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45 Questions To Guarantee You’ll Never Have A Boring Date Again

45 Questions To Guarantee You’ll Never Have A Boring Date Again
I have a secret game that I play in every conversation I have. Until now, no one knew about it… but I’m about to dish the deets. ;) I try to get every person I interact with to say, Wow. That’s a great question… at least once in our conversation. To win at this game, I have to stay super present and plugged in to who I’m chatting with so I can artfully select a question that pushes them to lean into an area of their brain they don’t normally hang out in. It’s fascinating watching them dig deeper into who they are. Why do I play this silly game? Because I believe it’s our responsibility to discover something awesome every person we meet. I thought it would be fun (and hopefully valuable) to give you a sneak peak at some of my favorites to ask (especially on first dates or with partners). My hope is that you too can tuck this list in your back pocket and together we can rid this planet of all the effortless and boring questions people ask each other these days. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

100 Getting to Know You Questions Working with a group of new people and need some conversation starters? Break the ice and get to know people better by selecting several of these get-to-know-you questions. Who is your hero? Party Time! 26. Plan you family meal, office potluck, team party and more. 51. Group Fundraising has never been easier! 76. 90. If you really want to get to know someone, questions (not all at once, of course!) Janis Meredith writes Jbmthinks, a blog on sports parenting and youth sports. Posted by Janis Meredith Posted by Punit Gupta on Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:06 AM EST Great Posted by Anna Nelson on Sun Jan 4, 2015 4:51 PM EST HAHA thanks i needed this for a activity!!!!! Posted by Graham Rogers on Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:12 PM EST What about: If you were on a deserted island what 3 things would you take? Posted by Juggling For A Cure on Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:10 AM EST Thanks for introducing me to myself. :) Posted by Blind King on Sun Dec 28, 2014 4:26 PM EST Thank you for this Haha, brilliant! Thank you for this!

LibriVox | free public domain audiobooks The Season Of Giving “Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body” Here’s a shocker for you. Myself and Spring at Pebbleshoo don’t give each other stuff for Christmas. This isn’t to say we don’t give to each other. When we need stuff, we get it. Products only become valuable to me when they have enabled me to experience something of worth. Nearing the top of the couloir Our favorite products act as catalysts for experiences. I think somewhere along the path to becoming a Consumerist Society some of us have lost this understanding. This season we want to encourage you, our reader, to try something different. We want you to try giving memories before stuff, and if you are giving stuff, to give stuff with stories. So how can you do this? Memories Before Stuff: When you are thinking about a person you love and what you can give them. Stuff With Stories: The other option is to give them something with history. We’ll start. Related posts:

Online Dating Checklist Lately I’ve been thinking about my online dating guide, particularly how it continues to grow and how all the information might be overwhelming to someone new to online dating. With that in mind, I’ve put together the following checklist that provides dating suggestions at a very high level based on the advice I provide in my dating guide. Where my guide goes into great detail into each area, this list keeps things simple for quick review. This list is broken down into the major areas of online date: beginning dating online, creating your online dating profile, the communication process, meeting and your first date and, finally, continuing dating online. Each of these sections contains information on how you should approach that phase of online dating. If you are interested in learning more about any of these topics be sure to check out my guide. Section 1: As You Begin 1. 2. 3. Section 2: Your Dating Profile 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Section 3: Communicating 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

How to connect deeply with anyone (in 5 minutes) 468k shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter I’m going to share a game with you. This game will reveal incredible things about whoever plays it; surprise, shock and delight complete strangers, and has kickstarted more friendships than I know how to count. Play along and you’ll see. I want you to imagine a desert, stretching out as far as your eyes can see. In this desert is a cube. Your first task is to describe the cube. There are no right answers here, only your answers. As you look at the desert and your cube, you notice there is also a ladder. Now imagine that in the scene there is a horse. We’re nearly there now. Final question. If you’ve been playing along, this is going to be fun. Ready? The cube is yourself. The size is ostensibly your ego: a large cube means you’re pretty sure of yourself, a small cube less so. The vertical placement of the cube is how grounded you are. The ladder represents your friends. Are your friends leaning on the cube? The flowers represent children. Comments

Bonjournal: A Simple Travel Journal App Thesis Prison Family Thesiswhisperer has spent the last month in our hometown of Melbourne. We caught up with many friends and relatives while we were there, some of whom are doing or have just completed doctorates. One friend got pregnant twice during her doctorate and had a longer journey than most. While we raised a glass to her recent gradaution I asked her how it felt to be done. “Liberating!” she said “But the last three months was hell. I nodded emphatically. Part of the problem is that a thesis is such a long project. Exercise, socialising, The Good Wife TV marathons are the kinds of things that get cut in order to make way for the thesis. Thesis Prison is similar to the Valley of Shit, but without the self doubt because there’s no time left. So here are 4 tips for getting fit and/or surviving Thesis Prison. Put on your damn shoes Even though we all know that having a routine is valuable, sticking to it is much easier said than done. So, just sit down at your desk and start doing something.

