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11 Ideal Facebook Tools for Contests and Analyzation

11 Ideal Facebook Tools for Contests and Analyzation
This post originally appeared on the Buffer blog. The built-in tools that Facebook offers to business pages and advertisers are robust and detailed. Hence, you’re likely to uncover a smaller stash of third-party tools than you might for a network like Twitter. Still, there are some fabulous Facebook tools out there, and they can help push your Facebook marketing campaign forward with contests, insights, advertising, and more. Here is a selection of our top picks for Facebook marketing tools. 1. This Facebook (and Twitter) dashboard shows you an overview of all activity on your page and lets you schedule posts and begin campaigns right from the dashboard. Here’s a list: Photo contestCouponFan VoteInstant winPersoanlity testQuizSweepstakes Campaign information can be added as a page section, and you can promote your campaign via a post to your page. Price: Free trial, then plans starting at $29 per month Alternative Facebook app and campaign tools: 2. Price: Free score, free for two weeks, then Related:  Web Design

How To Protect Yourself Against Hackers There is nothing, hardware or software, that is unhackable. Let’s get that out of the way right off the bat. If a hacker – a real hacker, not someone with a set of easily available hacking tools — really wants your information, they will get it. The same can be said for the NSA or any other state-sponsored organization. This is a guide to help you deter the type of people degenerates that recently forced their way into celebrity iCloud accounts to pull down private photos. Whether they used brute force to guess the password or an off the shelf piece of software, a combination of these precautions could mean the difference between a mild inconvenience (like having to change a password) and having your personal information (including photos) plastered all over the Internet. And the Internet never forgets. And it’s not going to get any better. So defend yourself against the jerks and sociopaths. Passwords and Password Managers A strong password is a good first step to securing your data.

Ricerca: 5 consigli per aumentare l'engagement su Facebook - On Marketing In tempi avari di engagement come questi, scrivere e pubblicare efficacemente sulle pagine aziendali di Facebook sta diventando una necessità. Infatti, mentre la portata organica di quanto pubblichiamo continua a calare sensibilmente, registriamo anche una tendenza ad un aumento sensibile della concorrenza sull’advertising Pay-per-Click (PPC) e sulla diffusione di post a pagamento. In altri termini: riuscire ad ottenere dei risultati in termini di engagement su Facebook è sempre più difficile, e proprio per questo per riuscire nell’elaborazione di un post che possa generare del consenso (espresso mediante Like, condivisioni, commenti) è necessario abbandonare ogni velleità di improvvisazione e cercare per quanto possibile un approccio scientifico che ci consenta, statistiche alla mano, di incanalare al meglio i nostri sforzi in vista dell’obiettivo che ci siamo prefissato. 1. Un’immagine vale più di mille… Like 2. Come si determina il livello di leggibilità di un testo? 3. 4. 5.

Pourquoi l'écoute de vos parents pourrait être bon pour les affaires - Travaux d'affaires Turning to your parents for business and career advice might not seem like an obvious move, but their words of wisdom could pay dividends, says Ariel Eckstein, Managing Director of LinkedIn EMEA. LinkedIn research has found that one in three parents don't know what their child does at work and more than a third are failing to pass on their professional knowledge to their offspring. This is despite the fact that almost half (43%) of professionals believe that their parents would have useful advice to share. As a country, we have a long way to go before we're adequately tapping in to the skills of the older generation. We've got the lowest levels of employment in the over-50s, despite having one of the most highly-skilled workforces in the world. LinkedIn's Bring In Your Parents Day 2014, which takes place on 6 November, will see businesses across the UK inviting their employees' parents to the office in a bid to encourage the increased sharing of skills across generations. Problem solving

How to Create Professional-Looking Video Previews Specifically for Instagram With more and more people sharing videos on Instagram, it's important to find a way to add it to your toolbox. Since Instagram is a square format, it's a little bit more complicated to create something that looks professional if you're shooting videos in 16:9 (as pretty much everyone is), but Kraig Adams from Wedding Film School shows us how (while FCP X is shown, you can use any editor for final product): Here are Kraig's steps for this: How to create your own advanced Instagram video preview with text/images/motion: Edit together your 14 second sequence on a custom 640x640 timeline. How to create your own basic Instagram video preview with simple white/black bars: Edit together your 14 second sequence on a 16x9 aspect ratio timeline. While weddings are the subject of the video, this sort of thing can really be used for anything from films to music videos to corporate videos.

L'utilizzo del social graph nel business Per capire a fondo il ruolo che Facebook riveste sul Web e nel business è importante soffermarsi sul concetto di grafo sociale o social graph. Il termine è stato usato da Zuckerberg nel 2007 durante la conferenza “f8” per spiegare la piattaforma di Facebook. In sintesi, il social graph si può definire una “mappa globale delle persone e delle loro relazioni” ed è fondamentalmente un concetto astratto. Tuttavia, possedere un numero significativo di informazioni su come le persone si relazionano tra di loro è un patrimonio informativo interessante, anche per le aziende. Com’è il social graph della vostra azienda? Quanto sapete dei vostri clienti e prospect? Il primo passo è far dialogare i sistemi centralizzando il database e facendo dialogare i reparti attorno a una knowledge base condivisa. Il secondo passo è connettere prodotto, punto vendita e Web. Il terzo passo è quello di generare un feedback continuo. Infine, bisogna pianificare il marketing e la produzione sul social graph.

