oates - Lire Il était une fois au fond d'un sous-bois américain une longue femme fluette comme un elfe et pâle comme un fantôme qui décida de se mettre dans la peau de Marilyn Monroe, de raconter l'histoire d'une incroyable petite fille nommée Norma Jean née en 1926 de père inconnu et de mère malade mentale, envoyée à l'orphelinat, placée dans des familles, mariée à dix-sept ans et qui devint, à force de volonté, une actrice platine et torride sous les sunlights d'Hollywood. Le roman s'appelle Blonde, approche des 1 000 pages et se présente comme un récit touffu, haletant, dantesque parfois. L'auteur de cette "tragédie américaine" s'appelle Joyce Carol Oates. "Quand on est américain, on est optimiste ou on est foutu", fait-elle dire à l'un de ses personnages. La rencontrer relève de l'épopée. Pourquoi avez-vous décidé d'écrire un livre sur Marilyn Monroe? Tout de même, qu'est-ce qui vous fascine chez elle? J.C.O. En plus, vous êtes du signe des Gémeaux, comme elle... J.C.O. J.C.O. J.C.O. J.C.O.

How to Read Faster: Bill Cosby’s Three Proven Strategies by Maria Popova “Nobody gets something for nothing in the reading game.” “All attempts at gaining literary polish must begin with judicious reading,” H. Bill Cosby may be best-known as the beloved personality behind his eponymous TV show, but he earned his doctorate in education and has been involved in several projects teaching the essential techniques of effective reading, including a PBS series on reading skills. 1. Skimming can give you a very good idea of this story in about half the words, and in less than half the time it’d take to read every word.So far, you’ve seen that previewing and skimming can give you a general idea about content — fast. Learning to read clusters is not something your eyes do naturally. How to Use the Power of the Printed Word is a treasure trove of illuminating essays — highly recommended. Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. You can also become a one-time patron with a single donation in any amount:

The dA-Zed guide to Alt Lit Despite drawing mobs of both detractors and imitators, Alt Lit remains a mystery to many. What even is it? A genre? A community? Bare-faced marketing hype? In 2012, Vol.1 Brooklyn interviewed three of the more prominent figures associated with Alt Lit. Part-catchphrase, part-ideology, Steve Roggenbuck’s battle cry “boost” is an emblem of the mania and positivity that can be so divisive about some of his work. An independent publisher based out of Virginia, Civil Coping Mechanisms - and specifically its publisher-in-chief Michael J Seidlinger - has been one of loudest supporters of Alt Lit for some time. The prolific indie icon Dennis Cooper has repeatedly written and spoken of his admiration for Alt Lit, particularly on his blog The Weaklings. Founded and run by Sarah Jean Alexander, Parlor pairs poets and - with only the title or the previous line in the poem for guidance - gets them to write an exquisite corpse poem together. Z is for Zachary German

Martin Luther King Jr. as leader: A TED Talks playlist Today in the United States, we’ll celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the civil rights leader. Dr. King was an activist, an orator, a thinker, and — as several recent TED Talks have pointed out — a visionary leader. These four speakers touch on ways in which King’s passionate style galvanized a movement whose time had come. Freeman Hrabowski marched with Martin Luther King Jr. when he was just 12-years-old. Midway through her talk at TEDWomen 2011, Elizabeth Lesser points to Dr. In his TEDxPugetSound talk about leadership, Simon Sinek expands on Dr. And Benjamin Zander, in a brief aside during his 2008 TED Talk, makes a powerful statement: “It’s one of the characteristics of a leader that he not doubt for one moment the capacity of the people he’s leading to realize whatever he’s dreaming.

Quand le prix Renaudot Essai est attribué à Gabriel Matzneff, défenseur de la pédophilie L'écrivain Gabriel Matzneff au salon du livre à Paris, le 15/03/08 (BALTEL/SIPA) Le Prix Renaudot a été attribué à Yann Moix, dont la lettre de soutien à Christiane Taubira est, qu'on apprécie ou pas ce grand mégalo, une lettre que j'aurais aimé écrire. Pas une virgule, pas un mot de trop pour dire l'horreur du racisme dont est victime notre ministre de la Justice. Les artistes auraient tous les droits Mais Yann Moix défend des causes que je n'épouse pas toutes, et quand il rejoignait la meute d'intellectuels ou se prétendant tels, qui défendait Roman Polanski, niant et les faits et la victime, promouvant le droit à l'ignominie au nom du génie, je n'approuvais pas et n'approuve pas davantage aujourd'hui. Ainsi quand Yann Moix salue la victoire de Gabriel Matzneff qui a obtenu, lui, le Prix Renaudot dans la catégorie Essai, en louant "les livres exigeant, et très pointus" dont ils sont, d'après lui, tous deux auteurs, je n'approuve pas davantage. Sensible ? J'ai choisi.
