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Remixito - Détournement, Parodie, Générateur d'images et Sous-titres de vidéos

Remixito - Détournement, Parodie, Générateur d'images et Sous-titres de vidéos
Related:  giochi didattici

Kids Games - Educational Computer Games Online | TurtleDiary Faites la une ! — Doc Martine's La composition de la « une » d’un journal est le fruit d’un long travail : recherche d’information, choix d’une ligne éditoriale, hiérarchisation des informations, arbitrage, écriture des titres… Autant de tâches qu’il est intéressant de faire réaliser par des élèves. C’est l’occasion de travailler l’EMI en même temps qu’un travail d’écriture. Reste que la dernière étape (la composition en elle-même) requiert une certaine maîtrise de logiciels souvent pas simples à prendre en main. Je vous propose donc une petite application nommée Je fais la une qui offre une mise en page toute prête où il n’y a plus qu’à ajouter du texte et des photos. La prise en main est très simple. Voyons comment on peut s’en servir. Notez que la fonction d’enregistrement permet aussi de travailler sur sa une en plusieurs séances. Un petit plus : vous pouvez placer un bouton-lien (le même que ci-dessus) dans esidoc en insérant le code suivant :

Educational Games | Free Online Learning Games for Kids | Knowledge Adventure Educational Games for Kids We have a variety of educational games for kids including word, puzzle, math, geography, arcade, sports, and typing games. Some are educational games (i.e math, geography, etc.) and some are just for fun (i.e. arcade, sports). The games above provided by Ducksters are relatively simple games that are generally puzzle or educational games. They can be enjoyed by most kids of all ages. Card and Board Games Have fun with friends and family with Board and Card Games. Card Games Go Fish Crazy Eights Old Maid Concentration War Solitaire Board and Other Games Chess Checkers Marbles Chinese Checkers Archive of Old Video Games Here are some of our favorite video games out there in the market today. Angry BirdsTiny Wings Wii GolfWii BaseballWii BowlingSuper Mario Galaxy 2Mario Kart for Wii Wii Video Game Console We love the Wii as well. Warning: Parents, we strongly recommend that you do your homework on video games.

Geography Games Kids Games >> Geography Welcome to Ducksters geography games. We cover a variety of world regions including continents and US states. Games including mapping games, crossword puzzles, word searches and more. We will be adding new games, so check back often. Mapping Games Identify the country, state. capital city, or flag. World Countries World CapitalsWorld Flags United StatesGeography Crossword Puzzles These crossword puzzles can be played online in active mode or you can get a printable version for use in the classroom (no ads). Geography Word Searches Find all the geography terms for the region hidden inside the word search grid. Other Kids Games >> Geography

MES Games- Online Games to Learn English Games for Learning English, Vocabulary, Grammar Games, Activities, ESL Top 12 Websites For Children With Learning Disabilities | Special Education Degrees As many educators, parents, and families know, having a learning disability doesn’t make a child any less smart than his or her peers. In fact, it often means that the child is as smart or smarter but their brain just works differently because it’s neurological process. People with learning disabilities have a biological brain make up which counterintuitively functions to typical memory, reasoning, planning, organizational, and attention tasks. These disabilities are often lifelong and create a divide between intellectual abilities and actual success, especially when the learning disability is unidentified. That’s why it’s supremely important to evaluate the possibility of the presence of a learning disbaility while a child is young. Parents and special education teachers often have difficulty finding new tactics to provoke a love for learning in children with learning disabilities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Wisconsin Media Lab created the Into the Book! 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

I know it: giochi a quiz per la matematica Per chi è alla ricerca di strumenti per utilizzare la metodologia CLIL con la matematica nella scuola primaria (e io ne ho una in casa... ) vi propongo di esplorare il sito web I know it. Sono disponibili oltre 22.000 domande interattive dedicate alla matematica per la scuola primaria, suddivise per argomenti e proposte per gradualità. Si tratta di giochi a quiz ben strutturati e coinvolgenti, oltre a centinaia di lezioni contenenti animazioni dinamiche e funzioni di ricompensa che contribuiscono a mantenere i bambini ben immersi in ogni lezione. La registrazione come genitore consente agli studenti di tenere traccia dei personali percorsi di apprendimento, mentre l'account docente permette di personalizzare le funzionalità di amministrazione della classe al fine di soddisfare le varie esigenze didattiche. Vai su iknowit Articoli correlati

Toy Theater: giocare con la lingua inglese e la matematica Ancora proposte per il ritorno a scuola con approccio di tipo ludico. Toy Theater è una piattaforma educativa che propone una serie articolata di giochi per l'apprendimento della matematica e della lingua inglese. I giochi didattici presenti sono di ottima qualità e potrete andare alla ricerca dell'attività più funzionale alle vostre necessità selezionando le sezioni presenti sotto le categorie Math e Read. Particolarmente interessante una sezione intera dedicata alla manipolazione virtuale per la matematica. Trovate tutta una serie di attività da realizzare su carta millimetrata, geopiani, strisce e torte per frazioni, tabelle e molto altro ancora. Vai su Toy Theater Articoli correlati

ABOUT: Gabe Zichermann GABE ZICHERMANN is the world’s foremost expert and public speaker on the subject of gamification, user engagement and behavioral design and the Co-Founder of the behavior change software startup, Onward. Zichermann is the author of The Gamification Revolution (McGraw Hill, 2013), Gamification by Design (2011) and Game-Based Marketing (2010), as well as the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the industry’s primary publication, and the host of the popular interview webseries/podcast GameRev. In addition, Gabe helped co-design live-event gamification platform Liventium and co-founded strategy/design consultancy Dopamine where he works with leading brands to drive customer and employee engagement. Zichermann’s talks, workshops, books and courses have inspired an entire generation of marketers, customer loyalty experts, HR professionals, strategists and product designers to make the world a more fun and engaging place. A more complete list of videos can be found here.

King of Math: giocare con la matematica King of Math è un avvincente gioco online per sviluppare abilità in matematica, utilizzabile dalla scuola primaria a tutta la scuola secondaria di I grado. Gli studenti dovranno difendere il loro castello dagli zombie che lo stanno assediando e riusciranno a sbaragliarli solo rispondendo prontamente ed esattamente ai quiz matematici. Occhio pero'! Rispondendo in maniera errata o perdendo troppo tempo prima di scegliere la risposta, comporterà la moltiplicazione degli assalitori! Ad inizio gioco è possibile calibrare le difficoltà del gioco, personalizzando livelli e contenuti. Vai su King of Math Articoli correlati
