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Kaleidosketch Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Home Page Internet Native Film – An Annotated List - Home LA MAIN “La toute première expérience sensoriel du singe serai justement, celle des poils. Immédiatement après sa naissance, la mère attire le petit sur sa poitrine, ces petits doigts saisissent et tienne sa fourrure, il cherche le bout du sein jusqu'à l’avoir trouver, sans que sa mère l’aide. 3 pendant le premier moi, il ne vit que de lait et sa mère le porte partout avec elle Si elle est assise le petit se tient serré contre elle ses pieds agrippés aux poils de son ventre. Il a les mains enfoncée dans la fourrure de sa poitrine quand elle se promène le petit reste accroché à elle de la même manière enchevêtré sous elle en quelques sorte. D’habitude, il se tiens lui même, sans elle, mais quelquefois la mère l’entoure d’un de ces bras pendant qu’elle sautille sur trois pattes. Assise elle tient parfois l’enfant dans ces deux bras.

Welcome to ARTstor Far Left Robert Henri La Reina Mora, 1906 Colby College Museum of Art Top Center Winslow Homer Girl Reading, 1879 Colby College Museum of Art Bottom Center Winslow Homer Girl in a Hammock, 1873 Colby College Museum of Art Far Right Edward Hopper House with a Big Pine, 1935 Colby College Museum of Art Featuring: Colby College Museum of Art Peggy Shaw and Lois Weaver Killing Time, 5/25/1991 This image was provided by the Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc. X-Cheerleaders Wanted X-Cheerleaders, 11/25/1994 This image was provided by the Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc. Guy de Cointet Two Drawings, 5/9/1978 This image was provided by the Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc. Lorraine O'Grady Fly By Night, 2/10/1983 This image was provided by the Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc. Featuring: Ephemeral Art from Franklin Furnace Yoruba peoples Ibeji with beaded gown Fowler Museum (University of California, Los Angeles) Ewe peoples Venovi Figures Fowler Museum (University of California, Los Angeles) Jacob A. Jacob A. CCE 109 Quartier du Luth Skills for Online Searching - ipl2 A+ Research & Writing Learn how search syntax works Search syntax is a set of rules describing how users can query the database being searched. Sophisticated syntax makes for a better search, one where the items retrieved are mostly relevant to the searcher's need and important items are not missed. It allows a user to look for combinations of terms, exclude other terms, look for various forms of a word, include synonyms, search for phrases rather than single words. The main tools of search syntax are these: Boolean logic Boolean logic allows the use of AND, OR and NOT to search for items containing both terms, either term, or a term only if not accompanied by another term. Wildcards and truncation This involves substituting symbols for certain letters of a word so that the search engine will retrieve items with any letter in that spot in the word. Phrase searching Many concepts are represented by a phrase rather than a single word. Proximity Capitalization Field searching Representation or summary of a document | portal to web related art
