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RDFa Primer

RDFa Primer
We begin the introduction to RDFa by using a subset of all the possibilities called RDFa Lite 1.1 [rdfa-lite]. The goal, when defining that subset, was to define a set of possibilities that can be applied to most simple to moderate structured data markup tasks, without burdening the authors with additional complexities. Many Web authors will not need to use more than this minimal subset. 2.1.1 The First Steps: Adding Machine-Readable Hints to Web Pages Consider Alice, a blogger who publishes a mix of professional and personal articles at Hints on Social Networking Sites Alice publishes a blog and would like to provide extra structural information on her pages like the publication date or the title. Example 1 <html><head> ... This information is, however, aimed at humans only; computers need some sophisticated methods to extract it. Example 2 <html><head> ... (Notice the markup colored in red: these are the RDFa "hints".) Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6

Welcome to the Bibliographic Ontology Website | The Bibliographi digitalbazaar/jsonld.js Semantics, HTML, XHTML, and Structure - Semantics - Articles - B Articles: Semantics, HTML, XHTML, and Structure Introduction Good HTML structure is based on logic, order, and using semantically correct markup. Once your HTML structure is in place with the appropriate markup, add CSS for visual presentation. The information below is meant as a jumping off point, written for clients and others who want to know at least enough to understand what’s going on within their pages and how to create a solid, semantically correct webpage. A Few Basic Elements Headings W3C info:7.5.5 Headings: The H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 elements Use heading elements for headings: H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6. For example, this: <h1>Our Company</h1><h2>Our Services</h2> Becomes this: Our Services Paragraphs: the P Element Use the P element for paragraphs. W3C info about P: “The P element represents a paragraph. Line Breaks: the BR Element BR at W3C: 9.3.2 Controlling line breaks The BR element is one of the more abused HTML elements around. Emphasis: the EM Element EM at W3C: “Indicates emphasis.”

RDF - Semantic Web Standards Overview RDF is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. RDF has features that facilitate data merging even if the underlying schemas differ, and it specifically supports the evolution of schemas over time without requiring all the data consumers to be changed. RDF extends the linking structure of the Web to use URIs to name the relationship between things as well as the two ends of the link (this is usually referred to as a “triple”). This linking structure forms a directed, labeled graph, where the edges represent the named link between two resources, represented by the graph nodes. Recommended Reading The RDF 1.1 specification consists of a suite of W3C Recommendations and Working Group Notes, published in 2014. A number of textbooks have been published on RDF and on Semantic Web in general. Discussions on a possible next version of RDF W3C has recently set up a new RDF Working Group, whose charter is to make a minor revision of RDF. Last modified and/or added All relevant tools

DOAC: Description of a Career Basic Compiler Graphs In this section we describe the set of core compiler specific graphs and algorithms implemented in MLRISC. Mostly of these algorithms are parameterized with respect to the actual intermediate representation, and as such they do not provide many facilities that are provided by higher abstraction layers, such as in MLRISC IR, or in SSA. Dominator/Post-dominator Trees Dominance is a fundamental concept in compiler optimizations. Node iff all paths from the start node to intersects A. functor DominatorTree (GraphImpl : GRAPH_IMPLEMENTATION) : DOMINATOR_TREE The functor implements dominator analysis and creates a dominator/post-dominator tree from a graph . We annotated each node in a dominator tree with three extra fields of information, which is useful for other algorithms: level is the nesting level of the tree. To create a dominator tree and a postdominator tree from a graph, the following function should be called. val methods : ('n,'e,'g) dominator_tree -> dominator_methods dominates()

Twine - Organize, Share, Discover Information Around Your Intere Web Data Commons Planning a Semantic Web site This article discusses what you need to know to make your Web site part of the Semantic Web. It starts with a discussion of the problems the Semantic Web tries to solve and then moves to the technologies involved, such as Resource Description Framework (RDF), Web Ontology Language (OWL), and SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL). You'll see how the Semantic Web is layered on top of the existing Web. It then covers some issues that you want to know about when you plan a new Web site and also gives specific examples of how to use technologies like RDFa and Microformats to enable your existing Web site to become a part of the Semantic Web. Introduction to the Semantic Web The World Wide Web is the largest single information resource humanity has ever produced. The Semantic Web is Tim Berners-Lee's vision of the future of the Web. The Web was originally all about documents. Structuring data adds value to that data. Back to top Semantic Web technology overview Figure 1. Listing 1.

Backbone.js Content management system CMSs are often used to run websites containing blogs, news, and shopping. Many corporate and marketing websites use CMSs. CMSs typically aim to avoid the need for hand coding but may support it for specific elements or entire pages. Main features[edit] The function and use of content management systems is to store and organize files, and provide version-controlled access to their data. A CMS may serve as a central repository containing documents, movies, pictures, phone numbers, scientific data. Distinguishing between the basic concepts of user and content, the content management system (CMS) has two elements: Content management application (CMA) is the front-end user interface that allows a user, even with limited expertise, to add, modify and remove content from a Web site without the intervention of a Webmaster.Content delivery application (CDA) compiles that information and updates the Web site. Web content management system[edit] Component content management system[edit] See also[edit]

» Implementing FOAF in Rails &lt;CrowdVine Blog&gt; FOAF is an RDF spec for describing people and the relationships between them. I thought FOAF had mostly died and been replaced by hcard/XFN. However, it looks like FOAF is going to make a come back as one of the technologies that people build their OpenSocial APIs on top of. So I decided to add it to CrowdVine. You’d think this would be simple but I couldn’t find anyone who described it clearly. Define a MimeType in config/initializers/mime_types.rb so that we can use respond_to to implement FOAF as a second view on on existing profile page. Mime::Type.register("application/rdf+xml", :rdf) If your profile urls are something like /profiles/42 then we want the FOAF url to be /profile/42.rdf. map.foaf 'profiles/show/:id. Now let’s go into our controller and use respond_to to tell our action to choose a template based on the requested format. respond_to do |format| format.html format.rdf end Now you’re ready for a FOAF template. xml.instruct! Related Posts: No Related Posts

One Page Apps I Actually Use There is a zillion one-page apps focused on making some little aspect of front end development easier. I think they are great. They exemplify the wonderful culture of sharing and ingenuity that our industry is known for. Why type out all five property/value pairs for a transition when you could just come here and copy it quick in nice formatting with comments. Every time I need to round some of the corners of an element but not all of them I end up here. I created this one for myself. I gotta drop jQuery on this page... what's that long funky URL of where it's hosted on Google's CDN again? Ever need a really common symbol for a tweet or an email or website? Button Maker If I just need some quick CSS3 to make a button I usually use this (another one by me). Share On
