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Synaptic Web

Synaptic Web
Stay updated about the Synaptic Web on Twitter via @SynapticWeb The Synaptic Web By Khris Loux, Eric Blantz, Chris Saad and you... The Internet is constantly evolving. In the brain, neurologists now believe that it is the density and flexibility of the connections between neurons, not simply neurons themselves, which are at the root of intelligence. Even if the total number of brain cells, or neurons, begins to diminish in early adulthood, our ability to generate new connections between neurons and between different parts of the brain – what neurologist call “plasticity” - persists throughout life. It is at the synapse, the "gap" between one neuron and another, where neural connections are consummated to create pathways that, when used, are reinforced with additional connections and, when unused, are "pruned" to make way for new, more useful pathways. Signs of the emerging Synaptic Web abound. The same is true for Social Networks. Social profiles are becoming real-time streams.

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Web 3.0 A short story about the Semantic Web. Some Internet experts believe the next generation of the Web - Web 3.0 - will make tasks like your search for movies and food faster and easier. Instead of multiple searches, you might type a complex sentence or two in your Web 3.0 browser, and the Web will do the rest. For example, you could type "I want to see a funny movie and then eat at a good Mexican restaurant. That's not all. Eventually you might be able to ask your browser open questions like "where should I go for lunch?" Watch the full documentary now

Announcing Echo StreamServer, AppStore 02.08.2011– SAN FRANCISCO—Echo ( today launched StreamServer, a new cloud platform that gives media companies, brands and startups the power to aggregate and control content and activity from their site, social networks, applications and more into one real-time database. Echo unveiled the new platform this morning before a large audience at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art alongside NBC, Reuters, Sports Illustrated, Interscope, and other customers already working with the new service. Like never before, the Internet is awash with activity information. Those that have determined how to capture this data and create highly relevant social experiences have prospered. They are now household brand names. In response, many have tried to integrate simple Facebook, Twitter and other social media point solutions into their sites — but point solutions are not enough. Given the power but elusive nature of social media, today’s brands want: Control of the user experience

Système complexe adaptatif Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Complex Adaptive System Un système complexe adaptatif ou système complexe auto-adaptatif est l'ensemble des cas particuliers d'un système complexe capable de s'adapter à son environnement par des expériences d'apprentissage. Le terme anglais complex adaptive systems (CAS) a été introduit par l'Institut interdisciplinaire de Santa Fe notamment par John H. Holland et Murray Gell-Mann. Observations[modifier | modifier le code] En 1962, Vero Copner Wynne-Edwards a observé la sélection de groupe à l’œuvre dans les communautés d’oiseaux sauvages. Par ailleurs, David Sloan Wilson (en) a démontré qu’un réseau social qui applique les règles du « système adaptatif complexe » constitue la plus puissante machine à apprendre et gagne presque à tous les coups[1]. Exemples[modifier | modifier le code] Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] ↑ (fr) Le principe de Lucifer : le cerveau global, Howard Bloom (trad.

Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles SynapticWeb / FrontPage Nova Spivack – Minding the Planet Creating Your Own Echo Chamber With The E2 Stream | The Digital Letter - Official Blog of Kenneth Yeung + February 12, 2011 by Ken Yeung We’ve all seen it. Companies are advertising on television or through their own websites and when they say they have a Facebook page or Twitter account, they’re taking you to that service. You’re no longer centralizing that conversation. It’s going to be impossible for you to tie it all back together. Wouldn’t your community managers prefer to have one central area to respond to critics, supporters and your customers? This past Tuesday, the team from Echo held a press conference in San Francisco at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) where they announced something new to help create better engagement. Don’t leave your business out. One thing to note at first glance is that Echo and their e2 stream server is not meant for the individual consumer. In the beginning of the Internet age, we all put up websites and know people who could pop open Photoshop, create one from scratch and then build it out using HTML/CSS. People can still be social on your website

Structure du cerveau Sommaire Structure du cerveauLa mémoireLe sommeilLa fatigue Retour à Conseils pour la santé Le cerveau est la structure la plus complexe de l’univers. Celle-ci se caractérise par l’existence de prolongements, dont les uns apportent des informations au neurone (les dendrites), alors que les autres communiquent les informations recueillies par le neurone (les axones). Si quelque jour, passant par le Berry, vous avez l’occasion de visiter la cathédrale St Etienne de Bourges, vous pourrez y observer la superposition de trois édifices successifs : une crypte ancienne d’une grande simplicité, surmontée d’un chœur roman aux voûtes encore incertaines ; enfin surmontant le tout et l’enveloppant de toutes parts, l’admirable église gothique avec ses 5 vaisseaux de lumière s’élançant vers le ciel. Au cours de l’évolution, des premiers vertébrés à l’homme, sont apparus 3 cerveaux superposés : · le cerveau dit reptilien ou diencéphale, qui assure la régulation de notre vie végétative. (J.M. (P. (R. 1.

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