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Creative Math Problem Solving Please enable JavaScript to view this page content properly. Joy of Mathematical Problem Solving This website is a resource for anyone who wants to enjoy creative math problem solving. Introduction to Metadata Metadata is organised information that describes, locates or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve information. Metadata is all around us, it started as catalogue cards in libraries and is now used mainly in a digital manner. Metadata is everywhere, every webpage, every file, picture, piece of software has metadata that describes what it is, when was it created, what size it is, generally everything you or a computer needs to know to efficiently find information. Szögfüggvények - Trigonometry, Unit circle, Szinusz Témák Trigonometry Unit circle Szinusz Koszinusz Tangents Leírás

DRAGONBOX ALGEBRA - The game that secretly teaches algebra ALGEBRAlisa Get it now! The Most Fun Way To Learn Algebra DragonBox is a series of learning tools for algebra that can teach anyone to solve equations by turning algebra into an intuitive and motivating game. 10 Apps for Math Fluency There are so many ways to use mobile devices with students. You can create interactive textbooks for children to read, ask them to explain their thinking through screencasting or help them access informational text using QR codes. Mobile devices can also be used to help students practice foundational math skills and build their math fluency. In order for students to tackle the multi-step word problems they'll be asked to solve as early as elementary school, they need to have mastered their addition, subtraction and multiplication facts. By answering 4 + 12, 15 - 5, 9 x 7 and 18 / 3 quickly and accurately, students can focus on reading word problems to figure out what the question is asking them to do.

The Three Acts Of A Mathematical Story 2016 Aug 6. Here is video of this task structure implemented with elementary students. 2013 May 14. How I Acted Like A Pundit And Screwed Up On Donald Trump Since Donald Trump effectively wrapped up the Republican nomination this month, I’ve seen a lot of critical self-assessments from empirically minded journalists — FiveThirtyEight included, twice over — about what they got wrong on Trump. This instinct to be accountable for one’s predictions is good since the conceit of “data journalism,” at least as I see it, is to apply the scientific method to the news. That means observing the world, formulating hypotheses about it, and making those hypotheses falsifiable. (Falsifiability is one of the big reasons we make predictions.)

‎Einstein's Riddle Logic Puzzle on the App Store (Klasszikus játék logikus gonolkodás fejlesztése) Real Einstein Challenge is a logic puzzle to challenge your brain. It is known as different names, such as Einsteins Riddle, Zebra Puzzle or Sherlock Holmes Puzzle. The game presents a logic problem that gives you several clues describing a scenario involving a number of people. Each person has a certain job, owns a certain pet, likes some kind of sport, among other attributes. 11 Math Problems That Look Simple But Are Not If Brain Teaser Tuesday was a thing, THIS would be great for Brain Teaser Tuesday. However, seeing as that is not a official thing (thanks for dragging your feet on that, OBAMA) -- these are just 11 math brain teasers for any old Tuesday. If you saw this list title and didn't recoil in horror, prepare to have all sorts of nerd fun. If you saw this list title and did recoil in horror, there are approximately 600 other lists on this website that you'll probably want to check out.

alyssa frazee Thu 02 January 2014 | -- (permalink) My sister is a senior undergraduate majoring in sociology. She just landed an awesome analyst job for next semester and was told she'll be using some R in the course of her work. She asked me to show her the ropes during winter vacation, and of course I said yes! What better way to while away the days of a Minnesota winter?!

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