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Paintings That Will Make You Question Everything Wrong in This World

Paintings That Will Make You Question Everything Wrong in This World
Pawel Kuczynski is a Polish artist who specialises in images that make you think hard about the world we live in. While some of these may be hard to decipher, the message in all of them should be all too clear. These are some seriously intelligent and thought provoking works of art. And to mix it up a bit, here’s something a little less depressing (but equally amazing)… the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse which occurred the other night: And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a piece of original art to hang on your walls, check out artFido HERE! Related:  msbb86

Språkutvecklande övningar med Kahoot! – Hülya Med anledning av mitt förra inlägg där vi använde oss av Kahoot i elevernas språkutveckling har jag fått frågor om hur man kan använda Kahoot, om det behövs inloggning för eleverna mm. Därav skriver jag det här inlägget som enbart handlar om Kahoot och hur man kan använda sig av det i sin undervisning. Precis som alla andra verktyg tycker jag personligen inte att användandet av verktyget ska vara ett självändamål utan Kahoot bör ses som en resurs i lärandet som pågår. Hoppas det här inlägget ger svar på de frågor som uppstod i och med mitt förra inlägg! Länk till förra inlägg: Kahoot är en webbresurs där du skapar ett konto (gratis) för att sedan skapa interaktiva frågesporter så kallade Quiz. Vad behöver eleverna? Kan jag använda befintliga Kahoot? Det finns en hel del publika Kahoot som andra har skapat. Hur gör jag? Kahoot skapas på Förförståelse Träna ord och begrepp

When will men stop the catcalls? (Opinion) Your video will begin momentarily. A video showing a woman getting catcalls, lewd looks and unwanted comments goes viral Mel Robbins: In many states, it's illegal to harass women on the streetUnwanted attention can make a woman feel emotionally and physically uncomfortableRobbins: If a man wants to talk to a woman on the street, he should follow 3 basic rules Editor's note: Mel Robbins is a CNN commentator and legal analyst. She is the founder of, a positive news website and author of "Stop Saying You're Fine," about managing change. Robbins speaks on leadership around the world and in 2014 was named outstanding news talk radio host by the Gracie Awards. Follow her on Twitter @melrobbins. It can be very hard to explain why catcalls and unwanted comments amount to harassment. It's a very sobering and enlightening experience to watch the barrage of harassment happen. Mel Robbins The video is compelling, particularly for women. For a long time, I didn't see it that way. 1. 2.

25 maps that explain the English language English is the language of Shakespeare and the language of Chaucer. It’s spoken in dozens of countries around the world, from the United States to a tiny island named Tristan da Cunha. It reflects the influences of centuries of international exchange, including conquest and colonization, from the Vikings through the 21st century. The origins of English 1) Where English comes from English, like more than 400 other languages, is part of the Indo-European language family, sharing common roots not just with German and French but with Russian, Hindi, Punjabi, and Persian. 2) Where Indo-European languages are spoken in Europe today Saying that English is Indo-European, though, doesn’t really narrow it down much. 3) The Anglo-Saxon migration Here’s how the English language got started: After Roman troops withdrew from Britain in the early 5th century, three Germanic peoples — the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes — moved in and established kingdoms. 4) The Danelaw 5)The Norman Conquest 9) Canada Learn more

14 Expressions with Crazy Origins that You Would Never Have Guessed | Grammarly Blog Guest post by Anais John You probably use tons of expressions, idioms, and slang phrases every day that don’t make literal sense. If you ever thought long and hard about why you say something a certain way, you could probably make a guess. In case you didn’t know, historical events, legends, important figures, religion, and even advertisements form the basis of many expressions used today. Bite the bullet Meaning: To accept something difficult or unpleasant Origin: In the olden days, when doctors were short on anesthesia or time during a battle, they would ask the patient to bite down on a bullet to distract from the pain. Break the ice Meaning: To break off a conflict or commence a friendship. Origin: Back when road transportation was not developed, ships would be the only transportation and means of trade. Butter someone up Meaning: To impress someone with flattery Origin: This was a customary religious act in ancient India. Mad as a hatter Meaning: To be completely crazy Cat got your tongue?

