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Gmail Craze: 30 + Tools and Hacks for Gmail »

Gmail Craze: 30 + Tools and Hacks for Gmail »
All for Gmail: handy Firefox extensions, best Greasemonkey scripts, some desktop tools and lots of useful tips. Take this Gmail thingie to another level. Enjoy ;-) [NO LONGER WORKS] Gspace – multi-platform firefox addon that turns your gmail account into powerful online storage tool Gmail Search Extension – search your gmail account directly from the firefox search bar GcalQuickTab – toggle between gmail and google calendar with keyboard shortcuts GTDInbox – turns your account into flexible and feature-loaded ToDo-management service (GTD = Getting Things Done) GMail Manager – manage multiple GMail accounts right from your browser DragDropUpload – this handy extension lets you quickly attach one or more files to your emails by dragging them over the “Attach a file” link [update] CustomizeGoogle – removes ads, switches you from http to https, hides the spam counter, quick contacts box, invite box and forces fixed font E-Mail Notifier Toolbar | Gmail Notifier – as titles say ‘…notifier‘

GTDGmail - The Firefox Extension that Combines Gmail with Gettin Ultimate GMail Collection: over 80 Tools and Tips | It’s been four months since our first Gmail Roundup. And Gmail being as popular as it is, it’s time for a major update. So here you go, over 80 Gmail tools and tips, including Firefox extensions, Greasemonkey scripts, Desktop programs, Web applications and all-purpose ‘HowTo’ guides. Firefox EXTENSIONS Gmail Manager – manage multiple Gmail accounts, receive new mail notifications, view unread messages right from your browser statusbar. GmailThis – excellent browser bookmarklet that lets you quickly forward highlighted text on any webpage via Gmail. Better Gmail – integrates features of 10 Greasemonkey scripts into one firefox addon. GmailSkinz – powerful firefox addon with lots of cool features: change Inbox color , Add Google IG modules, insert images from Picasa albums, insert smileys, make navigation menu horizontal, hide unnecessary page elements, and more. [NO LONGER WORKS] Gspace – multi-platform firefox addon that turns your Gmail account into powerful online storage tool. Tips

Gmail Signature Float – Script Summary: Moves your signature in Gmail to the top of the message rather than the bottom New Gmail Breaks This Script - I appreciate all the emails that I've had lately about Gmail breaking this script and I am working on a solution. However, I'm pretty busy at work and with my master's degree right now and so have not had a whole lot of time to devout to it. This script came into existence because I got sick and tired of copy and pasting my signature from below quoted messages to above quoted messages. Additional features include: allowing HTML to be embedded in the signature, option to "float" the signature or not, option to include signature in replies/forwards or not, option to remove "Sig Dashes", which is discouraged. Last Updated: 08-21-2007Current Version: 0.9 BETA CHANGELOG:Version 0.9 Added conditional option to exclude signature from replies/forwards.

Duke Law Journal Jesse's Bookmarklets Site Bookmarklets Bookmarklets are free tools to help with repetitive or otherwise impossible tasks in your web browser. To use a bookmarklet from this site on another web page: Bookmarklet categories: Search Bookmarklets.Search Engine Optimization Bookmarklets: search for backlinks, analyze search engine positions.Log Analysis Bookmarklets: analyze referer logs efficiently.Flash Bookmarklets: pause, rewind, and fast-forward Flash cartoons.Tipping Bookmarklet: send money to an e-mail address in a page.Color Bookmarklets: change all colors on a page at once.Keyword Bookmarklets for Scripters: type "jb document.body" to make document.body blink, etc.Site-specific Bookmarklets: fix annoyances on some sites I read.Bugzilla Bookmarklets: for people involved in the Mozilla project or other projects that track bugs using Bugzillas.Testing browsers: test features or stress limits of browsers. Other pages:

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison - Summaries and Commentaries 15 Coolest Firefox Tricks Ever - Everybody’s favorite open-source browser, Firefox, is great right out of the box. And by adding some of the awesome extensions available out there, the browser just gets better and better. But look under the hood, and there are a bunch of hidden (and some not-so-secret) tips and tricks available that will crank Firefox up and pimp your browser. Make it faster, cooler, more efficient. Get to be a Jedi master with the following cool Firefox tricks. 1) More screen space. 2) Smart keywords. 3) Keyboard shortcuts. Spacebar (page down)Shift-Spacebar (page up)Ctrl+F (find)Alt-N (find next)Ctrl+D (bookmark page)Ctrl+T (new tab)Ctrl+K (go to search box)Ctrl+L (go to address bar)Ctrl+= (increase text size)Ctrl+- (decrease text size)Ctrl-W (close tab)F5 (reload)Alt-Home (go to home page) 4) Auto-complete. 5) Tab navigation. Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab) 6) Mouse shortcuts. 8) User chrome.

Bookmarklets for Zapping Annoyances Bookmarklets for Zapping Annoyances These bookmarklets help you deal with annoying web pages. (To keep bookmarklets in order to use them on other web pages, drag them to your Bookmarks Toolbar. Or, install them all at once.) Browsers: is Internet Explorer for Windows, is Netscape 7 or Mozilla, is Netscape 4, and is Opera. Details Removes java, flash, background music, and third-party iframes. This bookmarklet recurses into frames and iframes when it can, but destroys third-party iframes, which it cannot recurse into. This bookmarklet used to be called "zap embeds". Based on "Remove Plugins" by Brent Marshall. Makes text black on a white background, and makes links blue and purple. Neutralizes <marquee> and <blink>. Replaces marquees with non-scrolling divs and blink tags with non-blinking spans. Suggested by Michael Hendy. Removes event handlers, killing blind links and exit pop-up ads. This bookmarklet only zaps event handlers for 4 events: onmouseover, onmouseout, onunload, and onresize. - Portable software for USB drives | Your Digit Calendar - Wiki - This is an old version The new version of my Monket Calendar can be found at: Monket Google Calendar The new version uses the Google Calendar API so you need allow it access before you can try it out. The source code is available on the Monket Calendar GitHub page. About An Ajax enabled online calendar. This release now works in all major browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer). News Monket Calendar at The folks at have taken the Monket Calendar beta as a base, tarted it up a bit, and are offering it to their customers. Beta 0.9.1 (Fixes updating) Fixed an incorrect path to the update script, so changes made to the calendar will now be saved. Beta 0.9 and the source code are now available Code is available in the Downloads section. Beta 0.1.2 is now available Screenshot Info Monket Calendar is coded in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP. I made extensive use of exisitng libraries to speed up my development work, including: Downloads Latest Release Beta 0.9.1 Usage
