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Beautiful Device Templates to Help Showcase Your App When you’ve poured your heart and soul into designing a truly stunning app, it’s important to help show it off as best as you can. And what better way to show the look and feel of your app than by showing how it would appear running on a device? Whether it’s an iPhone, iPad, Android or desktop app or website, showing it in use gives it some context, adds some visual appeal and can help to make your landing page look smarter and more professional. Of course, it can take a surprisingly large amount of work to create a mockup of a phone, tablet or laptop in Photoshop, but fortunately there are some incredibly talented designers out there who have generously released some templates that they’ve created for free. We’ve put together a collection of some of our favourite device templates – each of these look stunning, and range from intricate and highly detailed, to flat and minimalist. Android Devices by Ian Mintz Flat Apple Templates by Pierre Borodin Perspective App Screens iPhone 6 Infinity

TRIBUNE: la Business Intelligence ‘agile’, c’est quoi? Flexibilité? Réactivité? C'est quoi la BI agile? Réflexions d'Abed Ajraou, responsable du centre de compétence 'Information Management' de Devoteam Quand on évoque les projets décisionnel s, le constat est généralement unanime: ces projets manquent de F.R.A.P…. c’est à dire de flexibilité, réactivité et d’autonomie des utilisateurs. Et les performances? En effet, nous observons de plus en plus de frustration des entités métiers autour des besoins décisionnels : reporting, tableaux de bord managériaux et analyses prévisionnelles. flexibilité : les projets décisionnels ont toujours été un casse-tête pour les départements informatiques. Ainsi, la BI classique a généré des utilisateurs frustrés, de la perte de temps dans la chaine d’analyse et de prise de décision et surtout, elle a généré un rejet de ces projets. La méthode itérative dite « Insight » se veut cyclique. Tags : BI , Business Intelligence , Devoteam , méthodes agiles

ECAS - EC Authentification Service Welcome to the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS). Choose the institution or body for which you want to log in. Choose "External" if you don't work for a European institution or body. Choose "W+7" if you have a special external account composed of w and 7 digits. If you aren't sure, select the "I don't know?" ECAS is the European Commission Authentication Service. Defcon 2010 - Crawling BitTorrent DHTs for Fun - Scott Wolchok - Gabriele Baldassarre Open Analytics - Innovation and Open Source in Web Intelligence Content Management Systems Content management systems are very relevant to knowledge management (KM) since they are responsible for the creation, management, and distribution of content on the intranet, extranet, or a website. Content management is a discipline in itself, so this section will be relatively brief, only outlining the basic considerations. A content management system may have the following functions: Provide templates for publishing: Making publishing easier and more consistent with existing structure/design. Content management systems come in different forms (and prices), and an organization must carefully evaluate what it needs. Technology: Including dynamic vs static publishing, high load performance, security issues, and search engine ranking factors (static pages rank better). James Robertson (2003) stresses that the processes that surround the content management system are of most value to the management of knowledge. Alan Frost M.Sc., 2010 Like This Story Sign up to our

DEFCON 20: Bypassing Endpoint Security for $20 or Less OLAP, les fondamentaux Pour mieux comprendre OLAP et les technologies gravitant autour, intéressons nous à la genèse de ce concept : l'analyse en entreprise. L'analyse est un processus intellectuel qui, à partir d'hypothèses et de données, permet à une personne de générer de la connaissance. Cette connaissance peut se formaliser par l'explication d'un phénomène, la proposition d'une solution pour optimiser les ventes, des recommandations quant à la politique d'approvisionnement, etc. Bref, tout ce qui peut améliorer l'entreprise. De part sa nature, l'analyse n'est pas un processus que l'on peut guider ou formater. Un exemple illustrera mieux le fond de ma pensée. Imaginez que l'on demande à un analyste d'expliquer le fait que les profits de l'entreprise aient baissé durant les trois derniers mois. Voir les profits sur l'année pour constater la baisse. Observez bien ce processus. Remarquez aussi les différents niveaux d'agrégation par lesquels notre analyste est passé.

DATA: Data Resources DATA: Data Resources The FERET Database Much of the material on this web site is based upon studies that used the FERET data. The FERET data comes as a 2 CD set containing 14,051 images, of which 3,816 are frontal images. Most previous work on FERET data has focused attention on the frontal images. The FERET data is available for research purposes. The FERET Database website. This site also contains important information about the images, including an overview of how the FERET database is structured. Face Data Preprocessing: Normalization. The FERET 1996/97 studies pre-processed the raw face data. Commonly Used Data Partitions The FERET 1996/97 studies used several important subsets of FERET images. One point of interest is the overlap between these sets, both in terms of people, and in terms of images. This overlap information summarized on our Partitions Overlap Page.

OpenCV History[edit] Advance vision research by providing not only open but also optimized code for basic vision infrastructure. No more reinventing the wheel.Disseminate vision knowledge by providing a common infrastructure that developers could build on, so that code would be more readily readable and transferable.Advance vision-based commercial applications by making portable, performance-optimized code available for free—with a license that did not require to be open or free themselves. The first alpha version of OpenCV was released to the public at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition in 2000, and five betas were released between 2001 and 2005. The second major release of the OpenCV was on October 2009. In August 2012, support for OpenCV was taken over by a non-profit foundation,, which maintains a developer[2] and user site.[3] Applications[edit] OpenCV's application areas include: Programming language[edit] OS support[edit] Windows prerequisites[edit]

BSD licenses BSD licenses are a family of permissive free software licenses, imposing minimal restrictions on the redistribution of covered software. This is in contrast to copyleft licenses, which have reciprocity share-alike requirements. The original BSD license was used for its namesake, the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), a Unix-like operating system. Two variants of the license, the New BSD License/Modified BSD License (3-clause),[1] and the Simplified BSD License/FreeBSD License (2-clause)[2] have been verified as GPL-compatible free software licenses by the Free Software Foundation, and have been vetted as open source licenses by the Open Source Initiative,[3] while the original, 4-clause license has not been accepted as an open source license and, although the original is considered to be a free software license by the FSF, the FSF does not consider it to be compatible with the GPL due to the advertising clause.[4] Terms[edit] Previous license[edit] See also[edit] References[edit]

Socket Class Socket provides access to the underlying operating system socket implementations. It can be used to provide more operating system specific functionality than the protocol-specific socket classes. The constants defined under Socket::Constants are also defined under Socket. For example, Socket::AF_INET is usable as well as Socket::Constants::AF_INET. See Socket::Constants for the list of constants. What's a socket? Sockets are endpoints of a bidirectionnal communication channel. Sockets have their own vocabulary: domain: The family of protocols: Socket::PF_INETSocket::PF_INET6Socket::PF_UNIXetc. type: The type of communications between the two endpoints, typically Socket::SOCK_STREAMSocket::SOCK_DGRAM. protocol: Typically zero. hostname: The identifier of a network interface: a string (hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 adress or broadcast which specifies a broadcast address)a zero-length string which specifies INADDR_ANYan integer (interpreted as binary address in host byte order). Quick start¶ ↑
