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Your Enterprise Social Network - Zyncro

Your Enterprise Social Network - Zyncro

Les chefs d'entreprise, les réseaux sociaux, et la RSE D’autres études montrent que la plupart des chefs d’entreprises ne mesurent pas à quel point les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) ont changé le monde, et l’environnement économique dans lequel leurs entreprises évoluent. Selon une récente étude "IBM’s 2012 Global CEO Study", seulement 16 % des plus de 1 700 chefs d’entreprises interrogés considèrent que la place des réseaux sociaux relève de la stratégie. La quasi-absence des chefs entreprises et des directions générales sur les réseaux sociaux est d’autant plus incompréhensible que leurs salariés – en particulier les plus jeunes et la fameuse génération Y – s’y impliquent, plébiscitant avec enthousiasme cet espace d’expression, les interactions qui s’y déroulent, et les immenses possibilités qui leur sont offertes en termes de rencontres et d’échanges, qui sont autant de sources d’apprentissage, de connaissances, et d’épanouissement personnel et professionnel.

Local Sensor private rooms, holiday house, accommodations - Mobile Video Platform | ThirdPresence Trovit - El buscador de anuncios de inmobiliaria, motor, empleo, productos, alojamientos vacacionales y ofertas Nadia Rinawi : UAE : Startup Overseas Is China feeling the crunch at all? If not, will it? 12 LefFrodo We secure debt funding for large investment projects, commercial real estate, infrastructure, small business enterprises and government contracts. 2 blessing18 Nadia Rinawi graduated in international business management (with focus on the MENA region) and has been working with RAK Free Trade Zone Authority for over 5 years. Question from BENSAID Halim on 21/01/2013 Nadia says: Dear Halim, What kind of startup / business are you planning? Question from vaibhav arora on 21/01/2013 To me it sounds as you will require a local UAE license in the UAE. Question from John Harrison on 20/01/2013 Dear John, I recommend you to visit the Automechanica Exhibition in Dubai or the Abu Dhabi International Motor Show. Question from Ahmed Issa on 19/01/2013 Maybe you can find a partner by visiting the Beuty World Exhibition in Dubai. Question from Hans Gregersen on 19/01/2013 Question from Atif Hassan on 15/01/2013 Yes. Nadia Dear Sir,

Top 10 Crowdfunding Websites for Entrepreneurs Here is Our Top 10 List of Crowdfunding Sites for Entrepreneurs: With seed money hard to come by these days, most Entrepreneurs are making full use of new resources available to them: crowdfunding websites. Most of us are well aware what exactly crowdfunding is, but just in case you haven’t heard of it…crowdfunding is basically a community that funds ideas, dreams, and projects. 1. WeFunder A crowdfunding site for startups. We’re all waiting to see which crowdfunding site is going to pull in the most investors since the law has passed. 2. Crowdfunding for….well…startup addicts. The Startup Addict crowdfunding website still appears to be fairly new, but unlike the others we’ve seen…it doesn’t have a particular niche focus other than helping Entrepreneurs get their business launched. 3. Crowdfunding Website for New Mobile Apps I personally know Believers Fund’s founder, so this is a favorite of mine. 4. A leading Crowdfunding Website for Creative Projects. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Oops! Eppela
