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JQuery: framework javascript - documentation en francais et actualités

JQuery: framework javascript - documentation en francais et actualités

Prototype.js : Le framework Ajax, JavaScript et DHTML - Tabs Widget Description: A single content area with multiple panels, each associated with a header in a list. Tabs are generally used to break content into multiple sections that can be swapped to save space, much like an accordion. Tabs have a particular set of markup that must be used in order for them to work properly: The tabs themselves must be in either an ordered (<ol>) or unordered (<ul>) list Each tab "title" must be inside of a list item (<li>) and wrapped by an anchor (<a>) with an href attribute Each tab panel may be any valid element but it must have an id which corresponds to the hash in the anchor of the associated tab. The content for each tab panel can be defined in-page or can be loaded via Ajax; both are handled automatically based on the href of the anchor associated with the tab. Below is some sample markup: Keyboard interaction When focus is on a tab, the following key commands are available: UP/LEFT: Move focus to the previous tab. CTRL+UP: Move focus to associated tab. Theming

Web Programming Step by Step, Chapter 9: Events and Prototype Chapter 9 Events and the Prototype Library Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this presentation are Copyright 2009 Marty Stepp and Jessica Miller. 9.1: The Prototype JavaScript Library 9.2: Event-Handling JavaScript is a powerful language, but it has many flaws: The DOM can be clunky to use The same code doesn't always work the same way in every browser code that works great in Firefox, Safari, ... will fail in IE and vice versa Many web developers work around these problems with hacks: if (navigator.appName === "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { ... Prototype JavaScript library adds many useful features to JavaScript: many useful extensions to the DOM added methods to String, Array, Date, Number, Object improves event-driven programming many cross-browser compatibility fixes makes Ajax programming easier (seen later) Prototype adds new methods to many existing JavaScript types: categories: CSS classes, DOM tree traversal/manipulation, events, styles var = $$("");

jQuery : Les bonnes pratiques Parce que beaucoup de développeurs se frottant à jQuery ne l’utilise pas forcément comme il faut et se plaignent souvent des performances médiocres obtenues, il était temps de remettre l’église au centre du village. Ce mémo est une traduction de ce très bon article anglais. Bonne lecture ! Toujours faire une recherche à partir d’un ID Le sélecteur le plus rapide de jQuery est le sélecteur d’ID ($(‘#mon-id’)) car elle est directement mappée sur une méthode Javascript native : getElementById(). Sélection d’un élément unique Une sélection comme celle-ci est plus rapide :var traffic_button = $(‘#traffic_button’); Que celle-ci :var traffic_button = $(‘#content .button’); Sélection d’éléments multiples La sélection d’éléments multiples parcours le DOM de manière transversale, cela peut être très long et très couteux en ressources. Utiliser des balises avant les classes Le second sélecteur le plus rapide de jQuery est le sélecteur de balises ($(‘head’)). Cacher les objets jQuery (Dé)chaînez la fureur

jQuery UI Demos jQuery UI offers a combination of interaction, effects, widgets, utilities, and themes designed to work well together or on their own. Play with the demos, view the source, build a theme, read the API documentation and start using jQuery UI today. Interactions Interactions add basic mouse-based behaviors to any element. Widgets Widgets are full-featured UI controls that bring the richness of desktop applications to the Web. Effects Effects add support for animating colors and class transitions, as well as providing several additional easings. Utilities Utilities used by jQuery UI to build interactions and widgets. Visual jQuery 1.2.6 Juice UI → Supercharge ASP.NET Web Forms with jQuery UI

