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Gorey Details - Art & Gifts for the Dark at Heart

Gorey Details - Art & Gifts for the Dark at Heart

The Shoppe Art Prints - Artist Shoppe Photoshop CS4: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words Layers Magazine | Layers... I love Photoshop techniques that offer all kinds of possibilities for experimentation—and the following tutorial is a perfect example of one of those techniques. In this issue, we’re going to take a portrait and replace the person’s image with text (think 2009 Grammy posters). Pick a portrait that offers good contrast—a photo that’s very dramatic and dark probably won’t work as well. I’ve had the best success with straight-on head and shoulder shots, but again, feel free to experiment with all types of photos. Create a new document (File>New) in a size that’s smaller than your photo: the specifics don’t really matter. Switch back to the photograph. Then, press Command-J (PC: Ctrl-J) to copy the selected pixels onto a new layer. Go back to the Select menu and choose Color Range again. Click the Eye icon next to the Background layer in the Layers panel to hide that layer from view. Click the Create a New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.

Attacks Fantastic Work by the Jessica Joslin Jessica Joslin gives findings a new meaning all together. She takes bones, skulls, leather, fur, fabric and odds and ends castaway from other lives and eras, fashioning and creating a kingdom of her own. Her work definitely has a gothic feel, but they also have a real playful edge to them as well. Her animals remind me of a friend's hairless cat, Fredy, who at first glance you're not sure what to make of her, yet her warm and lovable personality wins you over in seconds. As does Jessica's incredible menagerie.

Фото и рисунки, арт и креативная реклама Manuel Albarran Redux Most of you remember Manuel Albarran from photographer Gustavo Lopez Manas’ cover shoot for Issue 03, as well as multiple mentions on the blog. Recent updates to Albarran’s portfolio include the stunning shot below – a graceful companion to the portrait of Joshuadavid Reno by photographer Spencer Hansen featured in Issue 05′s article on the late Tiffa Novoa. After the jump, a couple of other shots from interesting recent Albarran collaborations, including a series called “Another World,” shot by Manas and featuring model/performer Johanna Constantine (you can find the extended set on Manas’ site), and a collaboration with an uncredited photographer featuring model Polly Fey. Mila’s Daydreams Une excellente initiative de Adele Enersen, en provenance d’Helsinki avec ce projet intitulé « Mila’s Daydreams ». Pendant la durée de son congé maternité, elle met en scène et imagine quotidiennement les rêves de son bébé. L’ensemble est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

surreal-horror-art-by-beksinski-41-pics from Surreal horror art and photography by Zdzislaw Beksinski (24 February, 1929 – 21 February, 2005). Beksinksi Beksinksi 2 Beksinksi 3 Beksinksi 4 Beksinksi 5 Beksinksi 6 Beksinksi 7 Beksinksi 8 Beksinksi 9 Beksinksi 10 Beksinksi 11 Beksinksi 12 Beksinksi 13 Beksinksi 14 Beksinksi 15 Beksinksi 16 Beksinksi 17 Beksinksi 18 Beksinksi 19 Beksinski photography Zdzislaw Beksinski 20 Zdzislaw Beksinski 21 Zdzislaw Beksinski 22 Zdzislaw Beksinski 23 Zdzislaw Beksinski 24 Zdzislaw Beksinski 25 Zdzislaw Beksinski 26 Zdzislaw Beksinski 27 Zdzislaw Beksinski 28 Zdzislaw Beksinski 29 Zdzislaw Beksinski 30 Zdzislaw Beksinski 31 Zdzislaw Beksinski 32 Zdzislaw Beksinski 33 Zdzislaw Beksinski 34 Zdzislaw Beksinski 35 Zdzislaw Beksinski 36 Zdzislaw Beksinski 37 Zdzislaw Beksinski 38 Zdzislaw Beksinski 39 Zdzislaw Beksinski 40 More surreal art by Beksinski from and Dmochowskigallery Be Sociable, Share! Related posts: Tagged as: Beksinski, horror art, paintings, photography, surreal art, zombies
