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Khan Academy Transformational leadership Read What Facebook’s Sandberg Calls Maybe ‘The Most important Document Ever To Come Out Of The Valley’ Facebook’s No. 2 top dog, COO Sheryl Sandberg, recently said that Netflix’s company culture document “may well be the most important document ever to come out of the Valley.” The document, a bullet-point-happy PowerPoint, has become a cultural manifesto for the Internet’s economic epicenter, amassing over 3.2 million views on More than simply a management guide, it’s a window into a philosophy that thrives on uncertainty, creativity, and trust — a blinding contrast to the hierarchical culture that dominated much of the 20th century workplace. To the extent that innovation and the Internet play a role in the modern workplace, it is a crystal ball into the future of daily life. We’ve summarized the most telling principles below: Creativity is Most Important In procedural work, the best are 2x better than the average. The technology industry, especially, is haunted by the ever-present fear of obsolescence. Prioritize Discovery Over Job Security Unlimited Vacation

18 règles typographiques pour rendre vos contenus plus lisibles | C-Marketing Un des éléments essentiels pour rendre un contenu visuellement attrayant et agréable à lire est de s’assurer qu’il soit correctement mis en forme. En dehors du choix des couleurs, de la structure et des illustrations, la typographie influence la lisibilité et l’efficacité du message. Les possibilités en matière de polices de caractères sont illimitées. La typographie est cruciale car elle facilite le processus de compréhension et d’assimilation de l’information. Une infographie en anglais liste 18 règles valables pour tous les types de textes, web ou print. Typographie, caractères, polices et fontes De manière générale, la typographie fait référence à l’agencement des caractères d’écriture. Les caractères mobiles ou types qui la composent sont la manifestation visuelle de la parole. Les termes polices ou fontes évoquent les caractères d’une même famille, formant un alphabet complet et cohérent. Choisir une police qui a du caractère Chaque police a sa personnalité 2 ou 3 polices maximum

KAIZEN.COM: Kaizen Institute: Global Leaders in Operational Excellence Lose the WOD Blog | 321Go Project Something tells me having the WOD blog on your homepage is not doing you any favors. Let’s look at an example that probably plays out almost every day: Betty keeps hearing the word “CrossFit” pop up in her community. She’s standing in a check out line and over hears two ladies talking about CrossFit. She picks up her kids from school and hears a teacher talking about it with another mom. This affiliate owner potentially lost a member who may have visited another local affiliate website in her area which was easier to understand, had clear explanations of what she could expect her first visit, and also a call to action to let her know her first intro, session, or one-on-one was free. Here are some steps you can take right now to help your site become more of a call to action, then just an area to post your WOD’s Make sure on your homepage you have a clear call to action for a visitor and your phone number is as big as possible.

Self-Regulating Work Groups: A Socio-Technical Synthesis Abstract Self-regulating work groups are a promising alternative to traditional forms of work design. Their emergence from socio-technical systems theory and field experimentation is discussed, and their theoretical bases and implementation strategies presented. Managerial functions appropriate to their design and supervision are also proposed. Footnotes Thomas G. Received March 29, 1977.

Stop producing shit | Marius Andra's blog A friend of mine is starting what can only be described as a combination of Facebook, Groupon, LinkedIn and Foursquare. He’s super excited and hasn’t talked to any potential customers yet. I know a guy whose startup pivots twice a year, each time hoping to solve a problem that’s not really there. Now they’re cloning Yammer. Some other guys had an idea, received validation from two potential clients, raised funding, hired a lot of people, built a product and discovered nobody really wants to pay for it. What’s going on? On the other side you have teams producing amazing products. They are not doing the impossible, yet somehow they’re different. To build a successful business you need a great team, a good idea and a lot of hard work. I’m sure the guys passionately producing crap have as many resources and as good of a team as the other ones. Luckily this can be easily avoided. I’ve written about this before, so I’ll just quickly quote my latest blogging hero, James Altucher: Try it.

5 outils pour vos couleurs | Le blog du graphiste freelance Choisir ses couleurs dans la création graphique est une étape difficile, il faut que les couleurs véhiculent les valeurs choisis, qu’elles soient toutes en adéquation avec les autres couleurs, dans l’ère du temps, suffisamment contrastées pour être à la fois compatible au monde du print et au monde du web, tout en prenant en compte les différents supports (écrans mats et écrans brillants) et la luminosité associée… Vous avez déjà rencontré ce problème lors de vos maquettes et créations graphiques print ou webdesign ! Il faut alors, en démarrant la création, définir une palette de couleurs qui servira de base de travail lors du maquettage de nos créations. Voici alors 5 outils en ligne permettant de créer des palettes de couleurs : Flat UI ColorsCe site propose une palette de 20 couleurs utilisées en ce moment où le flat design est à la mode. ColourLovers Depuis le temps, ce site est devenu une référence dans le monde de la création. Vous utilisez autre chose vous ?

