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Color Psychology In Marketing: The Complete Guide [Free Download]

In content marketing, color is an emotional cue. In an ocean of content marketing, color can help yours stand out. It’s what gets your audience to see what you want them to see, feel what you want them to feel, and to do what you want them to do. Which hues you choose can also affect usability and whether content is readable it or not. This is what makes understanding color psychology so important for the success of your content. However, poor color choice can also negatively change the impact of your message. After reading this post, you’ll understand basic color theory and psychology. Ready to become an expert? Want to use Click to Tweet on your blog? Get Your Free Color Psychology Marketing Bundle! Get Your Free Color Psychology Marketing Bundle! Let’s Start With The Basics Of Color Theory Understanding how color works isn’t just for artists dipping their hands into paint and pigments all day long. Primary Color Primary colors are the three colors that make all other colors. Secondary Color Related:  UGC, Scocial media content & Engagement

Res Imaginum: il mondo deprivato dell’immagine pubblicitaria – CRITICA IMPURA Di VLADIMIR D’AMORA Perché, in un modo o nell’altro, la solitudine è una minaccia dentro e fuori di lui, la comunità non è più che un fantasma e la legge che parla ancora in essa non è neppure la legge dimenticata, ma la dissimulazione dell’oblio della legge. Maurice Blanchot E’ giusto: come una poesia, come una operazione tragica, una scrittura tragica, e come un certo, solo certo cinema, la pubblicità abolisce l’immagine figurando l’essere immagine dell’immagine, il pro-dursi, farsi stesso dell’immagine. E’ giusto: alla pubblicità riesce un mondo de-immaginizzato, s-magato anche, riesce un senza immagine. Il mondo deprivato, è il mondo deprivato d’immagine, è l’immagine che la pubblicità è. Accanto e per il mondo non solo immagini, ma abissi non spalancati d’immagini, ossia l’in-terminata durata della produzione d’immagine, di una strategia di gratuita scoperta denegazione. Tuttavia. Mi piace: Mi piace Caricamento...

Tabla de Colores — Códigos de Colores HTML Tabla de Colores Diseño Plano Diseño plano o colores de IU son bastante populares en diseño web hoy, en negrita, se utilizan colores claros para crear interfaces limpias y sencillas. Tabla de Colores Diseño de Materiales Diseño de materiales es un lenguaje visual y diseño sistema desarrollado por Google con un estilo casi planas y brillantes colores. Tabla de Colores Web Seguros Colores seguros Web surgió durante los inicios de internet; una paleta de 216 colores que aparece sistemáticamente en todos los navegadores principales.

New Data: What Types of Content Perform Best on Social Media? In many aspects of life, timing is key. If you've got to schedule a very important meeting, and all of the attendees aren't morning people, scheduling an 8 a.m. start time probably won't result in a productive meeting. Or maybe you want to book a cheap vacation -- you probably want to avoid scheduling one during the holidays. The same is true with content creation and social media. If you want your content to do well on social media, you've got to be strategic about what you publish and when you publish it. To figure out how and when to publish content to have a big social media splash, Fractl recently partnered with BuzzStream to analyze 220,000 articles from 11 verticals published during June 2014 to November 2014. What types of content get shared? Great ideas lead to great content, and our research proves that how you choose to execute that content will affect its social traction. What types of content perform best for different industries? When's the best season for shareable content?

Infographic Confirms It: Advertising People Are Not Normal Those who work in advertising often wonder if they live in a sort of bubble. You wonder, are civilians as active on social media and as inclined to pay attention to what brands are doing on Twitter, and is the rest of the world as preoccupied with that award-winning ad campaign that industry types can’t stop talking about? The unsurprising answer is no, according to a study commissioned by San Francisco-based advertising agency Heat and conducted this past March by iThink, which found that people who work in advertising and marketing are worlds apart from the "normal" people when it comes to how they use social media and how they view social media marketing. By the way, the survey also revealed that ad professionals tend to engage in more bad behavior at office holiday parties. First, mull these findings on how advertising/marketing professionals use Facebook as compared to the general public: Should brands put more effort into interacting with consumers via social media?

Códigos de Colores HTML How Social Half-Life Reveals the Perfect Time to Post inShare52 What strategy are you using when you sit down to schedule your twitter posts for the week? If you’re like most people you probably either base your post times on an infographic you found on Pinterest or even ‘a feeling’ on what likely works best. But therein lies another issue. The Social Half-Life of Twitter and Instagram In their in-depth analysis, Spredfast analyzed over 100 brands on Twitter and Instagram. Finding Your Social Half-Life To find your own Social Half-Life it’ll take a bit of manual work. Now once you have a few posts analyzed you can use the information to find the ideal amount of posts you should be making on a daily basis. Using Your Social Half-Life as a KPI Social Half-Life can act as an indicator of content quality helping you set the standard to when your content should be performing ideally giving you a key metric for tracking performance. While Spredfast is a sponsor for this post, all opinions are true and our own.

Advertising is Dead, Long Live Advertising. Earlier this year we were asked by Wharton to contribute to their initiative “Advertising 2020” (a book and a companion online platform to be published), part of their Future of Advertising Program. They asked for answers to two questions: 1. What could / should advertising look like in 2020? 2. What do we need to do now for this future? This is an extended version of our contribution to the initiative, which we’ve broken into a series of posts. “Life is just a premonition of a flashback.” ~ Nick Gill, after Steven Wright At BBH we don’t much like making predictions. Nonetheless, sitting here in 2012, it seems unimaginable that technology and media will do anything but continue to evolve at pace, nor does it seem likely that the dominant influence of those two industries over advertising will falter. The cultural & technological context Moore’s Law tells us that a lot can happen in eight years. Where might this leave advertising? Source: Google Trends #1 Marketing as Profit Centre, not Cost

24 Social Media Posts from One Blog Article Previously, we presented an option to schedule an hour of Social Media that could generate up to 24 interactions in one week. Then we showed you Three Reasons to extend Tweets for your Blog Entries. Today, we’re giving you another 24 new ways to interact on Social Media that can help fill your extended tweet schedule! Your posts on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter do not need to be as long as a blog article… in fact, Twitter makes sure it isn’t by limiting you to 144 characters for every tweet. Announce It: Our Latest Insight: 24 Social Media Posts for One Blog ArticleTeach: Learn 24 different ways to drive more traffic to each blog articleInform: Insights on how to create 24 Social Media Posts for One Blog ArticleMotivate: Drive more traffic to one blog article 24 different waysEntertain: Cloning your tweets could bore others to deathstar.
