Oregano - One of The Most Beneficial Spices For Our Health Karen Foster, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times Oregano is widely considered as nature’s antibiotic. It is an indispensable spice in Turkish, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, Latin American and Italian cuisine, oregano is the must-have ingredient in tomato sauces and pairs well with capers and olives. It may be one reason why people who eat a Mediterranean diet tend to live longer and healthier lives. Oregano is an important culinary and medicinal herb that has been used in medicine and cooking for thousands of years – with a number of health benefits. It is one of the top five spices in the world with one of the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scores meaning it will more effectively neutralize free radicals. Oregano typically grows 50 cm tall and has purple leaves around 2 to 3 centimeters in length. The chemicals that give the herb its unique and pleasant smell are thymol, pinene, limonene, carvacrol, ocimene, and caryophyllene Oregano is a rich source of: How to Select and Store
The Best Way to Help Your Body Protect Itself Against Ebola or Other Viruses and Bacteria Derek Henry, Natural NewsWaking Times With the threat of the Ebola virus spreading, there is a need to understand what natural options are readily available to you in case you don’t want to be subjected to conventional medical treatments and infected patients in hospitals. The only proven system to help eradicate the Ebola virus is your body’s immune system, and it is of primary importance to start strengthening its response now to give yourself the best chance of successfully fighting off an infection. Work with your body’s natural defenses The only way to work with your body’s natural defenses is to give it what it requires in order to function at optimal performance. To improve your immunity, you must improve your relationship with nature and the medicine it provides, which has been proven to keep people healthy for thousands of years. Antibacterial foods, herbs, and solutions to begin consuming regularly Antibacterial foods and herbs to consider, include: Stock up on antiviral herbs
Best Staple Crops for Building Food Self-Sufficiency To rely on your garden to feed your family, you need to grow staple crops — those foods that are the basis of the human diet. The best staple crops for building food self-sufficiency should be easy to harvest and store, return good yields, and be calorie-dense to provide the food energy from carbohydrates that you need each day. (See our Crop Yield and Calorie Density chart for a comparison of the staple crops discussed in this article.) In her book The Resilient Gardener, homesteader and seed breeder Carol Deppe provides in-depth information about staple crops, and names potatoes, corn, beans, squash and eggs as the “five crops you need to survive and thrive.” Food storage and preservation qualities are key aspects to consider when selecting staple crops to increase your household’s food security. Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes Potatoes (along with grain corn) will give you the most calories for the least space. Learn More: Go to All About Growing Potatoes for a potato growing guide.
10 Functional Foods Which Destroy Cancer Cells Dave Mihalovic, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times Many specific proteins, enzymes and coding within our immune system may be activated to kill cancer cells. There is no such thing as a cancer cell that cannot be defeated by the human immune system. The difference between cancers that grow and those that don’t are what we put in our bodies to prohibit their growth. Scientists have found that healthy cells damaged by chemotherapy secreted more of a protein which boosts cancer cell survival. In a study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, scientists identified a molecule, known as TIC10, which activates a protein that helps fight the disease. Through the body’s infinite wisdom, its systems recognize foreign invaders and poisons such as chemotherapy which are not beneficial for the brain. Another positive is that TIC10 does not just activate the TRAIL gene in cancerous cells, but also in healthy ones. 1. 2. 3. 4. Chlorophyll neutralizes environmental toxins and pollutants. 5.
