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I Want to Write Android Apps. Where Do I Start?

I Want to Write Android Apps. Where Do I Start?

Teach Your Kids to Code: 6 Beginner's Resources for Parents Introducing computer programming to your kids can be a challenge, especially for those who aren’t familiar with the nuances of code. Fortunately, in the last few years, a number of apps, software, and guides have been produced that make the often-complex subject of computer coding easy to grasp for young learners. So where to begin? These are a few resources that parents can share with their kids to help them start learning about programming. Programming Tutorials From Made With Code by Google: Google's Made With Code project has a mission of encouraging girls to pursue careers in computer science. Inspiring Articles About Kids Learning to Code Still looking for some ideas? Coding Organizations for Kids For the non-coding parents, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

Google offers sweet new SDK to let Android devs join 'Lollipop' guild Managing SSL certificates with ease Android 5.0 "Lollipop" won't ship to the public for a couple more weeks, but Google has tossed developers a bone by releasing the final SDK and system images for select Nexus devices ahead of launch. The new Lollipop SDK that posted on Friday replaces the earlier Android L Developer Preview that the Chocolate Factory offered up at its annual Google I/O conference in June. There's a lot in it for developers to explore. Google describes Lollipop as "the largest Android release yet," with more than 5,000 new APIs. Technically, the release brings Android up to API level 21. From the user's perspective, Lollipop offers the new Material Design theme, improved notifications, better battery life, OpenGL ES 3.1, 64-bit support, and improved performance via the new ART runtime engine, among other features. In addition, the kit offers updated Android 5.0 system images for the Android Emulator for 32-bit, 64-bit, and 32-bit Android TV.

Get an MBA-Equivalent Education with These Free Courses iOS 8 review | The Verge Apple has become a different company this year. It’s undergone major personnel changes, promised to be a more open and friendly company, and released two new iPhones that are clear responses to consumer demand. A year ago, Apple released the most dramatic visual revision to iOS since the launch of the original iPhone in 2007. iOS 7 was a complete visual overhaul, a ditching of the skeuomorphic and obvious designs of years past and replacing them with a flatter, more colorful, and more modern interface. It was a striking visual change: it took some getting used to for longtime iOS users, and some of the design decisions were (and remain) questionable. But iOS 7 was a completely new-looking house built on an existing foundation. With iOS 8, Apple is tearing out the old foundation of iOS and replacing it with a new, friendlier platform. The most important thing Apple did with iOS 8 is open parts of the platform that have always been off-limits to third-party developers. The Breakdown

Die geheimen Tricks von Profi-Fotografen - Experten-Know-How - Foto, SLR & Camcorder Vergrößern Der Fotograf Igor Töpfer empfiehlt: "Nimm dir Zeit und mache dir Gedanken vor dem Shooting. Damit die Ideen nicht verloren gehen, schreibe oder zeichne ich mir diese auf. © Igor Töpfer Wie machen die nur solche genialen Bilder? 01. 02. Vom Fotografen Igor Töpfer stammt der Tipp, das Internet, diverse Zeitschriften und Bücher als Inspirationsquellen für Fotoshootings zu durchforsten. Folgende Fragen sollten Sie sich dabeistellen: Wie hat der Fotograf das gemacht? Vergrößern 01: Nur weil sich der Kölner Fotograf Joachim Rieger viel Zeit fürs Fotografieren genommen hat, konnte er dieses Foto mit dem auffälligen Boot schießen. © Joachim Rieger 03. Wer sagt denn, dass auf einem Foto immer alles zu sehen sein muss? Vergrößern 04: „Ich saß in meinem Auto und war auf dem Weg ins Büro holte meine Kamera und fuhr an die Alster. © Matthias Buchholz 04. Spontanität bedeutet nicht, alles dem Zufall zu überlassen. © Wolfgang Müller 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. © Stephanie Trenz 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

The 20 Websites You Need to Learn Math Step by Step Advertisement Learning math online for free can seem too good to be true. But it’s not. There are plenty of resources and plenty of sites that can teach you the necessary skills. Your age doesn’t matter. What seems daunting is finding the right sites for each level of math. The well known Khan Academy is a gold bookmark, but there are other sites out there worthy of your attention. Starting with Arithmetic Arthmetic shouldn’t be overlooked, as there is always a new and more efficient way at looking at numbers. The best site to learn arithmetic should be one that includes easy to follow instructions, shows more images rather than text, and lets the user practice with numbers. MathABC is the best site to practice arithmetic. No matter what age or level you’re at, you should give MathABC a try! Other suggested sites include: and Arithmetic Game, which provides an online speed drill. On to Pre-Algebra Up Next, Algebra 1 and 2 Go with Geometry IXL’s Geometry page is great. Statistics

Fragmentation des versions d'Android - novembre 2014 | Les évolutions des parts de marché depuis début septembre: Froyo -0,1% Gingerbread -1,6% Ice Cream Sandwitch -1,1% Jelly bean -2,9% KitKat +5,7% Google n'aillant pas publié de statistique pour le mois d'octobre, on passe directement au mois de novembre. On note la forte progression d'Android 4.4, grâce à la vente des nouveaux smartphones, mais aussi à la mise à jour de smartphone disponible. On note qu'il a fallu une année à Android 4.4 pour être présent sur 30 % des smartphones Android. L'évolution de la répartition des versions d'Android.

Android 5.0 Lollipop review Google has been on a mission to redefine itself as a design-focused company for some years now. With the release of Android 5.0 Lollipop on the new Nexus 6 phone and Nexus 9 tablet, that mission has reached an apotheosis. It's a sudden, jarring change from the Android we've known, now combined with a torrent of tweaks and features. It's easily the most important update to the world's most-used mobile OS in several years. It's a big deal. It's hard not to get metaphysical when talking about the design for Lollipop. Jony Ive’s mission at Apple was to get rid of skeuomorphism, where digital things imitate real-world objects. Like I said, it's hard not to get metaphysical. This is Google’s vision for the future of computing. Read our full review of the Nexus 6 Those fuzzy concepts about how an OS should look and feel do have practical effects. If you've used Android before, you don't need to worry about being lost. The best part might be the animations It's also, at times, garish.

Abrechnung der Nebenkosten - Nachzahlen, bitte! - Geld Viele Mieter bekommen in diesen Tagen die Nebenkostenabrechnung für 2013 zugeschickt. Nicht selten wird das teuer. Bevor sie zahlen, sollten sie aber ein paar wichtige Angaben überprüpfen. Jahresendspurt für die zweite Miete: Millionen Mieter bekommen in diesen Wochen noch ihre Nebenkostenabrechnung für das Jahr 2013. Für einen Großteil ist die Post vom Vermieter wieder unerfreulich. Nicht einfach zahlen, sondern erst nachrechnen Denen, die für 2013 noch einmal nachzahlen müssen, hilft die Aussicht auf bessere Zeiten aktuell aber nicht. Nicht nur private Vermieter, sondern auch die Profis in den Hausverwaltungen leisten sich demnach immer wieder Schnitzer beim Abrechnen. Wer unerwartet viel für 2013 nachzahlen muss, sollte seine alte Abrechnung vom Jahr davor heraussuchen und vergleichen. Auch der Vermieter muss sich an Fristen halten: Er hat zwölf Monate Zeit, um die Jahresabrechnung vorzulegen. Kontrollieren lohnt.
