background preloader - Deixa-te Viciar! - Deixa-te Viciar! : Soccer Live Scores Torrent Portal - Free BitTorrent File Download Index and Torrent Search 5 Steps To Learn To Play Guitar | Free Lessons @ | Acoustic Guitar Music | There are so many ways to learn to play guitar by yourself. Here we will describe some basics that will get you started and help you not get overwhelmed. Just follow these simple steps and you will be playing quicker than you imagined. 1. Learn These Chords: E, D, C, and G Most realize that all music comes in the form of 8 keys – this is amazing to hear how all the combinations come together to form such great music. The chords are E, D, C, and G. Many simple, good, catchy, popular, and classic songs use these chords exclusively. 2. Once you have mastered E, D, C, and G and a few of their variations, you will be able to play quite a few songs. Here is a good example of where to start: 3. We all know people who say things like “I wish I could play the guitar.” If you aren’t willing to get callused fingers, don’t start. 4. Once you get a small grasp of easy songs, start learning songs you do not have the ability to play. 5. Before you know it you will be amazing. Here is some inspiration:

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