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What Makes a Question Essential?

What Makes a Question Essential?

The 8 Minutes That Matter Most I am an English teacher, so my ears perk up when writers talk about their process. I've found the advice handy for lesson planning, too. That's because both writing and planning deal with craft. In writing, you want your audience to be absorbed. You want them to care about your characters. John Irving, the author of The Cider House Rules, begins with his last sentence: I write the last line, and then I write the line before that. That is the crux of lesson planning right there -- endings and beginnings. The eight minutes that matter most are the beginning and endings. Here are eight ways to make those eight minutes magical. Beginnings 1. YouTube reaches more 18- to 34-year-olds than any cable channel. 2. If you want to create a safe space for students to take risks, you won't get there with a pry bar. 3. Toss a football around the class before you teach the physics of a Peyton Manning spiral. 4. Kelly Gallagher says that students should write four times as much as a teacher can grade. 1.

digital-lc3a4sfc3b6rstc3a5else.pdf Lärarbesök i klassrum bästa fortbildningen Var tredje svensk lärare säger sig aldrig ha fått återkoppling på sitt arbete, varken av rektor eller kollegor. Svenska skolan är bland de sämsta i OECD på att utvärdera lärarnas arbete. Det försämrar lärarnas motivation och därmed elevernas resultat. Men framför eleverna gör han som han brukar. – Vilka högtider finns, och varför firar man dem? Längst bak i klassrummet sitter hans kollega Malin Edroth och antecknar. – Vad gör du, undrar en av eleverna. – Mer eller mindre, ler Malin Edroth. Malin Edroth och Lars Strindelius delar på mentorskapet i klassen och känner både eleverna och varandra väl. – Man ser ju sig själv när man tittar på andra, säger Malin Edroth. När Lars Strindelius har avslutat lektionen går Malin Edroth igenom punkt för punkt vad hon har sett. – Den återspeglar sig både innan, under och efter lektionen. Det visar sig att de två gör tvärtemot varandra på vissa punkter, så det diskuterar de. Ändå förekommer det sällan i den svenska skolan. – Man får vara tålmodig.

The Starr Spangled Planner: Kaboom! Possibly The Best Center Game Ever! Do you use Kaboom! in your classroom? It has been my go-to center for the past few years, whether I'm teaching Firsties, or now third graders. When I was first introduced to this game by a dear, sweet teacher friend, I didn't believe it! Well, I was happily proved wrong! When I say that I find a way to use Kaboom! Number Identification & CountingCoins/MoneyTimeOne More/One Less and Ten More/Ten LessAddition/Subtraction (fact fluency, missing addends, combinations to ten…etc.)Greater Than/Less Than (with whole numbers and fractions)Identifying Fractions (including unit fractions & mixed fractions)Multiplication factsArea/PerimeterPlace ValueJumps on the Hundred ChartEstimation (estimating the sum of two 3-digit numbers)RoundingTranslating standard form into expanded form Defining Key Terms/VocabularyTrue/False StatementsGeographyTime Line- Which happened first? Trust me when I say that I have tried MANY different types of popsicle sticks, and your selection really does make a difference!

För pedagoger. Av pedagoger. - Pedagog Skåne Nordväst Kaboom! | Recipes for the EFL Classroom This activity is variously known as kaboom, earthquake and typhoon, perhaps depending on which staffroom or hemisphere you are teaching in. It’s a good staple for kids courses; it’s gone down well whenever I’ve used it, even with adults. It’s also very versatile, it can be used for revision of any recently studied language, and the competitive element makes it ideal for a stirrer activity to liven up bored teens, or as a reward at the end of a kids class. The basic procedure: 1. Before class, the teacher prepares a list of questions for the students to answer. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Some tweaks – You could have different levels of difficulty for the questions, some squares could have ?? (This idea is adapted from Phoneme Battleships in Pronunciation Games by Mark Hancock.) Like this: Like Loading...

Skolbanken Beginner Games - New Life ESL Games are one of the most exciting ways you can teach English and get your students to open up. Playing games will make students take themselves less seriously and have fun speaking the language. Here’s a few of our favorite games for teaching beginner level students. Kaboom: This game is a classroom favorite and perfect for introducing and drilling new vocabulary in an entertaining way. Have your students stand in a circle. The students will say the word one at a time while passing the ball clock-wise. Telephone: This is a well-known game that targets listening. Continue playing by letting your students be the first to whisper to you. Pictionary: Have your students write their new words on a small piece of paper and then put them into a hat or basket. When time is called and all students have had a turn, tally up all the correct answers and write them on the board. Bingo: Bingo is great for practicing listening skills. Spelling Race:
