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Digital Citizenship Poster for Elementary Classrooms

Digital Citizenship Poster for Elementary Classrooms
Turn wired students into great digital citizens Get all the tools you need with Common Sense Education's FREE Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum and Connecting Families Program. The relevant, ready-to-use instruction helps you guide students to make safe, smart, and ethical decisions in the digital world where they live, study, and play. Download a printable PDF of this poster (en español)Order a larger print through CafePress Curriculum See our full Scope & Sequence. Poster for upper grades also available! Related:  Cittadinanza digitale

Common Sense Digital Citizenship: Certified Educator "I'm inspired to teach digital citizenship and become a Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified Educator because I see the excitement, engagement, and passion from my students when using technology in a way that is safe and enhances their individual learning experiences." Nicole Swick, Common Sense Certified Educator, CICS West Belden Charter School, Ill. Being a Common Sense Certified Educator is an official stamp of recognition from Common Sense. If you give permission, Common Sense Education also will list your name and school on our website. Last, but not least, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you've helped your students develop essential skills to learn and thrive in the 21st century.

Digital Citizenship Poster for Middle and High School Classrooms Turn wired students into great digital citizens Get all the tools you need with Common Sense Education's FREE Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum and Connecting Families Program. The relevant, ready-to-use instruction helps you guide students to make safe, smart, and ethical decisions in the digital world where they live, study, and play. Curriculum See the full curriculum. Download a printable PDF of this posterOrder a larger print through CafePress K-5 poster also available!

Digital Citizenship 8 digital life skills all children need – and a plan for teaching them A generation ago, IT and digital media were niche skills. Today, they are a core competency necessary to succeed in most careers. That’s why digital skills are an essential part of a comprehensive education framework. Without a national digital education programme, command of and access to technology will be distributed unevenly, exacerbating inequality and hindering socio-economic mobility. What’s your DQ? The challenge for educators is to move beyond thinking of IT as a tool, or “IT-enabled education platforms”. Like IQ or EQ – which we use to measure someone’s general and emotional intelligence – an individual’s facility and command of digital media is a competence that can be measured. DQ can broadly be broken down into three levels: Level 1: Digital citizenship The ability to use digital technology and media in safe, responsible and effective ways Level 2: Digital creativity Level 3: Digital entrepreneurship Why are we neglecting digital citizenship? There is no need to wait. Share

27 Cyber Bullying Statistics and Facts Cyber Bullying Statistics and Trends Cyberbullying is considered a form a bullying that transpires with electronic technology. This can include text messages, emails, and social media sites. Bullying can take any form from sharing embarrassing photos, videos, websites, or creating fake profiles. 10 Cyber Bullying Statistics According to the PEW Internet and American Life Survey, the following cyber bullying statistics resulted. 1. What Parents Can Do The following video outlines ways parents can contribute to lessening the impact and negative effects of cyber bullying. Parent’s Involvement in Cyber Bullying Based on the American Osteopathic Association, parent’s involvement with cyber bullying are outlined below. Reasons for Cyber Bullying Based on the Teen Online & Wireless Safety Survey, the following statistics illustrate the reasoning’s behind teens engaging in cyber bullying. Top 5 States for Bullying 1. Guide to Cyber Bullying

The Power of Educational Innovation: A Design Thinking approach to Digital Citizenship Design Thinking is a problem solving methodology used by people all over the world to come up with new ideas. Recently there has been a lot of discussion about how to integrate this approach into education. This summer I took two Online courses to learn more about the process. I am very interested in ways to use this approach in my own teaching. This fall I decided to apply this approach to my 7th grade Digital Citizenship unit which focuses on cyberbullying. Here is my lesson plan. Cyberbullying Design Thinking Activity (for 7th graders) Empathize Present the idea “How might we end Cyberbullying?” Define: Students share with the class what they learned about cyberbullying from their research. Ideate: Each group on chart paper brainstorms 100 ideas for solutions in 15 minutes.Post chart paper and all students look at all solutions.Each student has 5 post it notes and votes on the top 5 ideas they see (different color for each group).Groups pick one idea to work on. Prototype: Test:

Digital Citizenship Safer Internet Centre - Italia - Generazioni Connesse Come educare cittadini digitali: necessario un framework nazionale Che l’implementazione del digitale nei contesti educativi viaggi ad una diversa velocità rispetto alle capacità e agli strumenti che la scuola ha a disposizione per farsi istituzionalmente carico di una seria e sistematica educazione alle competenze digitali, è questione non di poco conto. La scuola sa bene che, al di là delle categorie in cui sono stati variamente ascritti i propri utenti – nativi digitali, net generation, generazione app, ecc. – bambini e adolescenti si muovono con sufficiente destrezza tecnica tra i numerosi dispositivi, ma non certo con competenza. Ne sono testimonianza i molti episodi con cui la scuola si scontra sempre più spesso, atti di piccola o grande pirateria informatica, uso scorretto dei canali di comunicazione, flaming e cyberbulling nei social. Sappiamo che il tema delle competenze di cittadinanza digitale è previsto tra le azioni imminenti del PNSD e si prova in questa sede a formulare alcune proposte operative:

Foia: ecco cosa devono sapere cittadini e giornalisti Roma - Da oggi, 23 dicembre 2016, chiunque può esercitare il nuovo diritto di accesso generalizzato ai dati e ai documenti delle pubbliche amministrazioni. Infatti, diviene finalmente applicabile una delle norme più importanti ed attese tra quelle introdotte nell’ambito della riforma della pubblica amministrazione del Governo Renzi: quella sul c.d. “FOIA”, acronimo inglese che sta per Freedom of information act. Si tratta della norma che prevede un nuovo diritto: il diritto di chiunque di avere accesso ai dati e ai documenti detenuti dalla pubblica amministrazione. Il FOIA è, da tempo, legge in numerosi Paesi del mondo: ad esempio, il primo FOIA, quello svedese, risale al 1766, mentre la legge USA fu approvata nel 1966. Si tratta di un importante strumento di trasparenza che serve sia a stimolare il controllo diffuso sull’operato degli uffici pubblici sia a consentire la partecipazione dei cittadini. E il termine scade proprio oggi, 23 di dicembre. Ecco una breve guida per orientarsi.
