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National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page
Related:  Energía

Indexing the World's Economy | New Simplified Heat Engine Rotary Stirling Engine Project This site describes a new engine design having these key benefits: It demonstrates the principle of heat engines It is incredibly simple (even for heat engines) You can build it from scratch The new design is substantially simpler than a conventional Stirling engine. Until now, ultra simple heat engine designs were generally devices that rocked or vibrated but did not rotate. This new design is extremely simple and rotates. (This site assumes familiarity with conventional Stirling engines. The new design unifies the displacer and flywheel. With the chamber held horizontally (like a pie) the hot and cold sides are to the front and rear respectively instead of top and bottom. This configuration has several advantages over the conventional configuration, including: The compactness comes from eliminating the 90 degree relationship of the flywheel to the displacer chamber. Note 1: We do NOT offer a kit of any type - however you can use to design and make many of the parts.

The importance of renewable energy | ACCIONA Renewable energies are sources of clean, inexhaustible and increasingly competitive energy. They differ from fossil fuels principally in their diversity, abundance and potential for use anywhere on the planet, but above all in that they produce neither greenhouse gases – which cause climate change – nor polluting emissions. Their costs are also falling and at a sustainable rate, whereas the general cost trend for fossil fuels is in the opposite direction in spite of their present volatility. Growth in clean energies is unstoppable, as reflected in statistics produced in 2015 by the International Energy Agency (IEA): they represented nearly half of all new electricity generation capacity installed in 2014, when they constituted the second biggest source of electricity worldwide, behind coal. watch video Clean energy development is vital for combating climate change and limiting its most devastating effects. 2014 was the warmest year on record. Renewable energies include:

Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American CLUERGAL - Inicio Main Page CYLSOLAR | Cluster de Energías Renovables y soluciones energéticas en Castilla y León Geo-engineering Plan de Acción Nacional de Energías Renovables (PANER) 2011-2020 - Energía y desarrollo sostenible - Energía - Mº de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital La Directiva 2009/28/CE del Parlamento europeo y del Consejo, de 23 de abril, relativa al fomento del uso de energía procedente de fuentes renovables, establece que cada Estado miembro elaborará un Plan de Acción Nacional en materia de Energías Renovables (PANER) para conseguir los objetivos nacionales fijados en la propia Directiva. Para España, estos objetivos se concretan en que las energías renovables representen un 20% del consumo final bruto de energía, con un porcentaje en el transporte del 10%, en el año 2020. Los Estados miembros deben notificar a la Comisión Europea estos planes de acción a más tardar el 30 de junio de 2010. Hasta el pasado 22 de junio estuvo abierto un proceso de participación de empresas, asociaciones y ciudadanos que, a partir de un borrador, han realizado multitud de aportaciones y sugerencias que han sido de gran utilidad para la elaboración del documento definitivo del PANER 2011–2020 que ya se ha remitido a la Comisión Europea.

Cool roof The albedo of several types of roofs Reflective surfaces are artificially-altered surfaces that can deliver high solar reflectance (the ability to reflect the visible, infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths of the sun, reducing heat transfer to the surface) and high thermal emittance (the ability to radiate absorbed, or non-reflected solar energy).[1] Reflective surfaces are a form of geoengineering. The most well-known type of reflective surface is the cool roof. Solar reflective cars or cool cars reflect more sunlight than dark cars, reducing the amount of heat that is transmitted into the car’s interior. In California, over 95% of the cars and small trucks are equipped with air conditioners, burning fossil fuels and producing greenhouse gas emissions. Cool color parking lots are parking lots made with a reflective layer of paint. Most of the roofs in the world (including over 90% of the roofs in the United States) are dark-colored. This tool developed by U.S. Inherently cool roofs

Auditorías energéticas en comunidades de regantes | IDAE El regadío es pieza fundamental del sistema agroalimentario español. Aporta más del 50% de la producción final agraria, ocupando solamente el 20% de la superficie agrícola útil de nuestro país. Una hectárea de regadío produce unas 6 veces lo que una hectárea de secano y genera una renta cuatro veces superior, que además es más segura, permitiendo diversificar producciones y aportando una elevada flexibilidad a la explotación agraria. Es por ello que transformar las tierras de secano en regadío sea objeto de deseo de todo agricultor. Pero esta transformación debe efectuarse bajo criterios de eficiencia energética que permitan que los costes de explotación futuros se reduzcan al mínimo requerido. Hoy es difícil conseguir avances en la tecnología de bombeo para mejorar el rendimiento; la tecnología del bombeo está madura y lo que hay que hacer es que las bombas trabajen en el punto adecuado de su curva. Con todo ello, el plan de trabajo del auditor energético debería

Photobioreactor Photobioreactor in general[edit] A bioreactor is an installation for the production of microorganisms outside their natural but inside an artificial environment. The prefix “photo” particularly describes the bio-reactor's property to cultivate phototrophic microorganisms, or organisms which grow on by utilizing light energy. These organisms use the process of photosynthesis to build their own biomass from light and CO2. Members of this group are Plants, Mosses, Macroalgae, Microalgae, Cyanobacteria and Purple Bacteria. Key objective of a photobioreactor, or PBR, is the controlled supply of specific environmental conditions for respective species. Open versus closed systems[edit] Open raceway pond First approach for the controlled production of phototropic organisms was and still is a natural open pond or artificial raceway pond. Grounds in Areas on earth with a dense population are expensive, while water is rare in others. Photobioreactor types[edit] Redesigned laboratory fermenters[edit]
