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National Geographic

National Geographic
This interactive was built in conjunction with National Geographic’s Future of Food series. The data was sourced from FAOSTAT. Values reflect domestic utilization for food consumption in each country or region from 1961 to 2011. Food groupings and units of measure vary slightly from those depicted on the FAOSTAT site. Download the data from here. Values for China refer to FAO’s "China, mainland." *Measures for Russia preceding 1992 are represented with U.S.S.R. data. **"Pulses" refers to lentils, beans, and peas. This project was made possible with support from the Grace Communications Foundation. Built and designed by Fathom Information Design © National Geographic Magazine close Related:  interculturel

Le détail à valeur monumentale – 4 anecdotes interculturelles riches d’enseignement Turner, Mortlake Terrace, 1826. Le détail du petit chien noir apporte un équilibre remarquable en contrastant la luminosité de l’ensemble. Masquez-le avec le doigt et vous verrez combien le tableau perd en intensité. Le chien est d’ailleurs collé sur la toile et a été ajouté ultérieurement sur la toile. Un détail qui n’en est pas un Il suffit parfois d’un détail pour établir ou anéantir sa crédibilité, son autorité, la confiance, la relation interpersonnelle, et par conséquent pour décider du succès ou de l’échec d’un projet bien plus vaste. Un détail est la partie d’un ensemble. Mais quand le détail se rapporte à une dimension culturelle, il devient difficile à percevoir. Nous avons besoin de retours d’expérience et de grilles de lecture au sujet de ces détails à valeur monumentale. Cas 1 – Des Français en Norvège Situation Des Français se déplacent en Norvège pour présenter leur projet de coopération au partenaire local. Le détail interculturel - Tes mains. Pour prolonger Le temps passe.

Graphic: As Ebola's Death Toll Rises, Remembering History's Worst Epidemics Ebola is the latest in a long list of infectious disease outbreaks that have plagued humankind. The worst become pandemics, sweeping across continents and killing as many as tens of millions of people. Today, nations are struggling to get Ebola under control. How much higher this epidemic's death toll might climb remains to be seen. Jason Treat, NGM Staff; Edward Benfield. Plague of Justinian (541-542):This bubonic plague outbreak spread throughout the Byzantine Empire but centered on the Mediterranean region.

We Mapped the Uninsured. You'll Notice a Pattern. States That Expanded Medicaid Are Outlined in Black Two years into Obamacare, clear regional patterns are emerging about who has health insurance in America and who still doesn’t. The remaining uninsured are primarily in the South and the Southwest. These trends emerged in an analysis we undertook with the help of two organizations that are closely monitoring the progress of the health law. “This year it’s more of a state-specific story,” said Ed Coleman, the director of data and analytics at Enroll America, an organization devoted to finding uninsured people and signing them up for insurance. The incremental changes in our map are consistent with other data. Medicaid expansion continues to be a huge predictor of how many people remain uninsured in a given state. In 2013, there were only 10 states where the percentage of residents who lacked health insurance was lower than 9 percent. In 2015, Pennsylvania and Indiana also expanded their Medicaid programs. Politics matters.

Map: Here's how much each country spends on food When droughts or crop failures cause food prices to spike, many Americans barely notice. The average American, after all, spends just 6.6 percent of his or her household budget on food consumed at home. (If you include eating out, that rises to around 11 percent.) Americans spend a smaller share of their income on food than anyone In Pakistan, by contrast, the average person spends 47.7 percent of his or her household budget on food consumed at home. The US Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service keeps tabs on household expenditures for food, alcohol, and tobacco around the world. Americans, it turns out, spend a smaller share of their income on food than anyone else — less even than Canadians or Europeans or Australians: Note that the map above is based on data for food consumed at home — the USDA doesn't offer international comparisons for eating out, unfortunately. Below is a chart showing numbers for a handful of select countries. There are a few notable points here:

Leadership Styles Around The World Different cultures can have radically different leadership styles, and international organizations would do well to understand them. British linguist Richard D. Lewis charted these differences in his book "When Cultures Collide," first published in 1996 and now in its third edition, and he teaches these insights in seminars with major corporate clients. From structured individualism in the U.S. to ringi-sho consensus in Japan, the charts seem intuitively correct, if not unilaterally true across a country. Lewis acknowledges the risks of dealing in stereotypes: "Determining national characteristics is treading a minefield of inaccurate assessment and surprising exception. He argues that these patterns won't change any time soon: "Even in countries where political and economic change is currently rapid or sweeping, deeply rooted attitudes and beliefs will resist a sudden transformation of values when pressured by reformists, governments or multinational conglomerates."

