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National Academy Museum & School of Fine Arts

National Academy Museum & School of Fine Arts

Museum for African Art: Home Page New York Hall of Science Home National LGBT Museum Nicholas Roerich Museum The Skyscraper Museum The Skyscraper Museum is devoted to the study of high-rise building, past, present, and future. The Museum explores tall buildings as objects of design, products of technology, sites of construction, investments in real estate, and places of work and residence. This site will look better in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. Located in New York City, the world's first and foremost vertical metropolis, The Skyscraper Museum celebrates the City's rich architectural heritage and examines the historical forces and individuals that have shaped its successive skylines. Through exhibitions, programs and publications, the Museum explores tall buildings as objects of design, products of technology, sites of construction, investments in real estate, and places of work and residence. The Skyscraper Museum is located in lower Manhattan's Battery Park City at 39 Battery Place. General admission is $5, $2.50 for students and seniors.

The music of Antony ANT Harding Staten Island Museum nimbletank - an award winning strategic thinking cross platform, mobile application and mobile website agency | nimbletank Japan Society, New York - Gallery March 11–June 12, 2016 The catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that struck northeast Japan on March 11, 2011 and triggered an on-going nuclear crisis has been met with an overwhelming reaction in the arts, marking a profound shift in the contemporary Japanese cultural landscape. Opening five years to the day since 3/11, Japan Society’s presentation of In the Wake reveals a stunning range of photographic responses to the disaster and the artistic paths that lie ahead as Japan continues to rebuild. Experience the power of art to transcend unspeakable tragedy with over 90 photographic works by 17 of Japan’s leading visionaries, including Nobuyoshi Araki, Naoya Hatakeyama, Keizō Kitajima, Lieko Shiga, and Tomoko Yoneda. This exhibition was organized by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. More information, including exhibition-related programs, coming soon.

Home « Unfold El Museo del Barrio New York 想成为他们吗?网页设计圈的10个领军人物 在每个行业都会有这样一群人:他们乘风破浪,在茫茫碧波中发现新的风景;打破教条,开辟新天地,引领人们前进。他们就是所处领域的冠军。网页设计领域也是如此,这个行业里人才辈出,那么今天我们就来八一八网页设计师都应该熟知的十个大神吧。 @豆池麦 纵观创新领域,你会发现有那么一些很有影响力的人,正引领着整个行业的发展,无论是新的概念、技术方法或是思想这些方面。如果我问你,摄影世界里你知道David Bailey吗? 网页设计跟上述领域没有本质的区别,也有领军人物,但是要选出10个大家都应该知晓的人物还是蛮难的…不过很幸运,我们生活在一个人人乐于分享的年代,facebook和twitter等社交工具让接触名人不再是个梦想。 相关推荐:《40个设计师必备的资源网站》《强烈推荐! 01. Twitter: Andy是众所周知的会议发言人,也是一家基于威尔士语的设计工作室的创始人,顾客有内政部,STV电视台和国际标准化组织等。 《硬派网页设计》这本书让Andy红遍设计圈,此书将渐进增强思想与响应式网页设计有机结合,是设计领域当之无愧的葵花宝典。 02. Twitter: Dan写过五本书,内容从基础等级的代码编写到Sass都有涉猎。 03. Twitter: Dave Shea因 CSS Zen Garden项目而成名,这个项目扭转了网页设计的方向,将基于表格设计的网页转向了基于css设计的网页。 04. Twitter: Jeffrey可能是这是十个人中人们最出名的了,他是《设计和网页等级》一书(这本书是网页设计师必备秘籍)的作者,《a book apart》的出版人,是时下最流行的网络日志A List Apart的推手。 05. Twitter: Matt是大型网站SitePoint.com的老板,这是一个社区,里面提供各种网络课程的教材,教程和论文。 Matt还是99designs的负责人,这是一个褒贬不一的平面设计平台。 06. Twitter: 07. Twitter: 08. 09.

The Drawing Center | Exhibitions-Current | New York, NY 23个最具影响力的网页设计博客 曾沙:原文作者花了大量时间在网上搜集行业里高质量网页设计的博客,不过话说回来,高质量可信的资源确实挺稀缺的。上一期回顾:《设计师必须知道的6个最具影响力的网页设计博客》在上一期的专题中,优设很多童鞋表示那些博客都是每天必须关注的,那么这一期的专题,爱学习的童鞋们继续留心咯。 CSS-Tricks CSS-Tricks是Chris Coyier公众博客,专门讲一些有关CSS的话题。 Chris和Dave Rupert一起创造了ShopTalk 播客,在里面可以讨论所以有关网页设计和开发的事情。 CSS-Tricks 是 Chris Coyier 2007年建立的,总部在美国怀俄明州的密尔沃基,至今网站月页面访问量达270万。 网站亮点(这个网站的独特之处是什么?) 名人效应——Chris Coyier 是这么网站的精神领袖,他的个人风格贯穿于项目始终,是众多设计师的楷模。 CSS-Tricks 相关数据: Alexa 国际互联网流量排名:1737 Google PR值:7 Twitter粉丝:74,021 Facebook粉丝:16,018 Google+粉丝:15,970 Youtube邮件订阅:6,177 SpeckyBoy Design Magazine Speckyboy 于2007年10月在苏格兰创建,最开始是 Paul Andrew 的个人网页设计网站。 最有意思的是这个网站并没有实体办公室,团队成员都很喜欢这种美妙的网络生活方式,没有办公场所又算什么呢! Speckyboy提供独到深刻的教程,节省时间的技巧,最新有用的资源和启迪人心的艺术,同时涵盖web设计和开发、平面设计、广告、移动应用,甚至偶尔还有一些求职招聘。 Speckyboy 是据我所知第一个有自己专门的 iPhone和 iPad app的网页设计博客。 Alexa 国际互联网流量排名:5,084 Google PR值:6 Twitter 粉丝:50,111 Facebook 粉丝:25,231 Google+ 粉丝:5,238 Webdesigner Depot Design You Trust Design Modo Design Shack Web Design Ledger Six Revisions Naldz Graphics Noupe Blog Spoon Graphics InstantShift TutorialZine
