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INTJ Profile

INTJ Profile
Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judgingby Marina Margaret Heiss Profile: INTJ Revision: 3.1 Date of Revision: 17 Oct 2009 To outsiders, INTJs may appear to project an aura of "definiteness", of self-confidence. This self-confidence, sometimes mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive, is actually of a very specific rather than a general nature; its source lies in the specialized knowledge systems that most INTJs start building at an early age. When it comes to their own areas of expertise -- and INTJs can have several -- they will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not they can help you, and if so, how. INTJs are perfectionists, with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes their interest. INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability. In the broadest terms, what INTJs "do" tends to be what they "know". Introverted iNtuition U.S.

INTJ This article is about the Myers-Briggs personality type. For the Socionics INTj, see Logical Intuitive Introvert. INTJs are one of the rarest of the sixteen personality types, and account for approximately 1-2% of the population.[2] The MBTI assessment was developed from the work of prominent psychiatrist Carl G. The MBTI instrument[edit] The MBTI preferences indicate the differences in people based on the following:[5] By using their preference in each of these areas, people develop what Jung and Myers called psychological type. The MBTI tool consists of multiple choice questions that sort respondents on the basis of the four "dichotomies" (pairs of psychological opposites). I – Introversion preferred to extraversion: INTJs tend to be quiet and reserved. Characteristics of INTJs[edit] INTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" INTJs are analytical. INTJs are strong individualists who seek new angles or novel ways of looking at things. Cognitive functions[edit]

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