Joutsenet opettavat:Tämä on pitkän parisuhteen salaisuus Ohjaaja Randy Moore halusi näyttää Walt Disney World -huvipuiston painajaismaailmana. Disneyltä ei lupaa olisi herunut, joten Moore teki elokuvan kysymättä. Nyt se näytetään Helsingin Night Visions -festivaaleilla. Keski-ikäinen perheenisä Jim käyskentelee Floridan kuulussa Walt Disney World -huvipuistossa perheensä kanssa. Stressaantunut isukki alkaa yllättäen nähdä puistossa outoja, pelottavia asioita. Pikkuhiljaa maskotit ja huvilaitteet muuttuvat yhä painajaismaisemmiksi ja todellisuus nyrjähtää. Yksi tiistaina alkavan Night Visions -elokuvafestivaalin oudoimmista tapauksista on yhdysvaltalainen Escape from Tomorrow (2013). Ohjaaja-käsikirjoittaja Randy Moore, 38, kertoo keksineensä idean elokuvaan – missäpä muualla kuin – Disney Worldissa. ”Kävin lapsena siellä isäni kanssa, kun vanhempani olivat eronneet. ”Mutta kun menin sinne aikuisena omien lasteni kanssa, kokemus oli aivan erilainen. Randy Moore. Niin syntyi Escape from Tomorrow’n käsikirjoitus. ”En tiedä.

The Best and Worst Places to Grow Up: How Your Area Compares How much extra money a county causes children in poor families to make, compared with children in poor families nationwide. Manhattan is very bad for income mobility for children in poor families. It is better than only about 7 percent of counties. Location matters – enormously. But even Putnam County is below the national average. These findings, particularly those that show how much each additional year matters, are from a new study by Raj Chetty and Nathaniel Hendren that has huge consequences on how we think about poverty and mobility in the United States. Consider Manhattan, the focus of this articleour best guess for where you might be reading this article. It’s among the worst counties in the U.S. in helping poor children up the income ladder. Here are the estimates for how much 20 years of childhood in Manhattan adds or takes away from a child’s income (compared with an average county), along with the national percentile ranking for each. For poor kids For average-income kids

Journée mondiale de l’alimentation : le dilemme des prix agricoles Le lien entre sécurité alimentaire et niveau des prix agricoles fait l’objet d’un intense débat parmi les économistes du développement. Lorsque les prix alimentaires sont élevés, les consommateurs sont touchés, l’accès à la nourriture diminue. Lorsque les prix agricoles s’effondrent, les agriculteurs ne gagnent pas suffisamment pour investir sur leur exploitation et produire davantage ; la disponibilité de nourriture est compromise. Accès versus disponibilité : la Journée mondiale de l’alimentation, le 16 octobre, offre l’occasion de revenir sur cette apparente contradiction. Un premier constat s’impose. Evolution des prix alimentaires internationaux en valeur réelle et de la prévalence de la sous-alimentation dans les régions en développement Des chercheurs ont poussé plus loin le raisonnement en prenant en compte les répercussions des prix agricoles sur l’ensemble de l’économie, via le marché du travail. Commentaires : Excellent article. Oui cette journée mondiale serait la bienvenue !

The Lewis Model interaktiivinen kartta liikalihavuudesta alueellisesta ilmenemusestä Yhdysvalloissa Click image above to view slideshow There’s no hiding a bulging waistline. And thanks to a new interactive U.S. map, there’s no concealing the state-by-state status of the obesity epidemic. While a rise in obesity is evident in all states, the graphics make clear that some regions have more work cut out for them.