Struktur: PPT – Par På Tid – Kooperativt Lärande Struktur: PPT – Par På Tid Par på tid kan du använda varje dag i din undervisning om du vill. Pedagoger som använt EPA beskriver att det trots påminnelser och spännande frågor inte riktigt givit den effekt de vill ha i sin grupp. Pedagogen delar upp klassen i parEleverna får en fråga av öppen karaktär Exempelvis: Vad tänkte du på när vi såg filmen? Strukturen inleds med en fråga kring ett innehåll, gärna av öppen karaktär med en personlig koppling till elevens förståelse och upplevelsevärld. Exempel: En klass arbetar med begreppet demokrati. Varför använda Par på tid eller parsamtal mellan elever? Klassexempel Struktur: EPA - enskilt, par, alla Det finns många strategier för att få eleverna delaktiga och kolla av att de hänger med under lektionen. I "Allmänt" Strategi: Multisvar Som lärare är det viktigt att få en överblick över sin elevgrupp och deras kunskaper. Struktur: Turas om Denna struktur kan du använda varje dag i din undervisning!

List of idioms in the English language This is a list of notable idioms in the English language. An idiom is a common word or phrase with a culturally understood meaning that differs from what its composite words' denotations would suggest. For example, an English speaker would understand the phrase "kick the bucket" to mean "to die" – and also to actually kick a bucket. Furthermore, they would understand when each meaning is being used in context. Visit Wiktionary's Category for over eight thousand idioms. See also[edit] References[edit] Jump up ^ "A bitter pill". Notes[edit] Jump up ^ Originally a hunting term.Jump up ^ Originally a British slang term for a quadruple amputee during World War I.Jump up ^ Originating with the English writer Francis Quarles who wrote:"Wee spend our mid-day sweat, or mid-night oyle;Wee tyre the night in thought; the day in toyle."

Träna hjärnan och bli smartare – Vi vet idag att hjärnan är plastisk. Det innebär att den kan stretchas och att vi kan träna upp vår hjärna att klara saker vi inte kunnat förut. Ett barn som har svårt med läsningen blir bättre på att läsa genom att träna. Kristina Bähr är barnläkare och har under flera år arbetet som skolläkare. Kan lära nya förmågor Förr trodde man att man föddes med en viss intelligensnivå och ett antal förmågor, som man sedan fick leva med. – Tekniken har hjälpt oss att mäta direkta effekter i hjärnan när vi tränar den. Det gäller även barn med en funktionsnedsättning och barn som är rent kognitivt svaga. – Har man svårt med kognitiva förmågor kan det vara svårare, men jag menar ändå att allt är träningsbart. Närvaro och fokus Kristina Bähr poängterar att det krävs ansträngning och att det är jobbigt att lära sig. – Är det inte är jobbigt så lär man sig inte, då jobbar man bara på autopilot och har inte aktiverat sitt tänkande i pannloben. Och så måste man ha fokus.

8 Fun and Effective Lesson Closures - Teach Starter Blog It’s happened to all of us, the intention is there but just as you’re thinking “I still have ten minutes…” the bell rings and the lesson ends with a frantic collection of work! Closing a lesson is just as important as the warm up, teaching instruction and independent work. A good closure will create a lasting impression and will have students reflecting on their own learning. It will also make a lesson more meaningful and relevant to the students and create a connection to previous knowledge. In an effective closure, the teacher will review and summarise a lesson, consolidate key information, create a link to new ideas and build anticipation for the next lesson. During a good closure, the students will be given an opportunity to express any concerns, ask questions and clarify their own understandings. As a teacher, it is important to keep an eye on the clock and manage your lesson to ensure you have adequate time for the essential closure. TILT – Today I Learnt That 3-2-1 Feedback One Word

Copy and paste for teachers – After Octopus Photo taken from ELTpics by @mk_elt, (CC BY-NC 2.0) Last week I finally got started on grading and feedback in the latest iteration of my writing skills online course, and thought I’d do a brief post on my comment bank. Note to self: see if you can come up with a catchier title than “My comment bank”. Last summer I was listening to an episode of the Professional Adjunct podcast, in which the hosts, Beth and Jim, discuss an article called “Ten Tips for More Efficient and Effective Grading”, originally published on Faculty Focus. I’m not a regular subscriber to this podcast, but the couple of episodes I’ve listened to have addressed various aspects of teaching online – the asynchronous kind, which I do. When they got to point 2 – comment banks – I remember it only then dawned on me that I had in fact been creating a comment bank for a few semesters without having expressly set out to do so, or even realizing that was what I’d been doing. So that’s it, really. Do you use a comment bank?