Cool Websites & Tools - Capture Color Combinations, Control Your TV, & Create Your Own Music Adobe Color CC – is a fun and simple way to capture inspiring color combinations wherever you see them. Simply point the camera at something colorful and Adobe Color CC will instantly extract a series of colors. You can share your themes with friends through Facebook, Twitter or email. You can also share the image that inspired the theme. SureMote – Control your TV and all other appliances with SureMote – a free universal remote control app. Livestream – Watch or broadcast live events from your iPhone or iPad. Music Maker Jam – Create your own tracks with Music Maker Jam. Xim – Share your photos, not your phone.

Landing Pages for Dummies: A How-To Guide Paul Jarvis experiments with words and design. His latest book is called The Good Creative: 18 ways to make better art. What’s a landing page? It’s a page on your website that funnels a visitor to take one, specific action. Landing pages work through elimination. I use landing pages for books I write, my newsletter sign-up, for my consulting, and any new product/service I release. Steps to properly craft a landing page Focus on the one goal Focus everything on the subscription form. Be specific Quickly define who your audience is (and who it’s not). Tell a story Stories are more engaging and memorable than facts and stats (take that math class!). Leverage one of the three main types of stories in your content: David vs. Cater to your audience Shift the focus from you, and your products, to your audience. Stay honest Just because you’re trying to grow your list, doesn’t mean you’ve gotta be a sleazy marketer. Be quick and clear Eliminate The only thing you shouldn’t remove is white space. Match

Audience Network su Facebook, ora per tutti « Social Blog GT All’inizio dell’anno Facebook aveva annunciato il suo Audience Network. Uno strumento per veicolare campagne pubblicitarie anche al di fuori di Facebook, con particolare riferimento alle applicazioni mobile. Il team di Menlo Park ha reso noto in queste ore che la feature è ora disponibile per tutti gli inserzionisti, in ogni parte del mondo, aprendo così scenari nuovi e offrendo un’opportunità di promozione in più certamente interessante. Il formato degli annunci visualizzati è lo stesso già contemplato su Facebook e anche la sostanza della pubblicità resta la stessa. Vuol dire che se viene impostata una campagna sulla piattaforma, sfruttando poi l’Audience Network sarà possibile, sì, tenerne le caratteristiche ed i parametri impostati (soprattutto il target), ma la visibilità andrà anche oltre Facebook. Come detto, i formati sono già noti. La visualizzazione all’interno delle applicazioni è come questa:

Create A New Alias With The Best Online Name Generators [Weird & Wonderful Web] Your name is boring. I’m sorry to break this news to you, but it’s true. That is unless you either have strange parents who gave you a kooky name, or originate from a country where every name sounds weird and wonderful. The rest of us have to put up with a boring moniker for our entire lives. The only real alternative to this dull fate is to change it legally, but ain’t nobody got time for that. It’s easier, and a lot more fun, to just go online and choose a new alias using one of the countless name generators available on the Internetz. The Pirate Name Generator The pirates of old weren’t exactly nice people, but time has lessened their malice to the point at which Johnny Depp can portray an infamous pirate as a camp, bumbling, drunken fool. My Pirate Name: Owen ‘Landlubber’ Peacock The Metal Name Generator Black metal isn’t exactly a , but who hasn’t imagined dressing in dark clothes, donning face paint, and singing/screaming about evil at least once in their lives.

How To Market A Product No-One Understands Sharon Greenberg is the CEO of CryptoNext plc. The hi-tech world is all about innovation, but selling a spanking new product or service can be a daunting prospect when your target audience has little or no understanding of what it is you do. If you don’t know where to start with marketing your business, here’s my guide to selling a product no one understands. Educate your audience The first thing you need to do is educate your audience. Don’t assume any foreknowledge, but don’t talk down to your audience either; use images, analogies, graphs and figures – and if possible, humor – to avoid sounding patronizing. Providing informative materials and engaging on online forums or platforms such as Quora will not only help explain your product but will also generate interest from the right people, and quickly establish you as an industry expert in a field which is not yet saturated with digital content. Put the horse before the cart Repetition, repetition, repetition Keep it light hearted Good luck!

Come creare, gestire e ottimizzare la Pagina Facebook [Guida] In questo articolo troverai tutto quello (spero) che ti servirà per creare, ottimizzare, gestire, pubblicizzare e, eventualmente, eliminare una pagina Facebook. Ti darò consigli e ti indicherò tips per la creazione e gestione della tua pagina Facebook, rimandando anche ad approfondimenti ad altri articoli che sono stati scritti in questi mesi. Partiamo dalle basi. Sommario dei contenuti 1. 1. Lo step principale riguarda la creazione della tua pagina Facebook. Ecco una serie di informazioni che non dovranno assolutamente mancare dalla tua pagina Facebook: Inserimento delle sottocategorie: fino a un max di 3.Attenzione all’inserimento corretto dell’indirizzo (permetterà di mostrare la mappa).Informazioni generali e breve descrizioneFascia di prezzo, parcheggio, trasporti pubbliciTelefono, indirizzo mail e sito web. Torna al sommario 2. Gli elementi di ottimizzazione delle pagine sono diversi, ecco i principali: Inserire un Vanity URL (url identificativo della pagina). 1. Visite e check-in 3. 4.
