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Learn German podcast: German phrases, slang words, sayings and idioms

Learn German podcast: German phrases, slang words, sayings and idioms

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How to learn German at home - A1 level - Toytown Germany Well,my mother tongue is Chinese and English is my second language. I also recommend Schritte Plus till A2/2. For higher level, B1/1 or more, you may need someone to explain the grammar concept. Yes, there is no translation between English and German. Other than this book, try to find "quick fix grammar" from Amazon or "Learning German for dummies". key79, on 29.Jun.2011, 5:27pm, said: I started learning German in January and after less then six months I am well above A1 which I easily passed in April. I started learning German in January and after less then six months I am well above A1 which I easily passed in April. GermanOnline Intercontinental Foreign Language School What Does Your Body Language Say About You? How To Read Signs and Recognize Gestures - Jinxi Boo - Jinxi Boo Art by LaetitziaAs we all know, communication is essential in society. Advancements in technology have transformed the way that we correspond with others in the modern world. Because of the constant buzz in our technological world, it's easy to forget how important communicating face-to-face is. Body language is truly a language of its own. 10% from what the person actually says40% from the tone and speed of voice50% is from their body language. Lowering one's head can signal a lack of confidence. Pushing back one's shoulders can demonstrate power and courageOpen arms means one is comfortable with being approached and willing to talk/communicate The lowering of the eyes can convey fear, guilt or submissionLowered eyebrows and squinted eyes illustrate an attempt at understanding what is being said or going onA lack of confidence or apprehensiveness can be displayed when you don't look another person in the eyesOne tends to blink more often if nervous or trying to evaluate someone else

Learn German German Flashcards - Learn German Language Online Yahoo! Babel Fish - Text Translation and Web Page Translation Korean Kimchi Pancake Recipe - Recipe for Kimchi Jun (Kimchee Jeon) This kimchi pancake recipe is a great use of leftover kimchi and is very easy to make. Kimchi Jun works as a hearty snack, an appetizer, or a side dish to a Korean or Asian meal. As with most Korean recipes and dishes, you can tweak it to your own tastes with the addition of other vegetables, meat, or seafood. If you are going to be using the ready-made batter available at Korean and other Asian groceries, see the bottom note for directions. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 2 cups flour 2 eggs, beaten 1.5 cups water 1-2 cups of chopped cabbage kimchi (baechu kimchee), depending upon how spicy and crunchy you like your pancake1 tsp salt Oil for cooking Preparation: Mix all ingredients together and let sit for about 10 minutes. *You can also make these using the ready-make “Korean Pancake Batter” (Buchimgae) from the Korean of Asian grocery store. (aka Tele Deutsch)
