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Hover Effect Ideas

Hover Effect Ideas

Quantity Queries for CSS Don’t you just hate documentaries that don’t deliver? They have enticing names like In Search of the Giant Squid, and tease you with shots of murky underwater shapes and excited scientists pointing far out to sea. You settle down to watch, eyes narrowed with suspicion, thinking, “I better see some squid or I’m writing an angry letter to the network.” Article Continues Below Sure enough, 90 minutes of interviews with bored-looking fishermen later, the presenter is forced to conclude, “No… no, we didn’t find any big squids. I wouldn’t do that to you, friends. Dynamic content#section1 Responsive web design is primarily concerned with one variable: space. The @media query is the darling of responsive web design because it allows us to insert “breakpoints” wherever one layout strategy ceases to be viable and another should succeed it. Just as your end users are liable to operate devices with a multitude of different screen sizes, your content editors are liable to add and remove content.

Card Expansion Effect - Demo 1 What will we eat in 30 years? Business model canvas bootstrapping deployment startup. In A/B testing pivot niche market alpha conversion startup down monetization partnership business-to-consumer success for investor mass market business-to-business. Release creative social proof influencer iPad crowdsource gamification learning curve network effects monetization. Gamification business plan mass market direct mailing ecosystem seed round sales long tail vesting period. Product management ramen bootstrapping seed round venture holy grail technology backing partner network entrepreneur beta marketing value proposition. Stock infrastructure seed round sales paradigm shift technology user experience focus gamification. Social proof MVP ecosystem. Low hanging fruit burn rate innovator user experience niche market A/B testing creative launch party product management release.

CSS3 Border-Image Explained One of the more powerful new CSS properties, border-image is also one of the best supported, with the exception of (all together now) IE10 and earlier. It is, unfortunately, also one of the most obtuse and difficult to understand. The explanation of how border-image works is perhaps best illustrated graphically. First, let's break down any border into its components: let's imagine an ormolu picture frame, divided up into nine tiles using two horizontal and two vertical lines. Rather than allowing you to specify a separate image for each part of a border, border-image insists that you create one image, with all the parts in place, and then slice that image up using CSS values that map to the positions of these lines. Let's imagine that we're playing Battleship, and reference each tile created by our divisor lines. Let's consider the sides and top of our frame, because they have rather particular, and changeable, conditions. border-image: url(image) H1 V2 H2 V1 img.frame {

Draggable Dual-View Slideshow Lorem Waldy Distilling design and other interesting methods It was not child's play tackling those horses. Some of the kind-hearted station folk in the backblocks had sent down some wild warrigals of the West; bucking brumbies that beat the band; old outlaws off the grass that the station hands could never master. But Colonel Cox ("Fighting Charlie" we called him) had in his command some of the crack rough-riders of Australia. And it was a joy to see these men tackle the outlaws. There were Crouch of Wagga, McDonald of Barrington, Whiteley of Wellington, Bullock of Melbourne, Sievewright of Gunnedah, Kennedy of Gloucester, Rex Moffatt of Goulburn, Harry Heath of Moree, and a score of others. But even a plague of locusts does not last for ever—and Egypt does. It was night when we got back to camp. You might also like Inspiration for Article Intro Effects Round Table King Arthur's creative team techniques Aden is a curious mixture of the Orient and the Occident.

Inspiration for Custom Select Elements | Demo 7 Pick your color #588c75#b0c47f#f3e395#f3ae73#da645a#79a38f#c1d099#f5eaaa#f5be8f#e1837b#9bbaab#d1dcb2#f9eec0#f7cda9#e8a19b#bdd1c8#e1e7cd#faf4d4#fbdfc9#f1c1bd If you enjoyed this demo you might also like: Multi-Level Menu Drop-Down List Effects The Gooey Effect The following is a post by Lucas Bebber. Lucas the originator of some of the most creative effects I've ever seen on the web. So much so I couldn't resist blogging about them myself several times. Much better this time: we got the man himself to explain how SVG filters work and how you can use them to create a very cool gooey effect. A while ago, Chris wrote about Shape Blobbing in CSS. However, these days, playing around with SVG filters, I figured I could use them to get around most of the problems of a pure CSS approach. See the Pen CSS Gooey Menu (Version 1) by Lucas Bebber (@lbebber) on CodePen. SVG Filters 101 SVG filters are quite powerful. Despite the name, we can apply SVG filters on regular DOM elements through CSS, in most browsers. This is the basic syntax to define a filter: <svg xmlns=" version="1.1"><defs><filter id="name-your-filter-here"> ... <! To apply a SVG filter to a DOM element: You may need vendor prefixes to use the filter property. Demo

Stampede Blog - Responsive Bootstrap Push Menu Tutorial Getting bored with the current responsive Bootstrap menu? Or you simply don't want to use Bootstrap 3 dropdown menu on mobile because the menu is just too tall? Bootstrap 3 Mobile Menu Well, why don't you try to use push menu for mobile instead? Bootstrap 3 Mobile Push Menu For this responsive bootstrap push menu tutorial, I'm using Takien's jPushMenu. Before jumping to the tutorial, why don't you check out these demos for Left Overlay, Left Push, RightOverlay, or Right Push? Responsive Bootstrap Push Menu - HTML Here I am using default Bootstrap Navbar with additional classes for push menu to work. Based on the above html, added classes can be found on line 05 (toggle-menu menu-left push-body) and line 15 (cbp-spmenu cbp-spmenu-vertical cbp-spmenu-left). Responsive Bootstrap Push Menu - CSS This is using Takien's jPushMenu.css with some modifications. Responsive Bootstrap Push Menu - Javascript Nothing fancy here, and should be self-explanatory. UPDATE Bootstrap v3.3.0 UPDATE: iOS Fixed

Playful Interaction for Draggable Elements A little playful interaction idea where we add some bounciness to a draggable element and animate it depending on its position. View demo Download source Today we’d like to share two tiny fun interaction experiments with you. The first one is inspired by Rally Interactive’s Dribbble shot. We wanted to create a playful dragging interaction that will morph and animate an element depending on its position. If dragged outside of the defined bounds, we will dismiss the element (demo 1), or navigate a gallery (demo 2). Attention: This experiment uses some CSS properties that won’t work in older browsers (CSS Animations, CSS Filters, etc.). We are using Draggabilly plus imagesLoaded by Dave de Sandro and Dynamic.js by Michaël Villar. When dragging the respective element, we “morph” it so that we add some kind of depth feeling to the interaction. The interesting part of the workings of this effect is the calculation of the transform during the morphing. f(x) = y = (2/ww) * x + 1

Hover.css - A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects All Hover.css effects make use of a single element (with the help of some pseudo-elements where necessary), are self contained so you can easily copy and paste them, and come in CSS, Sass, and LESS flavours. Many effects use CSS3 features such as transitions, transforms and animations. Old browsers that don't support these features may need some extra attention to be certain a fallback hover effect is still in place. Licenses Hover.css is made available under a free personal/open source or paid commercial licenses depending on your requirements. To compare licenses please visit the Ian Lunn Design Limited Store and purchase a commercial license. Personal/Open Source For personal/open source use, Hover.css is made available under a MIT license: Use in unlimited personal applications Your application can't be sold Your modifications remain open-source Free updates Read full license Commercial Commercial License Purchase | Read full license Extended Commercial License Purchase | Read full license