Online Dating Guide About the Free Online Dating Guide Download my free eBook, The Online Dating Guide, and find out exactly how I found success using online dating. Stop feeling frustrated! Learn what works and apply it to your own dating life. Online dating can be confusing and frustrating…trust me, I know. In my last few months of online dating, I was going on many first dates every week. Learn more about my experience dating online >> What’s Included My Dating Guide? Love the Grows: Questions You Should Ask Before Marriage In my marriage class in my first semester of college, our teacher gave us a handout (or should I say packet) with these questions. At first I was like "Holy shnikeys! This is way too many questions! I am NOT going to go over all of these with my fiance!" But we did. At first it started with asking the interesting questions, but then we asked them all, wondering if maybe the answer would be different than we expected. From answering these questions we talked about how we plan on raising and disciplining our kids, who will manage the bills, what our parents should and shouldn't know about, what we believe our flaws are. Here's some of the questions I think are really important to have an understanding on in your marriage. I don't necessarily believe the answers to these questions will make or break your marriage, but I do believe that opening up the lines of communication and honestly talking about the important things these questions bring up IS important. What turns you off sexually?

Should You Visit Raja Ampat, Indonesia? Indonesia’s Raja Ampat islands are far, even if you start your journey toward them from within the country. From Jakarta or Bali, for example, you must fly to the central Indonesian city of Makassar (or, in rare cases, Ambon) on the evening of your first day of travel to catch a connecting flight to Sorong, in West Papua province, departing at 3 or 4 o’clock the next morning. You’ll arrive in Sorong at around seven or eight, which gives you a minimum of six hours to kill until your ferry’s scheduled departure time – it will probably be late. An hour – or, more likely, two – later, you’ll be wherever in Raja Ampat you happen to be sleeping. I mention these facts and figures not only to discourage you from visiting Raja Ampat, if you’re thinking of traveling there yourself, but to emphasize the isolation of the islands, whose Indonesian name translates to “Four Kings.” This is good for many reasons. Tagged as: beaches, Indonesia

El infame caso de la psicóloga que inducía a sus pacientes al suicidio —Ilustración de portada de Marco Grassi Me llamo Lorena Wozniak y soy coach. Si no hubiera perdido mi empleo en una clínica pública, jamás habría pensado en hacer lo que hago. Hace poco conocí a Jovani. Yo le empujé a que lo hiciera; le dije que no fuera egoísta. Él siguió mis instrucciones y engañó a su novia, una modelo ampliamente popular en Internet. Tras un intento fallido de suicidio, llegó el peor desenlace: la pareja de mi cliente acabó con su vida. Durante las noches que siguieron a aquel final, yo no paraba de hacerme una pregunta: ¿hasta qué punto era yo culpable de aquella muerte? * Lee aquí el primer capítulo de esta historia. 1. A menudo pienso que mi trabajo en el campo de la psicología consiste en inducir a mis pacientes al suicidio. O por lo menos a la locura. Esa es la razón por la que vienen a mí: anhelan una elevación, experimentar las fronteras de la humanidad y transgredirlas, conocer sus límites y superarlos. Un vía crucis mental. Les jodo la vida. Y pagan por ello. 2.

Stop The Heartbreak Cycle: 7 Dos and Don’ts For Handling a Break-Up “When something bad happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.” ~Unknown I’ve learned to be thankful for my first heartbreak. Of course, at the time of the crime I struggled to see anything positive in it. It was literally as if someone stabbed my heart; there was a problem that caused my body to stop working properly. In fact, I still think of him occasionally; it’s so hard to turn off. Like during any trauma your body faces, it tries to repair itself so it can be whole again. I became emotionally promiscuous. Normally my standards are that I date just one person at a time and don’t get intimate with anyone until I’m in a relationship. But now that my heart was hurt, all those rules were thrown out the window. I dated guys just to date someone. I wanted to display the image that I was fine, happy, healthy, and so over the perpetrator. Pretty soon he asked me to be his girlfriend. But I never did. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

15 Honest Questions The Person You Marry Should Be Able To Answer Marriage really is a beautiful thing. I used to think it was a bit pointless, just a piece of paper that allows you an extra tax cut. However, the more I thought about it, the more I learned to appreciate what marriage could be. Marriage gets a bad rap because most people are really bad at it. It’s not marriage’s fault. I used to believe people couldn’t possibly promise to love someone else in 10, 20 years when neither their partners nor they will be the same people they are now. Simone Becchetti Regardless, we still want that promise because it gives us courage to give ourselves to another without reservations. You may not be able to keep that promise, but you can keep the promise to do your best to be an amazing life partner. 1. People seem to feel this is a question that doesn’t especially need answering. Loving someone is a very selfish act, and it’s okay. 2. “Because I love you” is not a good answer. 3. Keeping the romance alive is not an easy task. 4. Jayme Burrows 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A Weapon of Mass Seduction Hi guys. I started writing this during the fallout after the UCSB shooting and the #yesallwomen hashtag. I had a really rough go of it during that time -- which I'll touch on later -- in that the world in which we live started to feel deeply unsafe. It still does, but the feeling is more like background noise now, and I'm happy to say that since I've moved to LA I'm surrounded by a lot of good people, many of whom I can count on to look out for me in the way that decent human beings sometimes do for one another. Due to the bad mental space I was in at the time, I never quite finished this post, and then quite soon after that I was overwhelmed with the logistical realities of moving to a new city, so this never got put up. xo.AL The theme of "safety" keeps coming up for me lately. I participated. Reading the news, reading the hashtag posts, and sharing my own experiences was deeply triggering for me, to the point where I missed two nights of work because I couldn't stop crying. 1. 2. 3.