This Is The Cannabis Oil Recipe Rick Simpson Used To Heal His Cancer And Recommends To Others - Waking Times Media In 2003, Rick Simpson healed himself of skin cancer using cannabis oil. This is the recipe he perfected and recommends to others seeking to heal holistically. Amanda Froehlich, True ActivistWaking Times Media Someday, everyone will know the name ‘Rick Simpson’. Getting desperate, Rick decided to do something drastic – at least in the eyes of the mainstream. Rick remembered that thirty years prior, the University of Virginia discovered that cannabinoid in cannabis THC could kill cancer in mice. He figured that if the oil didn’t help within four days, he would give up the practice. Simpson’s success inspired others to give cannabis oil a try as an alternative treatment for cancer. In fact, even the U.S. Because of such, the public’s perception of the herb as a medicine has changed drastically in recent years. Which means, if you or someone you know is suffering from cancer, it might be the time you try out Rick Simpson’s personal cannabis oil recipe. Homemade Medicinal Cannabis Oil
This Is The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever – Kills Any Infections In The Body by HealthCareAboveAll The basic formula of this powerful tonic dates back to medieval Europe, that is, from the era when people suffered from all sorts of diseases and epidemics. This master cleansing tonic is actually an antibiotic that kills gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It has also a powerful antiviral and antifungal formula, increases blood circulation and lymph flow in all parts of the body. This plant-based remedy is the best choice for the fight against candida. This tonic has helped many people to cure many viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal diseases and even plague! It can cure many chronic conditions and diseases. To sum up, this tonic is effective in the treatment of all diseases, successfully strengthens the immune system, acts as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic medicine. Master tonic – Recipe Ingredients: Preparation: Your master tonic is ready for use. Dosing: Caution: The flavor is very strong and hot! Health benefits
The Top 5 Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate Almost everybody likes chocolate. It is usually thought of as a sinful decadence, something we eat when we are choosing to indulge. Chocolate is also synonymous with happiness; do you ever notice people who are eating chocolate always seem happy to be doing so? Here are the top five benefits of dark chocolate. 1. Did you know that chocolate has one of the highest levels of antioxidants of any other food in the world? 2. As mentioned above, dark chocolate helps to increase levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which acts as an antidepressant and can lower levels of stress. 3. The cocoa in dark chocolate has been shown to reduce the “bad” cholesterol (LDL) levels in the blood – which can clog up the veins and inner walls of arteries – allowing for proper arterial function. There has also been evidence to suggest that dark chocolate can increase the “good” cholesterol (HDL) levels in your body. 4. 5. Have you ever had 99% cocoa chocolate? Enjoy, much love! Check out the film for FREE!
Cancer-Killing Superfoods [infographic] (CC) Fried Dough/Flickr We’ve heard a lot of talk about ‘superfoods’ and their many health benefits, including boosts in the metabolic and immune systems. One benefit of superfoods that isn’t talked about as often is their cancer-fighting qualities. The below infograhic looks at how eating these superfoods can help fight off cancer and which foods help prevention. Superfoods help the body’s defenses by giving support to the liver and the immune system; they even help balance your hormones. According to the infographic, people should increase their overall intake of superfoods like strawberries, artichokes, flounder, cooked tomatoes and bok choy to help prevent cancer. Each of the foods listed above are made up of antioxidants, omega-3 and brassinin — all of which contribute to giving your body’s system a boost and help prevent cancer. Learn more about superfoods and their cancer-fighting properties in the infographic below. (By Marissa Brassfield for CalorieLab)
The Ultimate Guide to Aloe Vera and its Many, Often Unknown, Uses Aloe Harvesting and Production Before aloe gel and juice can hit store shelves, it has to be properly harvested and undergo a highly-sanitized production process. Aloe farms can be found throughout the world. Africa, Australia, Asia, Central America, South America and the Caribbean are all popular locations for growing aloe for commercial use. Cultivation To grow strong aloe plants, farms need good irrigation systems, fertilization and the proper climate. Did you know? Harvesting While cutting and gathering aloe leaves may seem like a simple task, there’s a science behind it. How aloe is cut: The leaf is pulled away from the stalk and cut at the white base of the plant. Upon harvesting, the leaves are gathered and delivered to a highly-regulated and sanitized processing facility. Did you know? Processing Processing must be done carefully to prevent the outer rind from being punctured which can cause contamination. The first step in processing is washing the leaves using various machines.