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10 Grammar Mistakes & 10 Lessons to Fix Them

10 Grammar Mistakes & 10 Lessons to Fix Them
You know those grammar errors that students make in second grade ... and third grade ... and are still making in high school? Here are 10 lesson ideas that just might make the grammar rules stick, by WeAreTeachers blogger Erin Bittman. This is the fifth post in the Teaching Young Writers blog series sponsored by Zaner-Bloser. COMMON Grammar MISTAKE #1: There, Their and They'reLESSON: "You Be the Judge"There is a place. Their shows possession. COMMON Grammar MISTAKE #2: You're and YourLESSON: YOUR Surgery Students always seem to forget to add an e and insert an apostrophe when needed! COMMON Grammar MISTAKE #3: Then and ThanLESSON: Then-Than Flip To help students understand when to use then vs. than, have them play Then-Than Flip! COMMON Grammar MISTAKE #4: Lie and LayLESSON: Lie-Lay Action! COMMON Grammar MISTAKE #5: Who and WhomLESSON: Fishing for Who and Whom Cut out a variety of paper fish from construction paper. Looking for more?

The Grammar Casino | an ESL exercise to test grammar in a fun activity, editable game template Welcome to the grammar casino! If your grammar is solid, you can win it all or if not, lose your shirt. This is a great review game or can be used to target specific weak areas. If you like this game check out At the Track! It's similar but with a twist. The downloads: These are in .doc (Word) format so you can change the template to suit your language needs. Formatted A4 size: the grammar casino (full color) the grammar casino (b/w) Formatted Letter size: the grammar casino (full color) the grammar casino (b/w) How to play: Materials needed: 1 copy of the game board per student Students start with one hundred points Students read the first sentence. The line under each sentence can be used to rewrite sentences with a mistake in them or it can be used to translate correct sentences into L1. If students lose all of their points: You will have plenty of students that let it all ride every time.

Grafías | Castellano Actual Duda resuelta: uso de la B o V Pregunta de Exalto Celso Rojas Hilario: ¿Cómo se escribe la palabra: cebiche, ceviche, sebiche o seviche? Respuesta de Castellano Actual: Estimado Celso: El Diccionario de la lengua española (2014) hace mención al término cebiche y también a la palabra ceviche. Páginas después, el mismo diccionario admite, además, la escritura de los vocablos sebiche y seviche. […] Duda resuelta: atraso o retraso Pregunta de Fabiola Escobar: ¿atrazo o retrazo? ¿Psicología o sicología? ¿Cuál es la forma correcta psicología o sicología? Duda resuelta: papasote Pregunta de Eduardo: ¿PapaSote o papaZote? Duda resuelta: uso de pe Pregunta de RICARDO GARRE: Uso de P antes de T. Los nombres de la b y la v “…cuando la profesora dictó la palabra ‘obviamente’, la estudiante preguntó: –Señorita, ¿en esa palabra, primero escribo con be grande y luego con ve chica? Duda resuelta: rayaduras / ralladuras Mixto siempre con x Duda resuelta: cónyuge Pregunta de María. Duda resuelta: uso de la c

Professor Gibson's "Making Words Work: A Guide to Grammar and Usage" Yes, editing can be fun — and a power trip, too! And it applies to whether you're reviewing and revising your own work or someone else's. The ability to do both well will result in raising your value wherever you might work, as well as getting you more money! (H.G. This site is not the product of one person's effort. If you have any comments, suggestions or corrections, please e-mail me at Thank you.

Command Words Wednesday, May 22, 2013 PrintEmailTweet This!Save to Favorites Explaining command words to students is always a challenge.... BUT- Now you can download a Literacy Wheel that you can put together yourself and get students to spin the correct answer...!! Let me know what you think? Download the Literacy Wheel from TES by Clicking Here- For more information Click HereHere... Garaje o Garage Como se Palabras En esta sección te presentamos diferentes términos que por su ortografía son difíciles de escribir y su correspondiente significado. Nombres En esta sección encontrarás nombres propios de personas, su significado, origen y la manera de escribirlos correctamente. Números Aprende como se escriben los números en letras. Buscador Utiliza el buscador para resolver tus dudas ortográficas. Garaje 1. Voy a bajar al garaje a limpiar los cristales del coche. 2. En el garaje de ruedas me tienen que cambiar la rueda delantera. Garage Palabra escrita erróneamente en castellano. En otros idiomasCatalán: garatgeGallego: garaxeInglés: garageFrancés: garajePortugués: garagemItaliano: garaje Música de garage Tipo de música house de los años 70 cuya evolución llega a nuestros días en forma de mezcla entre el soul y el jazz de forma que se puede bailar. Música Política de privacidad | Copyright 2015 Todos los derechos reservados

Control using PS3 SIXAXIS Hi Blender artists, I'm new to the forum and relatively new to blender. I have a lot of experience with Maya and I work in the games industry as an animator. I'm looking in to using blender as a VJ tool to control objects interactively using whatever control input devices suit best. I am testing with a simple floating dynamic cube, getting it to smoothly rotate and translate using forces allowing the cube to then slow to a stop. I have done some digging on the forum and on Google which threw up some helpful info but I just wanted to start a thread of my own where I could ask some more experienced blender artists some more specific questions etc. I'm really excited about the possibilities of using blender as a VJ tool and have loads of ideas that I want to explore, but I would say that my skills are more on the artistic than technical side of things so any helping hand you guys could offer would be massively appreciated. Thanks!
