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Stock Footage and Video

Stock Footage and Video

The Photojojo Store! - the Most Awesome Photo Gifts and Gear for Photographers Design Is About Intent The most admired companies of each age are often associated with a certain core competency. Ford popularized assembly line manufacturing in the 1910s. Toyota kicked off the lean revolution with its Toyota Production System in the postwar years. GE’s enthusiastic adoption of Six Sigma in the ’90s spread the mantra of quality. These capabilities are credited with helping transform the respective industry of each company. Apple is unquestionably the most admired company in the world today. Lest there be any doubt, they told us last summer: Apple is about design. Design as the New Management Tool Largely due to Apple’s unprecedented success, design has recently become extremely fashionable in the broader business imagination: A selection of recent headlines Business gurus like Roger Martin, institutes like Stanford’s, and consultancies like IDEO have all helped spread the gospel. What Design Is Really About Overarching intent is easy. Which is exactly what Apple does. Like this:

everystockphoto - searching free photos Lizenzfrei nutzbare Bilder von der Bildagentur 123RF kaufen vigorotaku Google X Astro Teller is sharing a story about something bad. Or maybe it's something good. At Google X, it's sometimes hard to know the difference. Teller is the scientist who directs day-to-day work at the search ­giant's intensely private innovation lab, which is devoted to finding unusual solutions to huge global problems. He isn't the president or chairman of X, however; his actual title, as his etched-glass business card proclaims, is Captain of Moonshots--"moonshots" being his catchall description for audacious innovations that have a slim chance of succeeding but might revolutionize the world if they do. At first, it seems Teller's point is that the tolerance for setbacks at Google X is uncharacteristically high--a situation helped along by his bosses' zeal for the work being done there and by his parent company's extraordinary, almost ungodly, profitability. Failure is not precisely the goal at Google X. X does not employ your typical Silicon Valley types.

125 Great Science Videos: From Astronomy to Physics & Psychology Astronomy & Space Travel A Brief, Wondrous Tour of Earth (From Outer Space) - Video - Recorded from August to October, 2011 at the International Space Station, this HD footage offers a brilliant tour of our planet and stunning views of the aurora borealis.A Universe from Nothing - Video - In 53 minutes, theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss answers some big enchilada questions, including how the universe came from nothing.A Year of the Moon in 2.5 Minutes - Video - The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been orbiting the moon for over a year. The footage gets compressed into 2 slick minutes.A Day on Earth (as Seen From Space) - Video - Astronaut Don Pettit trained his camera on planet Earth, took a photo once every 15 seconds, and then created a brilliant time-lapse film.Atlantis's Final Landing at Kennedy Space Center - Video - After more than 30 years, the space shuttle era comes to a close. Video runs 30 minutes. Physics Biology & Chemistry Environment, Geology and & Ecology

raumrot: FREE Hi-Res pictures for your personal and commercial projects. Outstanding Hi-Res Photos for FREE. CC BY / By: Markus Spiske Generic Photos 1. Foter Foter boasts having access to over 335 million stock photos within their database. 220 million of these photos are licensed under the Creative Commons. 2. Pixabay is a search engine that has access to over 1 million stock photos and growing. 3. StockSnap has a searchable collection of high-resolution photos that are not bound by copyrights. 4. Finda.Photo Free Stock Photos has a simple and clean search engine to find CC0 licensed stock photos. 5. Unsplash is a great source of high-quality artsy photos that are suitable for just about anything. 6. Flickr is known by mostly everyone and they have years of reputation as a photo-sharing website. 7. Just as the name implies, Free Images is a source of stock photos that are free to use for whatever project you have. 8. New Old Stock is a collection of antique photos (that are mostly in black in white) that may be used without licensing or attribution. 9. 10. Shopify and E-Commerce 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 1. 2. 3.

Trey Ratcliff - Google+ - Why I Don't Use Watermarks I get this question a lot, and… Ken Rathke – Trey and Thomas Hawk have many things in common - each has over 300,000 followers on Google Plus. Whether their profile or views in this conversation makes them your hero or leader is 100% your call. Both Rush Limbaugh and The Jersey Shore have large audiences, and popularity is not always the only indicator. What are rather humorous are the inconsistencies between Ratcliff and Hawk that neither really seems to fully resolve. With respect to your © question – yes you own it at the point of capture. Trey provides some statistical data about infringements and estimates the number of photographers having their work stolen is in the hundreds of thousands – he provides no source, but coincidentally all the percentages he provides about theft are three figures: 0, 99%, and 1%. Think of it this way: As a stockbroker, Hawk does not earn his primary income thru photography and he doesn’t register his work or concern himself with infringement. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.)