100+ Best jQuery HTML5 Tutorial with Demos 2012 Trumbowyg : jQuery plugin for WYSIWYG HTML editor Simple HTML Editor field for the Silverstripe CMS that uses the Trumbowyg jquery plugin for WYSIWYG editing.Editor and generated code are optimized for HTML5 support. Compatible with all recents browsers like IE8+, Chrome, Opera and Firefox. WebSnowjq.js : Snow day using HTML5 & jQuery WebSnowjq.Js is a jQuery plugin made using HTML5 and javascript to create a virtual snow fall on a web page. Audio Recording with Custom Audio Player using jQuery & HTML5 Today we want to discuss how to publish a voice recording messages on newsfeed using Jquery and HTML5 with custom HTML5 audio player. Prism Effect Slider with HTML5 Canvas & JavaScript Today we’d like to show you how to build a simple slider with an interesting “prism” effect. Embed-js : jQuery plugin for Automatic Media Embedding system VexFlow : JavaScript library for Rendering Music Notation VexFlow is an open-source web-based music notation rendering API. Pixie : JavaScript Image Editor

Home | JavaScript UI - w2ui What People Are Saying I have been using it quite substantially for a number of different projects now and must say that I absolutely love the way it works. - Soteri Panagou I've been using your grid on a couple of small projects and I've got to say it's an awesome piece of work. - Collanders I must say, I really like all of these controls. - Bob F I was searching for a slick and simple, but also user-friendly UI library. - Gerald Leeb W2UI is an excellent library! - Antonio Santos Very nice looking library. - John Whitten I'm loving w2ui, it packs a lot of punch for such a light library. - Neil Grover I am seriously blown away at the amazing quality of this library. - Billy This is amazing! - Bruno Cassol This is incredible, thank you. - Anthony Isaacson This library is absolutely amazing, i never seen in my life such a clean and understandable code!!! - MrCatt First of all, thank you very much for your hard work on these components - they're all very, very good! - Dave Thompson Only 97kb All In One

Zepto.js: the aerogel-weight jQuery-compatible JavaScript library brite.js, a minimalistic MVC framework for jQuery (MVC for jQuery), DOM Centric MVC. brite.js is a simple but powerful DOM centric MVC (D-MVC) framework for building high-end HTML5 applications. The driving concept is to just add the missing MVC pieces to the DOM rather than force fitting Desktop MVC and Widget patterns to the DOM. The result is simpler, easier to optimize, and more scalable HTML/CSS/JS application code. In short, brite turns the DOM (and jQuery) into a robust, efficient, and scalable MVC platform. brite.js is MIT licensed, hosted on GitHub (source sode, brite.min.js, brite.js), and its only dependency is jQuery core (1.8 and above). Brite MVC Overview Model Extensible DAO model Asynchronous Store & UI Independent // Rich DAO eventing model // For example: trigger on any datachange // on object type User brite.dao.onDataChange("User", function(event){ var user = event.daoEvent.result; },namespace); // unbind with brite.dao.offDataChange(namespace); View On Demand Loading Any Templating Engine Great with Boostrap /tmpl/MyView.tmpl /css/MyView.css Controller

PropertyCross Les librairies JavaScript vraiment utiles JSTweener JSTweener est une librairie de gestion des transitions (tween en anglais) basé sur la classe Tweener utilisée dans le code ActionScript de Flash. $fx() - JavaScript Animation Library $fx() est une librairie JavaScript légère (moins de 4Ko) d'animation d'éléments HTML. Elle vous permet de modifier n'importe qu'elle propriété CSS progressivement avec un paramétrage simple. Vous pouvez aussi combiner les effets en les enchainant ou en les synchronisant. Facebook Animation Cette librairie vous offre beaucoup de possibilités pour améliorer leur page Facebook avec juste une ou deux lignes de code. Autres librairies : FX, Animator.js, jsAnim SoundManager SoundManager importe et améliore l'API Sound de Flash et la rend disponible en JavaScript. Flowplayer JavaScript API L'API JavaScript de Flowplayer vous permet de contrôler facilement et efficacement une ou plusieurs instances de Flowplayer dans une page HTML. Cookies EasyCookie Taffy DB Taffy DB est une librairie AJAX libre. ActiveRecord.js
