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Museum of the Moving Image

Museum of the Moving Image

American Indian Heye Center | Museums and Zoo The New York Museum presents the lifeways and traditions of Native people throughout the hemisphere through an active schedule of exhibitions, family programs, performances and film screenings. Highlights The Diker Pavilion of Native Arts and Cultures, daily film screenings, Resource Center and numerous public programs throughout the year LocationAlexander Hamilton U.S. Un nuovo volo su solaris - Museum AZ Nel film “Solaris” (1972) di Andrej Tarkovskij era stata messa insieme una serie di modelli esemplari dell’arte mondiale, di oggetti creati sulla Terra e selezionati dal regista per rivivere su un altro pianeta. Per il progetto espositivo “Un nuovo volo su Solaris”, il Museo AZ propone una sua nuova selezione di opere d’arte afferenti a un patrimonio congeniale ad Andrej Tarkovskij: si tratta infatti di lavori dei suoi contemporanei, i maestri dell’underground sovietico attivi tra gli anni ’60 e gli anni ’80 del Novecento. Avvalendosi dell’idea del regista come procedimento formale foriero di significati profondi, la curatrice del progetto Polina Lobačevskaja sceglie di collocare nelle sale barocche di Palazzo San Firenze un’installazione futuristica che ricorda una stazione spaziale, dotata di 22 schermi per la proiezione di video che saranno composti da materiali fotografici e cinematografici unici legati all’opera di Andrej Tarkovskij.

McCord Museum, Montreal History Museum Visit The Cloisters The Cloisters museum and gardens, the branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art devoted to the art and architecture of medieval Europe, was assembled from architectural elements, both domestic and religious, that largely date from the twelfth through the fifteenth century. The building and its cloistered gardens—located in Fort Tryon Park in northern Manhattan—are treasures in themselves, effectively part of the collection housed there. The Cloisters' collection comprises approximately two thousand works of art. Download The Cloisters Map PDF See hours and admission information for The Cloisters museum and gardens. The Cloisters museum and gardens is easily accessible by subway, bus, or car. Reservations are required for guided and self-guided group visits to The Cloisters. The Cloisters welcomes all visitors and regularly offers events and programs to accommodate all audiences. Discover the history of this medieval treasure in northern Manhattan.

Tenement Museum New York City - NYC Museum