Groepsdynamica, deel 1 - Psychologische Kring Wiki Groepsdynamica, deel 1 Uit Psychologische Kring Wiki Ga naar: navigatie, zoeken Korte beschrijving Groepsdynamica, deel 1 is sinds dit jaar helemaal vernieuwd. Je zal voor dit vak wel wat werk hebben. Paper: je zal een team moeten interviewen over groepsprocessen. Samenvattingen Begrippenlijst Samenvatting Tekst One hundred years of groups research Samenvatting Tekst Work Groups : From the Hawthorne studies ... Samenvatting Tekst The Competitive Imperative of Learning Samenvatting Tekst Do Teams Work? Samenvatting Tekst Teamwork: Emerging principles Samenvatting Tekst Social and Cognitive factors driving teamwork in collaborative learning environments Samenvatting Tekst Grasping the dynamic Complexity of team learning Samenvatting Tekst Training for cooperative groupwork Samenvatting Tekst A theory of team coaching Samenvatting Tekst Culturele diversiteit in organisaties Samenvatting Tekst Behind The Music Samenvatting Tekst Cooperation, Competetion and Team Performance: toward a contingency approach

10 Tools to Improve Your CrossFit Gym Here is my top ten ways to improve your CrossFit gym. Every gym could use a little improvement, even if you are killing it with 200 members and a 300 pound clean. You are a CrossFitter right? You always want more, bigger, better and faster! I will touch on revenue streams, creative ideas and food that will spice up your affiliate and make it the best in town. 1) CrossFit Journal- it is $25 bucks a year, probably more information then you can consume and will keep you up to date on all the CrossFit happenings. 2) Journal Menu- customizable journals for your CrossFit gym. 2) Gym Swag- Why should Reebok get all the credit? 3) Massage Therapist, Chiropractor, Physical Therapist- This is an amazing partnership to have for you and your community. 4) Recovery Tools- PLEASE READ- I could not be more passionate about this one. Do you program Mobility WOD’s? 5) Rogue Fitness- The prices can be high, but the quality is unbeatable. There is the secret list out for everyone to see.

Spiral Complexity Dynamics Chris Lucas "At each stage of human existence the adult man is off on his quest of his holy grail, the way of life he seeks by which to live... As he sets off on each quest, he believes he will find the answer to his existence. Yet, much to his surprise and much to his dismay, he finds at every stage that the solution to existence is not the solution he has come to find. Every stage he reaches leaves him disconcerted and perplexed. It is simply that as he solves one set of human problems he finds a new set in their place. Introduction - meshing with our minds Human dynamics takes many forms, and when we form societies then we create one of the most complex systems on the planet, comprising not just complex human minds, but complex institutional ideas along with complex artefacts. Spiral Dynamics - growing as a people "Here’s the key idea. Value Matters - getting deeper, living better Our Changing World - feeling the stress Coexisting Lifestyles - mix 'n match

Mad Libs For Pitches: How To Perfect The One Sentence Pitch You’re the founder of a fledgling startup locked in a room with angel investor Ron Conway for exactly 30 seconds, what do you say? If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you fumble for the words to succinctly describe your startup in a sentence or two. That seems simple enough, what could go wrong in under a minute? According to the Founder Institute’s Adeo Ressi: a lot. When it comes to the one sentence pitch, Ressi says “Most entrepreneurs manage to screw it up… How much better would the world be if every startup could explain their business well in one sentence?” To help entrepreneurs perfect the art of the micro pitch, he’s created a rudimentary template in Mad Libs style: My company, __(insert name of company)__, is developing __(a defined offering)__ to help __(a defined audience)__ __(solve a problem)__ with __(secret sauce)__. According to Ressi, “most entrepreneurs add useless adjectives, define their audience too vaguely and have a weak value proposition with no secret sauce.”

Comment piloter et mesurer un plan d'actions digital? Quels sont les bons indicateurs de performance? - Butter Cake Résumé : Les deux principaux problèmes liés au pilotage stratégique des actions digitales sont liés : un excès de données disponibles et la difficulté de les agréger entre elles et avec d’autres médias. C’est le point de vue de départ qui fausse la donne : en partant de l’opérationnel et de ce qu’on peut mesurer, les additions et comparaisons rendent myope et se font au mauvais niveau. Il faut partir des objectifs stratégiques et des critères de succès et d’échec pour définir les bons indicateurs, en ne confondant pas indicateurs d’objectifs et indicateurs tactiques de « chemin ». Le bon rythme de pilotage en découlera rétroactivement. Or une stratégie d’entreprise ne se pilote ni au CPM ni au CPA. Ces 2 problèmes apparemment séparés sont liés car tous les deux tributaires du point de vue de départ: quand on part de l’échelle opérationnelle, comparer web et télé par exemple peut donner l’impression de vouloir additionner des choux et des carottes, les débats risquent d’être infinis.