Too many lessons, too little time – – by Mike Astbury This is a guest post written by Šárka Cox and Peter Nobbs. Here are a number of quick speaking activities that can be used to practice a range of grammatical structures using a single resource, a set of verb phrase cards. These activities are adaptable for any language structure and can help you have an interesting and creative lesson without much preparation time. You can download the cards by clicking here. You need a set for every group of three students. Step one: Matching This stage introduces the verb and picture cards before you practise the grammar. Step two: Grammar Practice For each of the activity the setup is the same; Example language structures: 1. 2. 3. 4. Students take one card from each pile, as before and choose a gerund/infinitive or reporting verb and make a sentence using the three words. 5. When the teacher claps their hands, the students, using the prompts retell the story in reverse. Don’t forget to download the cards for these activities by clicking here. Like this:

Black Box Thinking for Teachers - Teaching and Learning Guru Black Box Thinking is a philosophy which allows learning to emerge from mistakes. The phrase was coined by Matthew Syed in his excellent book of the same title, where he examines performance and critical self-evaluation in sport, aviation, politics and many other fields. He took the term from the “black box” flight recorders fitted to aircraft, which contain vast amounts of data, to be used to inform future improvements, especially following the poor performance of human beings, the failure of systems and procedures, unexpected events and even complete disasters. How does black box thinking apply in education? In education, just as in aviation, we continually train ourselves and others, to help ensure consistently high performance. When teaching doesn’t work… A few years ago, Steve, a friend of mine working in another school called me on A Level Results Day. When the “data” doesn’t add up… Steve recalled some of the papers from the exam board to see what had gone wrong. Assess regularly.

ESL Warm Up Activities with Free PowerPoint Download | English Teaching 101 I use games and fun activities to warm up my class before the lesson begins, to break the ice or even as a time filler. Warmers bring energy to class and definitely fills the time with more learning when the lesson runs shorter than expected. Below are some of the games that I have been using in my ESL class. I decided to make them available for free again so I hope you would find them useful in your class. Disappearing Words In this simple activity, students are shown a word, phrase or sentence that disappears in 2 seconds! Game Type: Individual, Team Give Me 5! The teacher calls out a student to give 5 things on a given category in 30 seconds! Game Type: Individual Word Snake Each team makes a line near the board, then one student per team comes up to the white board and writes a word. Game Type: Team YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: No-prep ESL Vocabulary Games for Young Learners Hidden Pictures Hot Seat Game Type: Pair, Team Categories Guessing Game Game Type: Pair, Group Pelmanism Sleeping Pandas

When Kids Have Structure for Thinking, Better Learning Emerges | MindShift | KQED News Amidst the discussions about content standards, curriculum and teaching strategies, it’s easy to lose sight of the big goals behind education, like giving students tools to deepen their quantitative and qualitative understanding of the world. Teaching for understanding has always been a challenge, which is why Harvard’s Project Zero has been trying to figure out how great teachers do it. Some teachers discuss metacognition with students, but they often simplify the concept by describing only one of its parts — thinking about thinking. “When we have a rich meta-strategic base for our thinking, that helps us to be more independent learners,” said Project Zero senior research associate Ron Ritchhart at a Learning and the Brain conference. Helping students to “learn how to learn” or in Ritchhart’s terminology, become “meta-strategic thinkers” is crucial for understanding and becoming a life-long learner.

Grammar Auction: Turn grammar review into a game – tekhnologic This is not a new activity and you can find several descriptions of a grammar auction online. You may find these descriptions Grammar Auctions useful: Clare Lavery describes a Grammar Auction for Bjorn Norstrom describes a Grammar Auction for Dave’s ESL café’s idea cookbook. Alex Case suggests some variations on Grammar Auctions for The other day, I was trying to find some inspiration because I was having a difficult time thinking of something to create for the website. Watch this video for an introduction to the template and instructions on how to edit it. After you have watched the video, continue reading to download the template and for a more detailed description about using it in the classroom. Watch the tutorial video to see how to edit and use the Grammar Auction template.Video run-time is 3 minutes and 26 seconds. Click on the image or the link below to download the template. Download the Grammar Auction template. Click on a ‘hammer’ button. “Wow!
