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LEARN CPR - CPR information and training resources.

LEARN CPR - CPR information and training resources.

Understanding Evolution The bacteria that changed the world - May, 2017 The make-up of Earth's atmosphere, once the domain of Earth science textbooks, has become an increasingly "hot" news topic in recent decades, as we struggle to curb global warming by limiting the carbon dioxide that human activity produces. While the changes that humanity has wrought on the planet are dramatic, this isn’t the first time that one species has changed Earth’s atmosphere. Three billion years ago, there was no free oxygen in the atmosphere at all. Read the rest of the story here | See the Evo in the News archive

100 Helpful Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals Photography as both a profession and a hobby is an incredibly expansive topic that covers a remarkably vast range of subjects from science and art. No matter where you lie on the professional spectrum, there is simply always more to learn. We spent countless hours scouring the web for the best content we could find and share with you, and today we'll help you expand your knowledge with 100 photography related tutorials! "There are many composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene. "Graphic illustrations [and explanations] of the difference between RAW and JPEG (also called JPG). A basic discussion of white balance and how to respond to different lighting situations. "Use a simple device to get perfect color in all of your shots" "What you need to know to get the most from today’s amazing high-ISO settings" "A beginner’s guide to focal lengths and how they affect photographs" "Ever wonder what it is that actually makes a camera work?

The Origin and Evolution of Cells - The Cell - NCBI Bookshelf Epic Edits Weblog | A Photography Resource for the Aspiring Hobbyist Google Earth phylogenies Now, for something completely different. I've been playing with Google Earth as a phylogeny viewer, inspired by Bill Piel's efforts, the cool avian flu visualisation Janies et al. published in Systematic Biology (doi:10.1080/10635150701266848), and David Kidd's work. As an example, I've taken a phylogeny for Banza katydids from Shapiro et al. (doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2006.04.006), and created a KML file. Unlike Bill's trees, I've drawn the tree as a phylogram, because I think biogeography becomes much easier to interpret when we have a time scale (or at least a proxy, such as sequence divergence). I've converted COI branch lengths to altitude, and elevated the tree off the ground to accomodate the fact that the tips don't all line up (this isn't an ultrametric tree). Wouldn't it be fun to have a collection of molecular trees for Hawaiian taxa for the same gene, plotted on the same Google Earth map?

Un caryotype en quelques clics.- Sciences de la vie et de la Terre Type de support : animation gratuite Auteur : Fabien Sauvion /école de l’ADN Poitou-Charentes /images CHU de Poitiers Description :Le logiciel simule le travail d’une cytogénéticienne lors de l’établissement d’un caryotype, c’est à dire qu’à partir d’une image de cellule en division, l’ordinateur classe rapidement l’essentiel des chromosomes et ne laisse plus à l’élève que quelques chromosomes à classer. En quelques clics, l’élève va alors pouvoir vérifier si il a bien compris le principe du caryotype.Ensuite, un autre caryotype à faire est proposé puis un troisième qui présentent tous deux une anomalie chromosomique qui va mettre l’élève devant une difficulté à résoudre... le logiciel : caryotype(Flash de 231.5 ko) animation à lire dans un lecteur flash à jour caryotype(Zip de 1 Mo) logiciel complet à décompresser  Intégrer cette animation dans un scénario pédagogique
